"Were going to be late," sighed Sara as Grissom came inside still wearing his beekeeper suit.

"I have to document the experiment Sara," said Grissom. She wished she hadn't said that she knew what was coming, she liked to hear about his experiments but sometimes it was too much.

"Colony Collapse Disorder is a little-understood phenomenon in which worker bees from a beehive or Western honey bee colony abruptly disappear. The causes of this syndrome are not yet known. There are theories including environmental change-related stresses, malnutrition, pathogens including Israeli acute paralysis virus, mites, pesticides, radiation from cellular phones and genetically modified crops." Sara shuck her head dispaering into the cuboard while Grissom contiued speaking, "you know all of this could be caused by us, we could be killing them off and if it wasn't for experiments like this we may never find out why. Iknow you find some of my expermient exetric but they are useful," suddenly realsing his target aduance had diaspeared he stopped reay to lauch into speech aagin when he was interupted.

"Ok lets experiment," said Sara swinging the cupboard door open

Grissom jaw hung slightly agape as he stared at the women stood in front of him the white of the beekeeper hat standing out against her pale skin, it stood out so well because that was all she was wearing.

"I bet the hat would suit me as well," grinned Sara.