A/N: Hola. So this just kinda came out of nowhere. I was just sitting at my computer and I was like "Huh. I should open a new word document." So I did, and started typing, and ended up with this. It now has a plot line, but no title. I'll try to fix that. I spent the past half hour writing this. It was completely unplaned. It's also a complete 180 from my other MxM piece, Ghost Love Score. Yeah, about that. Though MxM is my all-time favourite pairing. Anyway, I thought this was cute. I had intended them to be kids at first. When I started typing the whole nightmare bit, that's what came to mind. And then the story happened. I'm thinking they're about thirteen. They do still live at Wammy's. Anyway, I hope you like this cute little bit of spontenity!

Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note. I do, however, own a death note from a con...

Matt sighed and walked over to the bed across the room from his. He shared the room with Mello and this was the second time the blonde boy had woken him that week. Quietly the red head knelt next to the bed and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. He knew better than to actually sit on the bed. Usually Mello would strike at the first thing in range.

"Mello, wake up," Matt said quietly, shaking the boy's shoulder. Still Mello continued to howl in fear, subconsciously fighting Matt's grasp. "Hey, Mel," Matt repeated a bit louder.

That did the trick. "DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" the blonde screamed, sitting up fast and trying to grab the hand on his shoulder.

Matt, however, was used to this reaction and knew to get out of the way. It took a few seconds for the blonde to figure out where he was. His blue eyes, wide with fright, scanned the darkened room until they came to rest on Matt.

"Matt!" Mello yelped in terror, launching himself off the bed and into Matt's lap.

"Another nightmare?" Matt asked needlessly.

Mello nodded, then looked annoyed. "Don't you ever get them?"

"Of course," Matt said casually, wrapping his arms slowly around the thin blonde so as not to startle him. "I just don't scream in my sleep. I wish you'd tell me what you dream about."

"I do not scream in my sleep," Mello hissed. He had turned his head so that he could glare up at Matt and still press himself into the red head's chest. The result was rather comical.

"Of course not," Matt rolled his eyes. "That's why I woke up. But you still didn't answer my question."

"You didn't ask a question," Mello answered flatly.

Matt paused for a second to consider this. He supposed the paranoid blonde in his lap was right. It hadn't been a question so much as a request. He sighed. There could be no victory once Mello had decided to be stubborn. A quick glance at the clock on their shared nightstand provided him with his next suggestion.

"It's two thirty. Just forget about it and let's go back to sleep."

Mello nodded, but instead of getting up he locked his arms around the other boy's waist. Matt glanced down at him to see that his eyes were shut tight and he was shaking. Cautiously the gamer slipped one hand under Mello's chin and tilted his face up to get a better view of it.

"Sleep with me," Mello said quietly, only daring to open one eye so that a slit of blue showed between his eyelashes. "I don't want to be alone."

Matt smiled and placed a chaste kiss on Mello's lips. "Of course. No need to ask."