I wrote this because Jacob deserves his own little sun. It's still kind of depressing, but at least Jacob's happy. This is my first fan-fic so please be understanding if it's not very good elfgirl564

disclaimer i do not own any of these charecters except Hope. all the other's belong to Stephenie Meyer.

Leaving Jacob Black

I was running now. The wind in my face and the rush in my ears was the only thing I wanted. I ran into the forest, feeling myself disappear with each stride. I was melting away, becoming one with trees whipping past me and the animals that ran around me. I forgot everything, fading into the large russet wolf. I had left the pack behind; they must have known not to try to talk to me. I was truly alone and that was the first thing I had been grateful for in weeks. I ran for what seemed like forever, the hours, the days, sliding into one another. I didn't care. Jacob Black was gone now; I could have stayed that way for the rest of my life. I sat and tried to remember why I was here, what I was running from. I couldn't think of anything, I wondered if it had all been a dream, if Jacob Black had even existed. Suddenly, strangely, it was important that I knew that much at least. I wanted to know if Jacob Black was real.

I ran back the way I had come, running faster then ever. In a matter of hours I had more then enough proof that Jacob Black was real.

How are you?


You don't sound ok to me.

Quil's voice joined Embry's tentative questioning. I just sighed and tried to ignore them; it didn't work until Sam joined us.

Leave him alone. Quil phase back and come over to my house.


I said after Quil and Embry had left us. Sam didn't reply, phasing back as soon as I spoke.

You are selfish creep, you know that? The rest of us have been working double time since you left! Get over the leech lover! She's as good as dead! Now get your butt back here before I have to drag it over!

I couldn't handle Leah's venomous ranting; actually I just couldn't handle Leah. I phased back and walked the rest of the way to my house. When I walked in the door I saw Billy sitting in the living room watching TV. He looked tired, like he hadn't slept since I left. Sam had probably called him to say I was coming back home. He wheeled his way into the kitchen where I was busy scarfing down cereal.

"Did you have a nice run?"

I shrugged in reply before tossing my bowl into the sink.

"I'm going to bed."

I said before walking down the hall and ducking into my room. I flung myself onto the bed and felt exhaustion creep over me. Bella, My Bella, was going to become a monster and I couldn't do anything about it.