I don't own DBZ/Better Then Me/or Nokia but I do have a Nokia flip phone with at&t sense cingular technically doesn't exist anymore .

Chapter 26

Goku was out of ideas. He and Vegeta tried a fusion, they tried fighting together, separately, needless to say Mirai wasn't much help. He was spaced off most of the time in his own thoughts. Vegeta was growing more and more frustrated, what hadn't they tried? Both he and Goku were beaten half to death by this new kid buu and Mirai was emotionally unstable at the moment.

Then it hit him! "Kakarott," he yelled, "you need to make a spirit bomb!"

"How," asked Goku, "there isn't enough life on this planet we've destroyed most of it during the fight!"

"King Kai," yelled Vegeta, "I need to send a message to the people of Earth."

"Yea ok," said Kai, "go for it."

"People of earth," he said, "I know you all feel like you have just woken from a very strange dream but believe me it wasn't. We need your help, we need you to hold your hands up in the air so we could have your inner energy to kill the buu monster."


The children, Gohan, Bulma, Chichi, and all the rest heard the message and lifted there hands up. Everyone else was not so convinced. Some people did as Vegeta asked but it wasn't enough. "Why should we listen to some invisible voice," shouted one man.

"Yea," agreed a woman, "if we can't see him he must not be there!"

"Go away phantom voice," yelled someone else, "mind your own business!"

"Listen," yelled Hercule who was also on the supreme kai's planet for some reason, "y'all need to listen to this guy and put your arms up in the air!"

"Hey it's Hercule," shouted the first man, "let's do what he says!"

"Yea," said the woman, "lets put our arms up and look like idiots cause Hercule says to!"

"Kakarot," said Vegeta, "how long do you need until the spirit bomb is done?"

"5 minutes," he said as the spirit bomb got bigger and bigger.

"I can give you that," said Mirai out of no where. Goku, Vegeta, and Hercule all three turned around surprised. He had been rather quiet up until now and they had forgotten her was there.

"5 minutes," said Vegeta, "that's all the time you have to distract him." Mirai nodded and walked toward Kid Buu. The others watched with worry as the 16 year old went to face the terror.

"Hey," he said, pointing to buu, "why do you kill people?" Everyone including buu was shocked by the question.

"Because it's fun," he said with an evil grin.

"Well, can I say something before you kill us all?" Buu seemed to consider it for a moment then nodded. "Well I want to tell it to you." Buu walked closer to him with listening ears (does buu even have ears?) "So this one time I'm at the mall right? This guy comes up to me asking me if I knew were the bathrooms were. I was all like 'why' and he's all 'its non of your business' and I was like 'well you're asking me'. Then he got all mad and asked someone else but they didn't know." As he rambled on and on Buu stood there with a sweatdrop coming down his head. What was he babbling about?

"I don't care," said Buu viciously.

"Oh, then how about I tell you about this. When I was little I wanted to be a fireman but I think a lot of guys wanted to be a fireman when they grew up. People would ask me 'what do you wanna be' and I would get all excited and say 'I wanna be a fireman!'…..I didn't really want to be a fireman. I just wanted to spray shit with the hose. I was really good with the hose, I could make it feel like it was raining.

I could not be a fireman!" Mirai was now laughing at himself. "If I go to a house and it was fully on fire, fuck that I quit! I would just stand outside with everybody else. The woman next to me would be like 'Please my son is screaming in there' and I would be all 'well he's probably on fire. That's what happens when your on fire lady you…what are you doing out here you fucking think for yourselfer? Couldn't you have at least make a map for him or something?" Buu growled.

'I don't care I just want to kill you all!"

"A police man? I don't know how they do that job man. I just heard about this, a couple of cops shot at this guy like 15 times because they said they thought he had a grenade…He was eating a pair! How do you fuck that up, unless he took a big bite out of it and was all 'OOOOH THIS IS A DELICIOUS PAIR!' then I would probably shoot at him to."

"Who cares," asked a now angry buu.

"Oh you know once I had a job that was cop like. One summer I did security at a miniature golf course. Just standing out in the sun all day 'hey hey, get your putter out of the whale's ass! This is not a playground even though it looks like a playground. It's a place of miniature business. I don't come to your job and stick putters up your computers ass do I?'" Buu growled again and balled his fists up. He was about to pulverize the kid when he heard Goku tell him to get out of the way. Mirai disappeared and a giant energy blast consumed Buu killing him entirely.


Mirai, Goku and Vegeta stood before a now very pleased looking Yamma. "Okay," he said, "you may return to earth. Mirai Trunks, your next order of business is-"

"King Yamma," he interrupted, "I'm not in any position to ask any favors but could you do this one for me?" Yamma gave him a skeptical look but nodded, "could you give Mirai Prince Vegeta another shot at life?" Yamma was taken aback by the request.

"Very well but he is to do his operations in the time line you are in. No one is aloud in your timeline for it is a land of destitute and-"

"Ya ya," said Vegeta, "we heard all of this in chapter 21!" Yamma glared at Vegeta but continued.
"No one is allowed in your time line because it is a land of destitute and no one should live there, there you see!? Thought I was going to say 'suffering' didn't you? Well you were wrong, Vegeta, you were wrong!" Vegeta just looked at him like he had lost his mind, which he probably did, wouldn't you after years of having his job? Filling out paper work non stop, reading into other people's lives, being freakishly big and other worldly, having a poor staff working for you? You get the idea.

"could we be transported back now," asked Goku.

"Yea sure," said Yamma. The scene did a swervy thing and they were transported back to earth. Mirai Vegeta and a few people no one really cares about looked around the beautiful scenery. It was amazing, they had no idea how it was they were transported from the horrid land they lived on to the landscape before them. A realization crept over them that they forgot how to live in a real society but we don't care because they are just other worldly people we don't need to concern ourselves about.

Mirai Vegeta and Trunks both exchanged looks. The air around them became thick and uncomfortable. "Um, Vegeta," said Goku, "they need some alone time."

"Yea," agreed Mirai's old friend Gizmo, "we should go." Gizmo was the genius in Mirai's timeline who helped out after the death of Bulma. (If you do not recall him his hair is usually a different color) today his hair was dark neo blue. Everyone left to god only cares where.

"Hey," said Trunks, "long time no see." His tone was flat and monotoned.

"Yea," said Vegeta, "I believe the last time we saw each other you tried to kill me."

"Yea about that, sorry, I guess."

"You guess," he asked lifting a dark brow.

"I wasn't really all upstairs."

"I figured that part by myself. OH and about those Brujah I killed."

"Yea, don't worry about them, they were just, yea, you know."

"Yea I know. And that kid who liked you?"

"Not so much anymore I don't think. I kind of unkilled him."

"Oh yeah, I saw that, I know. It was actually the first time I ever saw someone turned by a Malk."

"Yea, not really pleasant to watch."

"He went all mentally disturbed."

"How far off the deep end was he?"

"Could have been worst."

"Yea, I guess."

"He predicted the arrival of buu though."

"Yea, so did I." It grew very quiet between them. "Well, I'm going to go then."

"Yea, me to, I have to try and work for that primogin position again."

"Oh you did it once, I'm sure you can do it again."

"Yea," said Vegeta. They gave each other one last look then left. That was the last time would ever see each other again for a very long time.

………………………………………one year later………………………………………..

Mirai walked into the Poison Blade. He and MV made a deal, Mirai took someone out of the picture that stood between MV and the position of primigen and Mirai would get the Poison Blade. He walked over to the bathroom and looked at 'his' stall. It was the first stall he ever publicly fucked in and it just so happened to be with Terry.

I think you can do much better than me
After all the lies I made you believe
Guilt kicks in and I start to see
The edge of the bed
Where your nightgown used to be
I told myself I wouldn't miss you
But I remembered
What it feels like beside you
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me

Speaking of Terry, he had just walked into that same bathroom when Mirai was about to leave it. Mirai opened to door and saw Terry standing there.

Mirai walked back a few steps and Terry stood across from him. "So," he said, "how ya feeling?"

"We've been better," said Terry, "we're getting the hang of this cursed blood though." Mirai smirked and so did Terry. Mirai suddenly remembered that night when he brought Terry here. He danced on a table for him next to some hot girls. Regardless of his bisexual and nympho nature, the only thing on his mind that night was Terry. He also remembered the first that it was Terry's first time.

While looking through your old box of notes
I found those pictures I took
That you were looking for
If there's one memory I don't want to lose
That time at the mall
You and me in the dressing room
I told myself I won't miss you
But I remembered
What it feels like beside you
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me

Terry remembered one of the dates the two were on. Mirai drug him to the mall to try on stuff without buying it. Mirai looked so gorgeous in that white button up shirt with four of the top buttons undone, that dress jacket, the tripp pants with the white lace on the straps that had chains on them. His black and white converse and the black pinstripe hat.

"Do you remember back when we were together the world seemed to be ours or was that just me," asked Terry with a chuckle.

"I felt that way to. I remember how we laughed together and the fight we had about me flirting with a victim."

"It seems like it was a really stupid fight to us now. It feels now like we totally over reacted but back then we thought we were right to be angry. we didn't really understand then."

"My angel into darkness, you are still as innocent as you were then. Tell me dark angel, who did you bring with you?"

"We didn't bring anyone."

Now the bed I'm in is getting colder

Wish I never said it's over

And I can't pretend

That I won't think about you when I'm older

Cause we never really had our closure

This can't be the end

Mirai felt a burning in his eyes. Terry saw this and walked over to him. Mirai turned around to leave but he was stopped by a pair of arms wrapping around his waist and pull him back. Mirai turned around and saw Terry. Mirai let a tear run down his cheek and Terry shushed him and hugged his old boyfriend. "I'm so sorry," he whispered in Terry's ear. Terry closed his eyes. He couldn't help but believe him. Mirai fell to his knees and Terry went down with him.

I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me

Terry looked at Trunks with pity. He couldn't hold it in any longer, he gave Mirai a passionate kiss, the two were never meant to be together 'star crossed lovers'. Mirai also knew this but didn't care at the moment, he had Terry for himself for the moment so he returned it.

I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me
(And I think you should know this)
(You deserve much better than me)
(And I think you should know this)
(You deserve much better than me)
(And I think you should know this)
(You deserve much better than me)
(And I think you should know this)

Mirai felt a heat come from Terry and stood up. Terry got up as well and the two walked out of the bathroom. They walked over to a door that said employee's only and Mirai lead him in. They went up a set of metal stairs up to a walk that went around the club. They came to the back wall where there was an old elevator that looked almost like a cage with a platform bottom to stand on. Mirai closed the first gate and then the second and pulled the lever and up they went.

He stood behind Terry and whispered in his ear "Do you remember last year when we said we could do a Rocky Horror reenactment? Well, I'm feeling a bit of a mind fuck coming on."

"Hehe you and I always did get along like fire hoses."

"With minds as twisted and confused as ours, who knows what might happen."

"The mirrors of our minds are cracked, lets shatter them."

The elevator stopped and Mirai walked over to a door. He unlocked it and pulled Terry in and locked it behind him. Terry looked around, it could almost pass as a home. There was a living room with a couch, a tv, a coffee table, a chair, and a book case. There were two steps up to the small dining area with a table and a couple of chairs and next to it was a kitchen like area with a refridgerator, a sink, and a couple of counters. There were three doors, one with a sign that said office, a bathroom, and an empty room.

"Wait," he said, "what about Salem?"

"What about her? I don't live here, Salem is at CC."

"No kidding," Terry said as he was pulled into the room, "how do I know this isn't just lust?"

"You don't," said Mirai, "I don't. For all we know, we don't even love each other. This is most likely just lust." Terry thought about this for a moment, they had a whole eternity to make up for sins, this one wouldn't hurt, would it?


What did you guys think? I would have put the lemon in here but I feel that we have already gone off the deep and and border teen without anymore perversions.

The sequal will be called


See you there!

A special thank you to Siriusrulez for helping out you have no idea how much easier you made this with your awesome ideas hope you read the sequal!