Title:Myths About Elm St.
Author:Hiko Mokushi
Word Count: 479
Prompt:Day 12 – Terror
Notes: Yaaay. I finished. :) Yea, I was also told that I mixed up my horror stories by a friend. Nightmare on Elm St. is Freddie and Jason is Friday the 13th. Oh well. (laughs) I never claimed to be a horror buff.

Summary: She knew it was wrong, but it felt so good.

"How the hell did we get sucked into this thing?"

"Well, most likely because you're dating two of them and I'm the only one who isn't afraid?"

Hermione rolled her eyes, walking closer to the Slytherin. "She wasn't talking literally, Luna."

The pale blonde shrugged and danced ahead, waving.

Hermione and Pansy screamed; grabbing each other around the arms and squeezing their eyes shut.

A deep laughing echoed around them, and Hermione's head snapped up. She pulled from Pansy and lashed out, scratching at the young man's face with a vengeance. "Malfoy, you asshole!" He dodged around her, almost running into Pansy—she shivered, clutching at herself, and pulled away; her eyes closed.

The blond pulled his hockey mask up and off his face, smirking roguishly. "Hey there, Granger," he whispered, lowering his mask back down. He stepped forward closer to her, mock-breathing heavily. "Not scared of a mask, are you?"

"Jackass." Hermione reached up and pulled the mask away, slapping at his head. Her grabbed her hands and pinned them to her sides to get her to stop. "Of course not. I've seen more Michael Myers movies than years you spent at Hogwarts."

"C'mon, Luna," Pansy said, winking at Luna. "Let's go find my boy." She dragged the woman away by the arm.

Draco's hand lingered by her waist; his fingers twitched slightly, scrabbling gently at her hipbone. She pulled away, glancing around frantically. "Malfoy, stop it. Somebody could see. Let's just get back to the Terror Hike."

"Who cares?"

"I'm dating Ron!" She tried to look intimidating, but it was difficult when she had to incline her head so much to look at him. "I can't do this. . ." The smirk on his face was enough to make her crazy—but in a way she would rather not have admitted. Every step she took backwards was a little less than his step forward. Her back pressed roughly up against the bark of a tree. His knuckles brushed her cheek, and she shivered involuntarily.

He pressed his lips to the corner of her mouth. "How about we go get lost in the Field of Forgotten Souls?"

For a moment, the brown-haired witch paused, trying to resist.

The citrusy smell of his breath clogged her senses. She turned her head the second before he pulled away and pressed her lips roughly against his. Her back pressed harder up against the tree as the young man slid his body into the space between her spread legs and wrapped them around his middle.

"Say you love me, Hermione," he whispered between kisses, and she couldn't deny the pleading look in his gaze.

It softened her heart; arms around his neck, pulling him close. "I love you, Draco."

Hidden behind the foliage of the forbidden forest, and pressed up against a tree, she wasn't surprised to see Ron couldn't find her.