Seducing Your Boss

Disclaimer: I sadly do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters from Inuyasha

Chapter I

"BEeep" The light flashed on the phone.

"Pant Ah Pant K-Kikyou!"

"BEEEP" The light flashed again.

Clicking the answering button Inuyasha replied "Pant Yeah? What is it?"

"Sigh Inuyasha Sesshomaru needs you in his office" said Rin.

"Well pant I'm a little busy doing something right now."

"Well he needs you in his office now" said Rin disgusted at the thought of what they were doing.

"F-fine I-I'll be right there just tell him to wait" Inuyasha growled hanging up.


Rin walked over to Sesshomaru's door to his office and knocked.

"Come in" he answered. Rin opened the door and looked at Sesshomaru.

"Well?" Sesshomaru asked.

"He's busy at the moment doing someone" Rin said not corrected herself on someone.

"Ugh tell him that it involves that car he wanted" Sesshomaru said.

"Alright" Rin walked back out buzzing Inuyasha again.


"Pant God dammit what Rin?!" Inuyasha yelled into the speaker.

"Inuyasha Sesshomaru wants to talk to you about that car you've been wanting.." Rin paused.

"The Lamborghini Gallardo!" Inuyasha finished (And I mean he finished the sentence) "I'll be right there." (I love those! I have a silver one :D )

Rin sighed "there's only one thing Inuyasha loves more then sex, women, and money and it's cars."


"Sorry Kikyou but were going to have to continue this another time" Inuyasha said picking up his clothes from different sides of his office.

"Awe but Inu-baby we were only getting started" Kikyou said wrapping her arms around Inuyasha's chest, kissing his neck and shoulders, slowly letting her nails rake against his abs going farther down when Inuyasha stopped her, grabbing her hands. (Cough slut cough)

"Sorry babe but business is business and I promise once I get my car I'll take you for a ride in it" Inuyasha said wiggling his eyebrows.

Kikyou giggled, also picking up her clothes and putting them on. "Ok see ya later Inu" Kikyou said walking seductively to the door moving her hips turning around she blew Inuyasha a kiss and left.

Sigh "Sesshomaru better not be lying" Inuyasha growled hauling his pants on. Sigh "God I need a cold shower."


Outside the door Kikyou frowned in disgust taking out her cell phone she dialed a number when a voice answered "Yes Love?"

"I can't do this much longer it's sickening" Kikyou spat out.

"Don't worry I don't think you'll have to do this any more come over and I'll reward you and help ease your pain" the voice whispered seductively.

"Alright" she answered hearing the pulse tone she hung up leaving the building to get her reward.


When he was dressed and looked presentable Inuyasha left his office stepping into the elevator which Hojo the doorman, who just smiled at Inuyasha and looked at the buttons. "Which-"

"Top" Inuyasha interrupted smirking at the thought of his new car.

"Ding.. Ding" the elevator sounded passing each floor getting the very top floor. The door opened letting Inuyasha step out. "Would you-"

"Don't wait" Inuyasha said continuing to walk away to the office door that said "Mr. Takahashi, Sesshomaru" Inuyasha fehed 'they should just write Ice King.' Not knocking Inuyasha walked in passing Rin and not even hearing her say hello just kept on walking thinking about his new car.

"Not knocking like always Inuyasha" said Sesshomaru.

"Feh not like your going to be fucking in here, infact I don't even think you have a sex life" Inuyasha said smirking.

"You'd be surprised" Sesshomaru said spinning his chair around to face Inuyasha who was lying down on the couch. "And I don't remember I calling you up here to lay around."

"You didn't Rin did but that doesn't matter now about my car" Inuyasha turned his head to look at his half brother.

"Yes I'm willing to give you an offer" Sesshomaru said.


"I'm firing some of the staff and a hiring new ones including Kikyou."

"What? But why she's a great secretary you can't fire her" Inuyasha said sitting up straight now.

"I can, and I will, she doesn't do any work only satisfy you and that doesn't help this company" Sesshomaru said growled.

"Yes but if I'm satisfied then I can work better" Inuyasha argued.

"Well then she's not doing very good, because you're doing nothing" said Sesshomaru. "But your not here to discus that she's fired end of story, the reason I called you here is because if I give you another secretary I know you well only fuck her also."

"Feh I need to do something to pass the time" Inuyasha muttered.

"Well I'm willing the make a bet with you if you can go one month without fucking, kissing, touching, or any thing else in the category with your new secretary then you can have that car you wanted for free and your free to do what ever you want with her after" Sesshomaru said leaning back in his chair watching his brother carefully.

"Really? Yeah, I can do that new car here I come" Inuyasha said smiling opening the door about to leave.

"Inuyasha?" Sesshomaru said stopping him from leaving "also if she quits you still lose the bet."

"Fine whatever, that's not a problem what women would complain or quit when their working for me" Inuyasha said smirking.

After the door closed Sesshomaru turned around in his chair looking out the window "oh I know someone who would" (Muwahahaha what is Sesshy up to now?)

So how did you like it?




Anything if you got something to say, say it even flames I don't care
