A/N: Okay, I got a few requests to write a reply from Harry so I thought I would give it a try! Sorry, I don't actually love it as much as Ron's, and it's really short, but I'd love to know what you thought of it. Thanks to everyone for their reviews on the last chapter, it meant so much to me!

My dearest husband,

As you lay sleeping in the hammock next to me, in this idyllic place you have brought me to for our honeymoon, I can't help but be overwhelmed by my love for you. It makes me want to laugh and cry and jump for joy all at the same time. You are the most beautiful and romantic man I have ever met, I get chills just thinking about that letter you wrote me. You know the one.

It is not something I can read without feeling the need to respond.

I've never met any man more powerful than you. You are the strongest, sexiest and most amazing man that I have ever known. To this day, it still surprises me how safe and protected I feel when your arms are surrounding me. Until I met you, I never knew what it felt like to feel peace. My life had always been filled with tension and doubt and fear, and then you wandered in and became my safe haven. You taught me how to laugh and feel joy and that I am someone worthy of getting my dreams. You are my dream Ron and I don't know what I did to deserve you but I swear to spend every minute of the next hundred or so years trying to make you as happy and whole as you make me every day.

You were the first person in my life to love me just for who I am and to accept me unconditionally. I don't think you will ever know exactly how much that meant to me. You are, and always will be, my hero.

I'm in awe of you every day and am so proud of the man you have become, and what you have made of your life. Of our life together.

I never knew I could feel as much love as I feel for you. You are my favorite thing in the entire world, including quidditch. And that's really saying something!

Thank you for loving me, and for doing me the unequaled honor of becoming my husband.

I love you.
