This is my new story about what actually goes on when Jude and Tommy leave on their trip. I hope you like if and if there are terms or words you don't understand, just comment and ask I'll tell you. Although I think I did my best in explaining it within the story…Let me know what you think.

Oh and I know some of the words aren't like exact translations, but its hard to find translations in Punjabi 


The sights and sounds of the open air market excited her senses and woke her up that morning. She was usually sleepy but knew a walk down to her favorite store a few streets over would do her good. She watched her reflection pass in the puddles from the recent rain as she walked. She hardly recognized her self, and the girl from a year prior was no where to be seen. This girl, this new one, she was caught up in a world of culture, family, and color. These people were vibrant in everything they did in life, and all Jude wanted to do, was try to be more like them. She wanted to enjoy life like them.

She pulled the veil tighter around her head to somewhat hide her blonde hair. She was just now getting the locals to accept her and realize she wasn't just a tourist who decided to stick around. She cared about the culture and the people; she wanted to learn from them. The pink sari she wore started to become lose, and she stopped on the side of the street for a moment to tighten it. Samar, the little boy from a few apartments down ran up to her, "Sat Sri Akal Miss Jude," he said as he skidded to a stop at her feet.

"Well hello to you too Sam, how are you? How is your mother?" She said as she squatted down to be eye level with the boy.

"We are well, thank you. She said 'Tell young Jude when she wants to learn how to make traditional vegetarian Punjabi dinner, to just ask. I am sure she would make Nanak proud." Jude stood and laughed.

"You tell her that I am honored, but I don't know if the Guru would like my cooking… See you later Samar, ya?"

"Aacha, ok"

He ran down the street, his school books in hand. It was early; usually Samar was gone to school when she woke up. It was his after school visits Jude loved the most. He would come by her apartment and they would sit outside on the steps and watch the people come and go who lived in their building. In the heart of Punjab, the people were poor and the culture was rich. This is the only place on earth Jude wanted to be.

As she wondered by the shops and stalls the smell of curry and sugar cane filled her head. The tall, freshly cut sugar cane branches laid in piles as their sweet juices seeped out onto the ground. The barrels of fresh wheat and occasionally rice sat on almost every street corner as the venders tried to peddle their goods. She stopped at one of her favorite vendors, Jeevan, who swore he sold the finest Sari's in all of India. He was an older man, his beard was graying slightly, and he still wore a traditional turban wrapped tightly around his head. His stall was squeezed in between someone selling flowers on one side, and someone cooking with curry on the other. Jude savored the lingering smells as she entered into his small stall, gazing at the sights of the saris hanging in every available space.

"Ohh Miss Jude, do I have the Sari for you! I've been saving it since last week!" he exclaimed as he ran behind a curtain in his market stall and brought out a beautiful but simple royal blue Sari. Jude gazed at it lovingly and lightly touched the silk and the beading.

"This is wonderful," she whispered to herself, "Jeevan it's beautiful." He laughed in excitement.

"None of the other women will buy blue, it does nothing for them. But you Miss Jude, it will make you look like the prettiest woman in the world. Uncover your hair, do your make up…surely we will find you a good Panjabi husband in no time!" Jude laughed and started to pull money from the small purse she held.

"How much do I own you Jeevan?" she said ignoring his prior comment.

"2000 rupees Miss Jude," he said handing the dress over to her in exchange for the money. Jude smiled at her purchase, she would wear it tonight.

"Thank you Jeevan, you always offer such a fair price."

Jude walked back to her small flat and stowed the Sari in the back of the closest. She quickly retraced her steps and made her way to her final destination. There was a small Punjabi restaurant that kept a special item just for her. She supplied them, and they made it. It wasn't to hard to find, but she ended up just paying for Sadie to ship her everything. This was the one thing she couldn't give up. As she rounded the corner a few minuets later she could already almost smell the brew even though she was a block or two away. The region was known for its killer dairy products and Jude just couldn't wait to drink the last bit of crème she didn't use. She used fresh sugar cane juice instead of sugar and now she couldn't imagine using anything else. American coffee in India just wasn't the same, and now her coffee never would be.

She greeted the family who ran the restaurant and took up her usual table out on the patio where she could watch all the people and the happenings in the market. The restaurant wasn't large but they always had a good crowd. Jude admired the striped awning that kept the bright sun from shining into her eyes and she sighed as the wind blew and the smell of her coffee filled the air. Gemma, the girl whose family owned the small restaurant approached Jude and sat down her tray at her table. Gemma was beautiful, with dark hair and mocha colored skin, but with eyes so green they looked as if they weren't real. But they were and they made Gemma someone to envy. She and Jude were about the same age, Gemma was fascinated with western culture, and Jude was fascinated with anything Gemma had to tell her.

"You're early this morning," Gemma said as she took a seat next to Jude.

"I know I just couldn't stay in that apartment anymore." She said as she started to perfectly mix her coffee.

"I know how that could be; sometimes I think I might just scream if I have to come back to this restaurant one more day." She said as she brushed her hair out of her face.

"It's nice here. The people are nice. You should feel lucky to work somewhere so…"

"Nice?" Gemma finished for her, "Ya, you could live anywhere, but you choose to live here, with us? I don't get you." Gemma said as she sighed.

"Gemma, we've talked about this before! One of the reasons I left was to escape that life style I lived in, and to learn to embrace something else, something more worthwhile."

"Have you been writing?" Gemma asked cautiously.

"Mostly at night, when it's late, I'll write. I've been doing it more and more lately," Jude said with a downcast look.

"Ah why you look so sad? You have talent, Nanak bless you with something wonderful! Share it again with people." Gemma encouraged.

"Gemma, it's not that easy!" Jude said. She took a sip of her coffee and savored the sweet taste in her mouth.

"Why tell me," she said as she pushed Jude for an answer.

"Look, I've never felt like this in my life Gem, I'm happy and not stressed out. I'm just worried if I start to write again…well…"

"Well what?"

"I'll…that I'll want to go back"

Gemma sighed and stood up, "Jude, I would give anything to be able to get out of this place, I want something better for my life. Where you come from, I believe, in my heart it offers that. I know you love our culture Jude, and our people, but don't forget, you have your own people too."

Jude sat in her own misery drinking her coffee. Her perfect morning had been ruined. Gemma was right, she did have her own people. Little did Gemma know what her "own people" comprised of. She was conveniently ignoring them all back home, and the only person who had her address was Sadie. She dreaded going back and having to face them all.

But then she started to smile.

She watched as the figure moved closer to her, bobbing and weaving his way thought the crowded market. He stood out like a sore thumb, they both did. She didn't remember him wearing the black Kurta today, but it accented his eyes and his hair nicely in the sun light. He had gotten up extra early and went into downtown to take care of some financial business. They spent the rest of their days…doing nothing. Taking in the culture and sometimes they would arrange for a car to take them around to different local cities. A week long trip to the beach was planned for the up coming week.

As he approached her, she couldn't contain her joy as she got out of her chair and ran to greet him. She landed in his arms and buried her face in his neck, inhaling his scent.

"You ok?" he whispered as he felt her cool skin between the layers of her Sari. Jude just nodded. He held her their slightly longer before he pulled her back and removed the veil from her head. Her short blonde hair shined in the sunlight and he fingered it gently as he leaned in and captured her lips. Usually this would be frowned upon in this culture, but the locals had become accustom to their weird actions, in fact they nick named the couple, "devdas," which means "the lovers". Jude buried her hands in his hair and gazed into his eyes.

"Thank you for bringing me, to a place like this," She said.

"You don't have to thank me Jude; I should be the one thanking you…"

"No but I mean we've been here for what almost a year now, and I'm happy and I believe you're happy…You are the only one I would want to share this with…Don't ever make me go home before I ready, promise?" she said. He leaned in again and kissed her lips.

"I promise Jude." He whispered against her lips.

"I love you Tommy" she said.

"I love you too Jude."