A/N: So here it is! In total 74.1 of those that reviewed wanted an epilogue or follow up story (18.5 thought it was fine the way it was, and 7.4 had no comment...)

This will be a lead in to the next story that will be a follow up story! So look forward to that! Let's see...I am also planning for a story that will precede this story and answer some of the other questions brought up (like 'how did Mai know of Gene' and so on and so forth). Look out for a one-shot coming up and also a story that will be in the 'M' rated section (which I am finishing up now).

By the way, for any that care, I did shoot my buck Sunday night and I could not have been happier! It was a nice little 3-point!

Uh...I think that is about it! Please enjoy and review! I look forward to hearing from everyone!


Lost Before the Dawn-Epilogue

"Naru!" an irate and fuming Mai called from the kitchen of a modest western style home, "how many times do I have to tell you! Please put the dishes in the sink when you are done with them!"

From the other room Naru sighed and rolled his eyes. He had been trying to read a book while leisurely resting on his couch, but Mai was in full cleaning mode today and therefore nothing was going to be quiet.

It had been about a month since the orphan had come to live in his home that he shared with Lin. Of course the move-in was purely for health reasons and nothing more, Naru assured himself of that fact everyday they were together. At first, Mai had tried her very best to be a polite and respectful guest but that behavior didn't last long. It was only a matter of time before she had already taken on the role of some kind of maid or housekeeper. She made dinner, did laundry, cleaned the house, and did any other odd chore she could come up with.

Naru had tried to stop the strange behavior, it might be adverse to her health after all, but Mai would have none of it. It was not long after that Mai's presence started to feel normal…like she was always supposed to be there with him…like this was where she belonged.

Lin walked slowly through the living room and looked down at his boss, "you didn't put the dishes away again?"

"Yeah, apparently something terrible will happen if I place them on the counter rather than in the sink…" he said sarcastically. The older man sent him a knowing smirk. Since Mai arrived she had started to slowly but effectively take on the "wife" role in the house. Lin wondered momentarily if Naru had figured it out yet that Mai was indeed acting like a wife and nothing less…probably not since he was still rather unknowing of such things.

Mai had been discharged from the hospital after a few more days of observation and tests. The doctors had concluded that she did have some damage to her memory, but it seemed that it was only some minor short term memory loss. The tests were inconclusive on if there were any more serious damage or lasting effects from her trauma and the coma. The doctors had suggested that she be kept under observation and that she should be brought in for monthly check ups. Due to this the decision had been made, quite unilaterally, that Mai move in with them since they were most qualified to keep watch on her.

She had strongly opposed this but Naru played the card the she owed him after what she had done and with that she complied without further complaint. Lin knew that she was actually pretty happy with the arrangement for he would catch her with the most pleasant of expressions on her face when she thought no one was looking. She recently was able to return to school as well as resume her work at the office. Even though Naru tried to act indifferent, he was much softer on the girl than he had ever been before, though he was being inconspicuous about it.

Lin sighed as he took a seat opposite to the teenager, picking up a paper for him self to browse through. It had been such a short time but none the less not much progress had been made in the way of the teen's budding relationship. Not knowing how to properly deal with his new found feelings Naru had promptly reverted to his usual self, much to Mai's dismay. Lin was amazed at the girl's patience. Picking up on Naru's inability to deal with his feels she decided to not push the issue and take things slow. While at the hospital she would make him help her with every little thing, just to help him feel comfortable with contact…while she was awake this time rather than the 'her' that was unconscious. Lin smiled at the memories.

Mai would dramatically claim she could not eat unless Naru helped her with the food, which usually entailed him feeding her small bites that he was cutting up while sitting at her side. She similarly could not fall asleep without him holding her hand since she claimed she was afraid to do so and he would wordlessly comply much to her elation. The first few days after she arrived at their home, things were not much better. The bathroom, bedtime, getting changed, eating…she insisted that he aid her in the tasks. Lin recalled how amusing it had been. He chuckled softly to himself at the thought.

Mai had slowly weaned from that to firmly embedding herself in the daily running of the house. She slowly and meticulously ingrained her presence into the boy to the point that it almost seemed as if she truly were his wife. It would have been perfect if not for Naru's clueless and indifferent, aloof nature. Besides the fact that he seemed more gentle and conscious of the girl, not much had changed as far as the everyday way he treated her since they had professed their love for one another. To Lin's knowledge there had not been a single kiss or affectionate gesture since.

In the beginning it seemed that Naru was treating Mai as if she were a fragile doll that would break at any time. He danced around her with the utmost care, not wanting to risk breaking her with his touch. As time went on he finally pulled himself from that trend of thought and resumed what Lin could only describe as normalcy. It seemed as if the boy was trying to act as if nothing had transpired at all. Lin was surprised at the way Mai was handling the situation as a whole. He would have thought that as soon as Naru tried to pretend that nothing had happened that she would have beaten the fact right back into him with violent and angry blows. But she was amazingly quiet, calm, and patient. Sure she pretty much lost her temper at the drop of a hat whenever Naru teased her but it was the same as before and Lin could see the joking glint in her eye as they fought. When would they finally be able to step closer to one another and actually act like they were in love?

The phone that sat on the coffee table next to the couch sounded off suddenly breaking Lin from his thoughts and breaking the silence of the house. Naru promptly picked it up and supplied a few short responses before he hung up at sat the phone back in its dock.

"I have to run to the office real quick." He voiced as he stood up and made his way to the front door.

"Do you need me to come along?" Lin questioned even though he already knew the answer. Naru would never leave Mai by herself.

"No" the boy said shortly, "I will return before dinner." He gracefully made his way to the door and started to pull his shoes on when Mai walked to the doorway.

"Are you leaving, Naru?" She looked at him innocently.

"Yes" he said smoothly, "I will be back by dinner."

"Yeah, you had better" she huffed with hands resting on her hips lightly, "I didn't cook all that just so you could skip out…"

"Okay." He smirked up at her.

"…" her frustrated and annoyed look faded under his grin and she returned a smile softly, "Be careful, okay?"

"Of what?" he questioned as he stood giving her a bemused look.

"What do you mean!?" she retorted loudly, "I am supposed to bid you farewell and wish you a safe return! I don't want you to get hit by a car or something!" The weight of her words hit her a little too late since they had already left her mouth. She internally cringed at the implication of what she had just said but she looked at Naru who never missed a beat…

"Okay, I will be careful" he said with a hidden smile, "call me if you need anything." He opened the door and walked out.

"Bring some milk home." She said shortly as she stood in the doorway. He said nothing but waved an arm up in recognition of her request. Mai bit her lip and smiled before she closed the door on the fleeting figure. She sighed, 'Man that was stupid of me to say.' She thought to her self as she solemnly made her way back to the kitchen. 'I slipped up, and when I have been so careful to avoid…that…subject.'

Mai thought back to when she was still in the hospital after she had awoken. Even after the doctors had assured Naru that she was out of danger he refused to leaver her side, just as he had done when she was in a coma. It was on that night that Naru had told her to get some sleep…


'I am not really that tired' she had whined and rolled over to look at him. Her arms were stinging from the intrusive IV's and her whole body was sore with injury. She had decided then that there was one good thing about being trapped in a coma…there was no pain. Now that she had found herself back in the world of the living all the damage her body had taken previously hit her full force…and it hurt. There was no way she was going to be able to sleep.

'Do it anyway, you fool…' he tried to act coarse but his hand that laced with hers had given him away. 'You need the rest, to help yourself recover.'

She had ignored his statement then…since there was something bothering her since she had woken up. 'Hey, Naru?' she questioned and looked at him where he sat next to her.

'What?' he had replied without even looking up from his book that he was reading.

'Did you find Gene?' her question had been innocent enough though if she had known of the response that she was to get she probably would not have asked. Naru looked up at her suddenly with a pained and hurt expression etched on his face. Mai's heart had dropped at that very instance and she wished she had never uttered the words.

'Not…yet…' he forced out softly while trying desperately to get his mask back in place.

Mai had gently squeezed his hand in comfort and that act alone had seemed to help calm the boy. 'It's okay you know…' she had soothed, 'you can talk to me you know…since I feel like I have known you both for the longest time.'

Naru looked shocked for a moment before realization had washed over him. He remembered that Mai knew Gene…knew about him and why he was there. 'How…how did you know?' he had asked softly, painfully…

Looking back on it now Mai knew that it was not the right time for the talk that had transpired. She had after all just woken up from a near death experience, professed her love, and had forced a kiss on him. Naru was in emotional overload. She should have waited until things had settled down…until Naru could clear his mind…but that was not how it went at all…

'I knew…when Gene told me.' She had confessed, 'I started to realize that the boy I was seeing was not just a kinder version of you…the closer I got to you…the more I watched you and focused on you…the more I realized that the Naru I was seeing in my dreams was not you at all…and not a figure I created either.'

'He told you?' he had asked so softly Mai had to strain to hear it.

'Yeah, when I finally asked who he was. He told me that he was your deceased twin brother…that you had come to Japan to find him…' she had sighed heavily, 'over the next several times we met he would tell me just a little more, adding pieces to the puzzle. As time went on he started to show me visions…your parents, your childhood…I saw how he died…probably the very same as you had seen it…' She had tuned away from him then. She didn't want to see what kind of expression he was making since she knew it would hurt her to see. 'So that's how I knew…I saw it…and he told me…' she had finished quietly.

'Why…' he had started to say as his voice cracked with emotion, 'why didn't you tell me sooner?'

'Ha…' she had let out a soft laugh, 'I didn't want to add to your pain. Gene didn't want me to either…he was happy not being found.' She had looked away again, 'besides if I had said anything then you would have left me…'

Mai recalled sadly as she stood in the kitchen…that was the last time they talked about Gene. A short time after she started to live in their house, Mai had asked Lin if he knew about Gene's situation…if Naru had used the map book. Lin had told her then that he knew Naru had not acted on the information she had supplied and that he had not seen the said blue covered map book since.

That was all that was discussed about the situation, nothing more and nothing less. Mai was still very cautious about her words concerning anything that had to do with Naru's secrets. Naru didn't seem ready to have anyone know about them, and luckily their friends had not pushed for the information. At the moment they were still more concerned about her health than the labored information she had conveyed as she was dying. Naru didn't bother to mention anything about it since either, not to her or anyone else.


"Lin-san would you like some tea?" she called from the kitchen.

"Yes please, Mai-san" he answered back. Shortly she arrived in the living room and placed a steaming cup of tea in front of him. She softly sat across from him with her own cup cradled in her lap.

"Um…Lin-san…can I ask you something?" She looked up shyly while grasping her cup tightly.

"Of course Mai-san, you can ask me anything" he reassured earnestly.

"Do you think Naru…loves me?" She looked at him with wide clear eyes. "I have been pretty patient, but I don't think I can do it anymore. I am tired of waiting for him…"

"Mai…" he sighed. This was going to be difficult. "Naru loves you more than any other person, that much I know. He is acting the way he is because of that fact. He doesn't know how to act with you; he doesn't know how to treat you." Lin tried to explain but it was tricky to convey to the girl how Naru was…

"I know…I know he loves me. He said so himself, yet I don't understand why he is acting the way he is. I love him so much…I have been trying to give him every opportunity I can…" she paused as she searched for the words that she wanted to say. "I know it is not his personality but I just want him to hold me, kiss me, and tell me that he loves me…me…the most in the whole world. Is that wrong Lin-san?"

The older man looked honestly at the girl. He could see now that it had been really bothering her for some time and he was amazed she had held out this long. "It's not wrong Mai-san" he chuckled as took a sip of his tea. "Naru is an idiot. He doesn't know how to interact with people, especially you now that he knows of his feelings. He'll figure it out eventually, but the only advice I can give you Mai-san is to force him to act…make him move rather than waiting for him to do it himself. It may not sound pleasant but I think you are the only one that can make that stubborn kid act his age." He smiled at her kindly and she returned it brightly.

"Thank you Lin-san…" she smiled softly as she finished off her tea. At that moment they both looked up as they heard the door open. Naru walked slowly into the room and looked at the two sitting there. "Dinner will be ready shortly. Would you like some tea?" She smiled at him as he gave her a blank look.

"Yes please" he answered unemotionally as he handed her the shopping bag he was holding and proceeded to sit down.

"Thank you" she voiced before she disappeared into the kitchen. Mai quickly poured a cup of tea and returned to sit the glass in front of Naru. She swiftly returned to the kitchen and continued to work on dinner.

It was not long before dinner was ready and they all sat and ate a peaceful dinner, like they did almost every night since she had arrived. Once they were done Naru would actually help her clear the table and some nights would even help wash everything up, though usually it was Lin that would help her with that task.

"Hey, Naru?" she asked as she put away the last dinner plate into the cupboard. "Was that call about a new case?"

Naru paused and looked up raising a brow, "yes it was" he replied slowly while looking at her.

"Oh…" she turned to look at him knowingly, "when are we going?"

"Hmmm…I don't remember saying we were going anywhere…" he smirked at her.

"I think we should take that case, Naru…" Mai said slowly while fixing the teen with a glare.

"And why is that, Mai?" Naru wondered how the girl even knew about the case since he had not mentioned anything to her or Lin yet, but he had long since learned not to ask such questions since she had the uncanny ability to seem to know the unknown.

"You know full well why" she huffed roughly as she moved passed him into the living room. "You went to double check…if the locations match…and they do…I know they do." She glared at him deeply.

Naru's eyes widened at the statement. He did know what she was talking about. When the call had first come in to the office Naru knew that something about it sparked his interest. Once he found out the location of the case he had rushed off to the office to check the hidden blood stained map book that he kept secure in his desk. Sure enough, the case was directly near the location of his brother's body. How Mai knew all this already was a mystery but since she already knew…there was no point in denying it. "Yeah, they match."

"What are you going to do?" She asked softly as she sat down on the couch.

"…" Naru paused and looked away before bringing his eyes back to hers. "I am going to take the case."

"And then?" She pushed softly, never breaking eye contact.

Naru breathed deeply, "I am not going to run away anymore…I will handle the situation properly like I should have from the beginning."

Mai knew this time would come eventually especially since it was she herself that had relinquished the information…but it still brought up mixed emotions when she finally heard it out loud. "I want you to know…something" she started softly as she broke eye contact with Naru. He looked at her in concern but said nothing as he waited for her to speak. "I meant everything I said to you then…I know things have been rather hectic and you have been worried about my health, but I want you to know I meant it…every word…every gesture…every feeling."

"I know…" he muttered quietly. 'I meant everything as well…' he voiced internally.

"With that said, I will stand by you…support you in whatever way you need me to. I have been pretty patient…I didn't want to push you into anything and I rather have you tell me your thoughts on your own…" She paused as she turned to look at him again, "but just know you don't have to keep everything to yourself. You may think I am an idiot but you can still talk to me."

"Thanks…" he uttered fleetingly as he turned and started to make his way to his study. Naru smiled to himself softly as his back was turned from the girl. He had been beating himself up over what to do about Gene while worrying about Mai's unstable and questionable condition. Things finally seemed to be settling down and he was trying to continually assure himself that Mai was fine. Every day went by like the one before and Mai acted no less her usual happy and bright self. He finally felt like he could face Gene with a clear mind now that he was sure of Mai's well being. He would take the case and once completed he would finally be able to be reunited with his brother…he had been looking so long and now he would finally get the opportunity to bring him home…lay him to rest. The act would not only put his mind at rest but that of his parents as well.

That was the condition of him coming to Japan after all; it was to bring Gene back…home. Naru sighed as he shuffled toward his study. 'Home…' he thought depressingly. 'Once I find Gene…that brings up a whole new set of problems…there will be no reason for me to stay…' Naru recalled sadly that the only reason he was being allowed to stay in Japan was for that reason and that reason alone. Once Gene was found his parents would drag him back home and make him stay there. 'Did you know that Mai…?' he questioned himself as he walked into the dim room. 'If I find Gene I will have to leave you…'

Naru hung his head at the thought. He didn't want to leave…after all he was successfully running his business and there were plenty of interesting cases. He and Lin had settled nicely into a house and he was finally getting a competent team together that he truly felt were useful. He finally had the one thing he wanted more than anything…and now loomed the threat of losing it…Mai…he didn't ever want to lose her again. Naru silently resolved right then and there that he would never let go of what was his, especially after all he had been through to finally acquire it; he would not let go of Mai. Why couldn't he have both Mai and Gene? That was all there was to it…not one or the other…but both. Somehow, someway…Naru resolved that he would have both. He was strong and there was nothing that he could not solve…he was a genius after all.

Naru grinned like an idiot at his new resolution. He would make it work no matter what. He decided wordlessly that he would cross that bridge when he came to it. But rather than being troubled and scared when he got there he decided he would walk across it with his head held high, his strides strong and confident, and his mind full of his aspirations and goals. He would not lose to anyone…not now…not ever. That was much more like him anyway…

"Hey Naru?" a soft voice noticeably startled him from his thoughts and he turned quickly to see Mai standing in the threshold of the study with her hands softly resting on the door frame.

"What is it, Mai?" he said more gruffly that he had intended.

"I forgot to tell you something earlier…" she professed as she leaned more of her body against the entrance way. Naru raised a brow curiously and Mai smiled ever so warmly. "Did you know…that I make a point to smile directly at you at least five times a day ever since I came to live with you?"

Naru stared at the girl blankly. Had she just said what he thought she said? He was too stunned to say anything in response so Mai just continued on.

"I expected you to more observant than this Naru…but I guess even you need a little help sometimes" she voiced mockingly as she pushed off the door frame and turned to leave. "I expect you to notice from now on…"

From the hall Naru could faintly hear the rest of the sentence…

'And I expect you to act…on at least one of them…'

Naru scoffed and audibly laughed while bringing a hand to his head. He chuckled softly, careful not to let the sound travel out of the room, and smiled into his hand. "That girl…" he mused as he was finally able to move and took a seat at his desk. "She never ceases to amuse me…"


If Naru could have seen Mai he would have found a flushing and blush ridden girl practically floating around the kitchen not knowing what to do with herself…and if Mai had been able to see Naru she would have found him sitting at his desk laughing softly to himself with the warmest of warm smiles plastered to his beautiful face.

'Tomorrow…' they both said softly…

"I'll tell you that I love you…"

"Lost Before the Dawn- Epilogue"


A/N: Well, I hope that all of you that voted for an epilogue are happy with that! And all of you that want a follow up story I hope you can tell where I am going with this and will look forward to it! Please review! Thanks!