You Never Noticed

"I am invisible.
I am vulnerable.
I'm not really here.
You can't really see me.
Can you?"

You never notice
the girl in the back corner of the room,
the one who's always reading and never talks to anyone.

You never notice
when she sits alone
at lunch, or
doesn't participate in class
because no one invites her to join.

She's all alone and
no one know,
because she doesn't
tell them. She doesn't want
to stand out too much.

When the class fools
pick on her, do you
ever think to help? Do
you even notice that
she wants them to leave?

You never notice
how she hides her face with
her long hair, or how she
tries to look like she doesn't care
even though she wants to cry.

She barely notices
the world around her,
because she is in a constant
state of lethargy, but she
knows she is alone inside.

You never hear her silent
pleas, her cries for
help, her need to be
loved. You never notice
that she just needs a friend.