Okay, so, here is the end-all, the last chapter of COI. Sad, ain't it? But it sure as hell took me long enough to finish it, though! --And thank you so much, everyone, for all the reviews. THIS STORY HAS THE MOST OUT OF ALL OF MY WORKS. I thank you all loads. Now make me happy and deliver more! I'm a greedy review-whore.

Anyway, it's not named but the Org sings 'All Black' by Good Charlottle. Know why? It should be obvious, but if not, BECAUSE OF THEIR UNIFORMS, PEOPLE. Solid black cloaks. Hence, they sing in a group the song 'All Black'. Stupid, but that's how I do things. AND IF YOU DISS GOOD CHARLOTTE I'LL HURT YOU. I've liked their music since I was in elementary school! Seriously! They may be fakie-punk, but I don't care. I own all their CD's. And yes, I have a post of theirs laying around here somehere. So if you want to complain about the band choice, tell it to someone else and not me, okay? D:

And no one ended up telling me what Hayner, Pence, and Olette should sing, so I chose something at random from my iTunes library; I literally clicked a song, hit pause, went up to 'controls', selected 'shuffle', hit play, and then 'next'. As a result I got the song I did ... which the trio shall sing!!


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bloopers, extra songs, and chaos all around.
Sponsored by Hayner-Pence-Olette Studios and Sitarisements.


"How are things coming along, Hayner?" I called from my writing station as I crunched on some potato chips.

"Not good. No one is being very cooperative … they keep saying, 'Hey, I did Xemnas's stupid Idol idea, so can't you just leave me alone?' But a few people were up for singing together as a group one last time." He replied with a sigh.

"So who'd you get?" Olette asked while she set up some equipment for the finale.

"Demyx was more than eager, Roxas agreed after some pushing, he dragged Axel down with him, and then Larxene wanted to for some reason, and soon Demyx was forcing Zexion into it, and then he made Lexaeus follow. But that's all; no one else really wanted to. I still have to talk to Marluxia, though; he might want to, he's an attention whore after all, what with entering with flower petals all the damn time…" Hayner grumbled in rant-mode. I laughed at him, because I can obviously tell he didn't like the pink-haired guy.

"Well hurry up and get everyone together; Roxas and Axel can probably help you. We need this to work!" Olette replied while trying to connect two very stubborn wires plugs.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm goin', I'm goin'. Tch, pushy much?" he grunted. Hayner, I think, was getting weary of all of this. I bet he's glad that this is the end.

"Oh, oh! I can help, too," Demyx offered.


"Yeah, and I can use force. Fight fire with fire I always say!" Axel chimed in.

"C'mon, Hayner, let's go grab everyone," Roxas piped up, walking out the door.

…15 minutes later, all thirteen Organization members were assembled. "Perfect," I grinned.

Everyone muttered rude comments back and forth, and I heard the words, 'I don't want to sing again' or 'I hate you all, why would I wan to sing with you?' or my favorite, 'Get your ugly ass outta muh face!'.

"Get into the number-marked positions and follow the arrows; they're marked by your hair color, so it shouldn't be too hard!" Olette called.

"Ready with the music, Hayner?" I called up in a mocking tone.

"Aren't I always?" he replies with a wink.

"Then here we go!"

Slow, haunted-church-like music started to creep out of the speakers, and the lights were a dim purple on the stage. There were 13 figures – the shortest near the front, the tallest in back, lined up in a sort of pentagon shape – all crouched down on bended knee, their heads down. But as the music got louder, they rose, their heads snapping to look out at the internet audience at the end.

Each member did a sort of step-step-hand glide thing, and then the music started up faster and they shook twice to the left. The whole time the lighting slowly got lighter and lighter, eventually turning into a light blue-purple. Then, soon, they began singing.

"Take a look at my life, all black
Take a look at my clothes, all black
Like Johnny Cash, all black
Like the Rolling Stones want to paint it black
The night we met, all black
The color of your dress, all black
The seats in my Cadillac, all black…"

They were all wearing headset microphones, and they seemed to dance pretty well in a group even though they never rehearsed this.

At the next part, the first 8 Org members sang their own line:

"As long as I could remember, I dreamed in black and white (Xemnas)
As I grew up and the sun went down I never felt more alright (Xigbar)
My mother she use to tell me: 'Son you better get to church' (Xaldin)
'It's a dark, dark world and there's people out there and you know its only getting worse!' (Vexen)
Never been much for weddings or anniversaries but (Lexaeus)
I'll go to a funeral if I'm invited any day of the week (Zexion)
Some people say I sound strange some say I'm not right (Saix)
But I find beauty in this world every single night (Axel)…"

The chorus came again, and they sang together, stepping this way and that in time with the beat, the lights making dizzying arrays al across their bodies.

"Take a look at my life, all black
Take a look at my clothes, all black
Like Johnny Cash, all black
Like the Rolling Stones want to paint it black
The night we met, all black
The color of your dress, all black
The seats in my Cadillac, all black
I used to see red, but now just all black…"

The next verse was like the first, only the remaining 5 members sang:

"I sat down at her table at the end of the night (Demyx)
She was having black coffee and a cigarette, she wasn't wearing white (Luxord)
She said, 'People tell me that I'm strange, they say that I'm not right.' (Marluxia)
She said, 'The only time I feel alive is in the dead of night.' (Larxene)
I think I found the one for me (Roxas)…"

A couple members that began with a frown started to smile now, and they danced with more enthusiasm while putting in a few of their own moves. It got a little sweaty, but lively as they continued to sing, their bodies picking up the tune.

"Take a look at my life, all black
Take a look at my clothes, all black
Like Johnny Cash, all black
Like the Rolling Stones want to paint it black
The night that we met, all black
The color of your dress, all black
The seats in my Cadillac, all black
I used to see red, but now just all black…"

There came a musical interlude, and the stage was alive. Literally alive as Demyx filled the floor with water that seemed to move on it's own, and the rest of the Organization began being carried away with it up onto platforms of their own. On their platforms they all sang:

"I remember feeling so alive
The night I look into her eyes…

"Take a look at my life, all black
Take a look at my clothes, all black
Like Johnny Cash, all black
Like the Rolling Stones want to paint it black
The night that we met, all black
The color of your dress, all black
The seats in my Cadillac…

"I used to see red, I used to see red …"

The next part held the men singing while Larxene piped up in the background, giving it a highlighting effect to their vocals.

"Take a look at my life...
(All black!)
Take a look at my life...
(All black!)
Take a look at my life...
(All black!)
All black, all black…
Take a look at my life...
(All black!)
Take a look at my life...
(All black!)
Take a look at my life...
(All black!)"

Then they cut in, random members burst out while striking a final pose:

"All black!" (Xigbar)

"All black." (Zexion)

"All black!" (Marluxia)

"All black!!" (Demyx)

"All black…" (Axel)

Then it was a matter of wrapping up the skit, and the remaining 8 that didn't strike a pose slowly shifted into one.

At the last second, Hayner cut the song short (since it normally fades out), making the member smash down to the ground as the water fell into a crystal-clear flood.

For an added touch (although it semi- ruined it) Axel sent flares like fireworks into the air at the back of the stage.

Olette began clapping furiously, and Hayner smiled paired with thumbs up. My own hands were tied with typing, but I called out to them, "ROCKIN' JOB YOU GUYS!"

I doubt they would ever do it normally or ever again, but all the members dressed in All Black (pun intended) lined up and grasped hands, taking a whole-hearted (no pun intended) bow.

"Fabulous! The internet will die for this tape." Olette giggled as she turned off the camera.

"Too bad I can't write it better," I sighed, cracking my knuckles.

"Oh, Pence, you probably did fine." Olette encouraged. But she always says stuff like that.

"Yo, Roxas," Hyner called. "Can you man the lights and sound while I get ready to sing with Pence and Olette? It's mostly already set up."

"Sure," came the reply.

"But who will type for me?" I asked.

"I can, if you want," Namine clears her throat and says. I didn't even notice that she was watching the All Black performance to begin with! She's too quiet sometimes.

"Yeah, okay. Just let me finish this sentence…" and then I hit 'save'.


"All yours now." Pence told me with a smile, pointing to the laptop.

I smiled at him in return. "Okay."

"But, wait … who will do the camera?" Olette inquired.

"I don't want one," Hayner said gruffly. "I don't think we'll sound too good."

Pence hit him in the arm for that. Olette frowned and so did I, but Roxas just laughed. "Anyway," Roxas stated from the sound booth with a yawn, "Let's get this going; I'm getting tired. It's late now, after we did all this. Maybe we shouldn't have pushed to have it all in one day…"

Pence cleared his throat. "What did we decide on, Olette? I hope it's a song I know."

"It is," she informed him as they climbed on stage (which Demyx left dry, surprisingly). "It's 'Fall Away' by The Fray."

"Kind of random," Roxas laughs. "But good."

"I love that song," I commented softly. I like a lot of The Fray, truth-be-told. I use their music sometimes as inspiration for my drawings. It all has a good feel to it.

"I didn't pick the song," Hayner said grumpily. "But I guess I don't mind it."

The music began softly, and they swayed together. When it picked up a little more, they linked elbows and jumped forward, kicking the air. The disconnected as the lyrics to be sung came around, Hayner starting, Pence joining him, then Olette chiming in as it progressed like the harmonious trio that they were.

"You swear you recall nothing at all
That could make you come back down
You made up your mind to leave it all behind
Now you're forced to fight it out

You fall away from your past
But it's following you

You left something undone, it's now your rerun
It's the one you can't erase
You should have made it right, so you wouldn't have to fight
To put a smile back on your face

You fall away from your past
But it's following you
You fall away

Something I've done that I can't outrun
Maybe you should wait maybe you should run
But there's something you've said that can't be undone

And you fall away from your past
But It's following you

You fall away
It's following you…"

Near the end they went reverse, where Hayner faded out his voice, then Pence, and it left Olette to complete the ending breath.

Roxas lowered the music and let it fade, and the trio was left walking apart.

"Beautiful," I complimented. "You sing so well together!"

Hayner grinned. "We did sound pretty good, didn't we?"

"Yup," Roxas nodded in agreement.

"And now why don't we end this whole shenanigan?" Pence presented.

"Good idea. And I know just the person for the job," Roxas winked.

"OHHH DEMYXXXX!" the four said together.

I looked to the door, and sure enough, a mullet-topped head popped from between the crack. "You rang?" he hummed.

"Will you do the honors of completing this Idol After Show?" Olette giggled.

"Sure thing!" Demyx said with a bounce into the room. He ran and leapt up onto the stage and with a summon and strum of his Sitar he called out: "THANKS FOR WATCHING, AND PLEASE DRIVE HOME SAFELY!"