Chapter 6: Crushed peonies.

by Lola

A.N.: Arigatou to all those who reviewed!! *waves* Ok, I own nothing of FY, however I do own Himeko and Xue Li, sadly. ^^; Rasconza belongs to the creative genius of Akai Kuu though, I just borrow her cuz Genrou refused to appear without her. ^_______^


Booted feet tread lightly over fallen leaves. A braid woven from ebony slapped against a satin clad back. The small figure paused beneath a large orange tree. The ripe fruit hanging like beacons in the morning light. Jogging away from the orange bearing tree, the woman drew an arrow from the quiver strapped to her back. Adjusting the gloves on her hands before raising the slender bow, arrow knocked and ready to shoot.

Enjoying the familiar tension of the string as she pulled back, taking aim. Eyes narrowing in concentration, blotting out all except for the succulent oranges dangling high, taunting her with their ripeness.

Her ears perked, leaves shifting beneath another's boots behind her. Spinning quickly she faced her would-be attacker.

Hands flew up in surprise, green eyes widening.

"Shit ya tryin' ta kill me again?"

Himeko smiled, letting the bow fall to the earth as she ran towards the bandit, throwing her arms around him in a hug.


He stepped back in surprise, shocked by the sudden display of affection but welcoming the attractive missile into his arms with a grin nonetheless.

"Hey, happy ta see me?"

She nodded, eyes smiling as she looked up at him. "To what do I owe the honour?" she asked as she released him, cheeks flushing slightly as if noticing their closeness for the first time.

"Just checking to see if Xue Li annoyed ya since last night. Wanted ta make sure ya were alright I guess," he shrugged nonchalantly. "Yer ma told me you were out here somewhere, so I figured I'd find ya."


She bent, retrieving her discarded bow, readying the arrow again. "I've been so busy the last few days I haven't had the chance the engage in my favourite past time." Her eyes misted for a moment as the arrow wavered. " father taught me."

Kouji bit his lip wishing he could somehow alleviate the sadness lingering in those green eyes. His hand reached out, resting on a satin clad shoulder. Her head bowed at the gentle touch.

"What's with the new get up? No more fancy silk robes and jewels?"

She smiled at this, letting a soft chuckle escape her lips. "No, no. Just the ones that matter." She patted the ever-present comb in her hair.

She took aim at the oranges again, "Ne, hungry Kouji?" she winked as she let the arrow fly; smiling in satisfaction as three oranges fell to the earth.

Kouji grinned in return, crossing his arms over his chest as she readied another arrow. "She rides horses, breaks into bandit fortresses, fights with a dagger, is an archer and knows traditional dance... Tell me, is there anythin' ya can't do?"

More oranges plopped to the ground. She scratched her head as if seriously considering the question then shrugged as she bounded over to the oranges nestled in the grass. Piling the oranges together she motioned Kouji over. He took his time, enjoying watching her from a distance. She acted so freely now, as if no burdens weighed on her. A perpetual smile on her lips, eyes shining. Happy.

He fell back, startled. Something hard and round bounced off his stomach. He glanced down at the orange that rolled away from his boot. Another projectile of fruit pelted his forehead as he looked down. Himeko's giggles filled the air. He gathered the oranges, a smile creeping across his lips as he readied his revenge.

She squealed in delight as oranges sailed towards her. Running around the orange trees, hiding from the fruity onslaught. They chased each other around the trees, both unaware of the time, laughing and carefree.

Himeko paused to catch her breath. Palms pressed against the rough bark of the tree. Chest heaving.


She was tackled from the side. She shifted her footing, boots slipping in the grass, falling backwards. The wind was blasted from her lungs as her back hit the earth, Kouji's weight pressing her down. She heard a soft jingling as her comb slipped from her hair to settle on the ground. Kouji was speaking to her rapidly. She blinked, unable to focus for a moment. Her bangs falling into her eyes.

"Sorry...didn't think ya'd go down so easily." he said breathlessly, helping her to sit up.

She cuffed him upside the head playfully. "Baka."

She rose, dusting off her back, smoothing back her bangs. Kouji remained seated in the grass, amused, as she seemed to be searching for something in the grass. Fingers holding back heavy bangs in irritation. Finally deciding to end the game, he stood beside her, his fist extended towards her.

She lifted an eyebrow. His fingers uncurled, revealing the comb resting in his palm. She reached for it eagerly only to have him close his hand and hide it behind his back.

"Not this again!" Her shoulders sagged slightly.

Something about the look in his eyes flushed her cheeks instantly. "I'm gonna give it back ta ya...but on one condition..." he explained with a wink as he stepped closer.

She swallowed as she nodded, paralysed as she stared at the smile lifting his lips. "Remember me."

Her brow furrowed in confusion, "What do you-?" Any other words were silenced as his lips met hers softly. Her eyes widened momentarily. He stepped back, gently sliding the comb into her hair, brushing the bangs out of her face. His fingers lingering on her cheek, tracing the curve of her face with a tiny smile.

"Least now ya can see...".

Her lips trembled slightly, eyes filling with water at the familiarity of his touch. A warmth, a kindness from a time long past. Her eyes closed, eyelashes soon damp with tears. Her head rested against his chest. Arms wrapping around his waist, holding him tightly, hardly believing how the fates had smiled on her.


He rested his chin on her head, one hand rubbing her back as the other cupped her cheek, his thumb catching her tears.

"Daijoubu, daijoubu...". His voice whispered softly.

She laughed to herself; unable to believe how she could not have realized his identity sooner, suddenly everything seemed to make sense. His reason for taking the comb, his inquisitiveness about her attachment to the ornament.

Her fingers reached out to trace the scar across his cheek in wonderment. Her curious touch running over his slightly parted lips, sliding down his neck. She smiled.

"I finally found you...".


A jewelled goblet sailed across the room, swiped off the table by a man's frustrated impulse. Wine splattering across a white tablecloth, dying it crimson. Regaining his composure, the lord settled back in his seat. Knuckles white as they tightened around the arms of the chair. Nails digging into the wood. Beady eyes trained on the far wall, unable to look at the man kowtowing at his feet. One hand lifted to silence the babbling guard. Scarlet robes pooled like blood across the floor as Xue Li rose, pacing across the room slowly, heavy silk hissing as he moved.

Silence except for his angered breathing and muttered cursing. The others in the room having enough sense to remain silent. Not daring to even breathe. Eyes narrowed as he picked up a fine box laid atop a small table. Bony fingers, much withered but powdered down to mirror the skin once held in youth, tracing along the box absently, flicking it open suddenly. Bejewelled digits caressing the velvet lining.

"Leave us."

A few nervous glances exchanged before the men, Xue Li's guards and attendants retreated. Eager to escape their lord's wrath.

Still not turning to face the prone man behind him, he stroked his moustache thoughtfully, "Now...tell me again what you saw."

The cowering man swallowed, wondering what had possessed him to relate his findings to his lord.

"Th-the man claimin' to be Lady Himeko's saviour, he...he's one of the bandits who attacked us."

"You are sure?"

A vigorous nod. "Hai. I wasn't sure at first, because of the clothes and his acting all noble but the scar on his cheek proved it. And...he also travelled with that red-haired guy; he was one of the bandits of Mt. Leikaku too."

"I see..." his voice was quiet, yet there was an anger evident, cold and sharp as he lifted the comb that was nestled in the box. Letting the expensive ornament slide between his fingers. It had been a gift for Himeko at the festival of lights, a gift that she had pointedly left behind. His eyes narrowed as he clenched the comb in his hand.

"You are dismissed. Inform your captain I wish to see him at once."

The man scrambled out of the room, bowing his entire way out.

Xue Li set the comb back in the box; "You shall not escape matter what scheme you concoct." A slow smile spread across his lips as he slammed the box shut, "You will be mine."


Himeko swung the sack of oranges over her back, smiling to herself as she returned home. A skip to her walk. Humming to herself, perfectly content. Kouji had promised to return tomorrow. Her fingers touched her lips, blushing at the memory of his gently kiss.

She was singing as she entered her house.

"Okaa-san! Obaa-san! I got the oranges you wanted. Kouji helped me pick them." She set the sack down with her bow and quiver. Tugging at her gloves as she made her way to the kitchen, wondering why the house was so silent. No servants greeting her....

"Okaa-san?" she asked uncertainly, worry beginning to clutch at her heart.

A broken vase, flowers crushed with the shards. She knelt touching the flowers, white peonies. Fingers rubbing their petals. Her eyes darted to the side. A flash of red. Stepping away from the shattered porcelain, fear making her breath rapid, she followed the trail of red to the kitchen. Her stomach lurched as she entered the kitchen.

One of her attendants...Yin Wu, blood spreading from wounds inflicted by swords, face purple with bruises, broken body sprawled across the floor. Himeko swallowed the bile that was quickly rising in her throat. More servants lay lifeless beyond the table. Eyes wide with horror and disbelief she continued, seeing men and woman lying moaning or still. So much blood.

She held a hand to her mouth, the smell overpowering her. With a shuddering breath she left the kitchen. Who would have done such a thing? What kind of monster butchers innocent people? Driven by pain she ran through the house, shouting for her mother and grandmother. Her heart sinking as she saw an old woman's body crumpled in a corner. The silk pillow she had been embroidering forgotten on the ground.

"Obaa-san..." she choked. Her fingers pressed against the older woman's throat. Nothing. Her eyes closed tightly as she buried her head in the woman's lap. Sobs wracking her spine as she held onto the lifeless form of her grandmother.

After many long minutes, Himeko sat up, caressing her grandmother's cheek tenderly. Not a single wound appeared on her body. A weak heart sent wild in a panic snuffing out her life in a bewildered flicker of final beats.

The crunching of broken porcelain.

Himeko spun, dagger drawn from the sheath on her thigh. Her breath came in rapid puffs, her throat still sore with sobs, her eyes red and blurred with tears.


"Kouji?!" She asked in shock. Running through the house until she saw the bandit.

He knelt, a servant's head in his lap, she was but a child. He was wiping away the blood from her face with his shirt. Her heart ached at the sight. Dark eyes met hers, his own threatening tears. He stood soundlessly, pulling her into his arms.

"Obaa-san..." she whispered haltingly.

She blinked in surprise as she heard the hiss of Kouji's sword sliding out of its scabbard.

"Get back." Was the only warning he gave before half a dozen men were upon them. Steel ringing against steel in seconds.

Himeko screamed when a flashing blade tore at Kouji's sleeve, bright red blossoming across his arm. Her own dagger fended off opponents, slashing wildly. Blood spurted as Kouji's silver blade streaked across a man's throat. Grabbing Himeko's elbow roughly and shoving her towards the entrance.

"Run dammit!"

She hesitated, staring at his back. Watching his blade flash in quick arcs and jabs as he fended off the five remaining men, darting about quickly to avoid his opponents' blades.

"I got it, just go Himeko!" This shouted as his boot connected with another man's gut, sending him back onto the floor.

Suddenly remembering the bow she had left in the entrance she sprang towards the entrance, one man slipping away from Kouji to pursue her.


Kouji's voice sounded almost frantic as he saw the man pursue her down the hallway. She ducked as her assailant swung his sword; her hair falling loose over her shoulders as the sharp steel cut the end of her braid. She fell into a roll, snatching her bow as she stood and pivoting to whip it across the man's face. The bow's path followed by her dagger, blinding the man. Another flash of wet red as her blade imbedded in his heart. Breathing heavily, hair a tangled mass about her shoulders, she slung her quiver over her shoulder and ran back to Kouji.

Three men now faced him, each slightly bleeding from a wound Kouji's sword had inflicted. Pulling forth an arrow, she took aim, brow creasing in concentration.

Kouji jumped in surprise as something whistled past his ear. One of his opponents falling to the ground with a thud, a quivering feathered shaft splitting his skull. He smiled despite himself. The woman was good. He winced as he moved his arm, every motion becoming a strain as fatigue started to take its toll, coupled with the fact that the wound was on his sword arm. Making a note to indulge in a healthy dose of sake after this was done he dug his sword into another's chest.

From the corner of his eye he saw the other man raise his sword to take a swing at his neck and then the image was gone. The man lifeless at his feet, dispatched by one of Himeko's arrows.

One boot planted on his victim's chest, he yanked his sword free in a spray of blood. He turned slowly to face Himeko. Her hair hang in wild strands about her shoulders, tangled. Eyes bright with exertion and fear. Chest heaving with the sudden rush of adrenalin.

"I...I feel sick." she whispered, her bow slipping from lax fingers. She turned to exit the house, wanting to hold Kouji in her arms but desperate to escape the sight of bodies and blood. Staggering outside her heart seized. Stunned.

Xue Li's men surrounded her entire house. The smug lord himself seated in a carriage, watching her stare in horror at the hundred or so men with arrows trained on her. Her mouth hung open in a state of utter shock. Her entire body shaking slightly, overwrought with tremors.

"Himeko? Daijou-".

A dozen arrows. Whistling by her ear, sailing past her to the man who had come to her rescue. Her hands clamped over her mouth in horror as she heard the sharp cry and the soft thud as a body fell to the ground. Hair flying behind her as she rushed towards the fallen man. Three arrows protruding from his body.

Hands caught in her hair, wrapping around her waist and arms, powerful. She kicked and screamed. More hands. Followed by ropes. Tears sprung anew to her eyes, salty streaks on white skin.

"Iiya!!! KOUJI!!! IIYA! HANASE! KOUJI!!!!" [1]

Her screams died as something hard connected with the back of her head. Her head slumped forward, hair spilling in a black curtain over her shoulders. Her body shoved unceremoniously into a carriage.

Xue Li eyed the house for a moment, narrowing his eyes at Kouji's still form. He gestured to the bandit's body with a disdainful air, "Toss his worthless hide inside with the others."

His men nodded, lifting Kouji and bringing him into the house. Xue Li let a tiny smile flicker across his thin lips.

"Now...burn it down."


Everything was white. Too bright. Blinding. He raised an arm to shield his eyes from the intense light. He moved slowly. Unsure of his surroundings, everything seeming unfamiliar. A sudden flash of orange.

Green eyes squinted. Staring up at a large orange tree. One of them falling into his waiting hands. He turned it over in his hands, entranced by the texture of the peel. His eyes widened as the orange seemed to melt in his hands, running through his fingers like liquid gold.

The thin strands shifted to the finest ebony, the feeling like silk whispering over his skin. Long hair. Jade eyes staring at him. Then gone.

He blinked.

In the distance, a figure in white. Layers of silk pooling around her body in soft ripples. He walked towards the woman in a trance. A pale face. Hands clasped over her chest as she slept. A single red peony tucked between slender fingers. Hair spread beneath her like a velvet curtain. Lips painted a shade to match the flower in her grasp.

His fingers traced the contours of the peony in wonderment. The petals falling apart. Yet the red remained. He held his fingers before his eyes in horror. Blood. Viscous and cold smeared across his fingers.

His mind screamed as the woman's robes suddenly burst into flames. He fell back, the heat overpowering him, sending him into unconsciousness.


Kouji bolted upright, sweat pouring down his body, making the blankets stick uncomfortably. His heart beat wildly against his chest. He winced as the sudden movement made everything in his body throb in pain.


A voice spoken softly yet gruffly, almost as if it had trouble escaping the speaker's mouth.

Kouji turned to see his friend standing beside his bed. A fang biting into his bottom lip. Kouji started.

"Genrou? Doushita no? Ya look like ye're gonna cry..." [2].

Arms were instantly flung around the dark haired bandit's shoulders in a crushing hug that nearly squeezed the life out of him.

"Aho! I thought ya were fucking dead dammit! Ya fucking scared me ya fucking shit!"

Kouji's eyes widened then softened as he patted the younger man's shoulder. Genrou sat back, wiping at his wet cheeks quickly.

Outside, Rasconza leaned her head back against the wall in relief. Large tears rolling down her cheeks as well.

Kouji leaned back against the pillows, wincing slightly, "Shit...I feel like I was run over by a herd of cattle."

Genrou grinned, rustling the older man's hair roughly.

The door creaked as Chichiri entered, fresh bandages in his arms. "You're very lucky Kouji-kun no da. If Tasuki hadn't sensed you were in danger, we might have come too late na no da."

Genrou rubbed the back of his head and shrugged, "Bah. I'll go get ya some sake."

"Arigatou," Kouji laughed.

Alone with the monk, Kouji's expression became serious, "Chichiri...what...what happened?"

Chichiri's perpetual smile didn't falter as he examined Kouji's bandages, "I should ask you that na no da. You were nearly burnt alive."

Kouji's eyes closed, "And Himeko? Is she here?"

Chichiri shifted uncomfortably. "Anou...".

"Xue Li's men took her Kouji. I'm sorry."

Kouji opened his eyes to see Rasconza leaning against the doorway, arms crossed. She reached into a pocket and tossed a glittering object to her friend.

He got it easily, his heart tightening at the sight of Himeko's comb. "Shit..."

"I found outside the house," she explained softly.

"I gotta save her!" Kouji grimaced as he exacerbated his wounds in his attempt to rise. A firm shove from Chichiri sending back in his pillows.

"Ye're not goin' anywhere Kouji." Rasconza stated firmly, the steel in her gaze holding him in place; she was not to be argued with.


"No Kouji-kun. Rasconza is right no da. You were almost killed. You need rest no da."

A jug of sake slammed on the table beside Kouji's head. "Don't worry about yer onna Kouji. We'll get her." A wink and a fanged grin.

Rasconza fingered her daggers meaningfully, "Yeah; we have business with that pompous bastard fer hurting one of ours."

"So just concentrate on getting better for Himeko-sama no da!"

Kouji closed his eyes, the delicious taste of sake on his lips as he thought about what to do. Fingers running over the polished jade and tortoise shell of his mother's comb. He would find a way....


Assured that his best friend was resting under Chichiri's protective vigil, Genrou walked outside, hands running through his fiery hair. He had been scared today. More scared than he had been in a long time. He couldn't believe when Chichiri had teleported them to Himeko's home all the fire and the smell of death thick in the air. It was enough to make them all sick. And there, amidst the flames, Kouji. Arrows protruding at odd angles, blood soaking his shirt, a pile of other bodies around him.

Genrou shuddered. A sudden breeze chilling his bones. He shook his head to rid his mind of the image. Eyes closing against the wind as it tossed his hair, messing it even more. Amber eyes opening as something cold melted against his nose. He looked up. The night sky sent a light spell of snow drifting downwards. He opened his arms, welcoming the frosted wind as snow settled in his hair, clinging in glittering drops.

From the shadows a woman watched her love as he stood in the snow, head tilted to the sky in silent thanks. Wanting to hold him forever yet understanding his need to deal with his emotions privately. He turned, catching her. Amber eyes alight, reflecting the sparkling snow on his lashes.

"He's alive." he said simply, his eyes speaking volumes more.

She smiled, running into his arms. Not caring if she froze in the snow.

He sighed into the woman's hair. Content. He would find Himeko, yes, for Kouji, for his friend.

"We will Genrou, together."


To be continued...

[1] Iiya: No.

Hanase: Let go.

[2] Doushita no: What's wrong?