Edit: Hey, I just realized that since I replaced this chapter with the memo, those of you who "reviewed" to tell me to fight on while grounded, can't review this chapter. So, I fixed that! Please, review this chapter! (I added this in the bottom of the page too, to remind you. ;)

Hi everyone!! Thank you so much for waiting patiently for this next chapter! Well, please enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Sadly. No, the characters all belong to dear ol Kishimoto.

Pity. I could do with the money...


Kakuzu undid the stitching on his mouth, so that he could eat dinner.

There was nothing more than the usual sounds at dinner, the clinking of forks on plates, and soft munching. Of course, that wasn't surprising. After all, the Akatsuki weren't social people.

Even if they were, what was there to talk about? The recent disemboweling of an S-class ninja?

Pshaw. That kind of stuff was all in a day's work.

Not even Tobi broke the silence during meal time. He knew better than to annoy Pein like that.

Kakuzu was a bit curious though, as he saw Tobi scarf down his food under his mask and stand up in a rush.

"Yo, where's the fire?" Kisame asked in his nasally voice.

"Fire? There is no fire," Tobi paused, confused.

Kisame just shook is head. "Never mind."

Tobi shrugged, and the members watched as Tobi rushed into the kitchen.

As the members finished up their dinner, Tobi burst into the dining room, holding a scrumptious, chocolate cake, with red icing shaped like clouds. When Tobi got closer to the table, Kakuzu saw that there was white icing that spelled out, "Congratulations!" in flowing script.

The members just sat there.

"Congratulations—" Tobi began.

Kakuzu stared at Tobi. Congratulations for who? And for what?

Kakuzu choked when Tobi placed in front of him with a flourish, saying, "—Kakuzu-san!"

Hidan broke the silence, as usual. "Why the hell is he being congratulated?"

Tobi grabbed a knife from the table and began cutting the cake. "Because," he explained. "Kakuzu-san went on a date with someone!"

"Huh?" all the Akatsuki members exclaimed simultaneously, sans Itachi, Pein, and Konan. Although the latter raised an eyebrow at this.

"What the hell?" sputtered Kakuzu. "I did not!"

"Oh-ho," said Kisame. "Going around with a lady behind our backs, are we?" he said slyly.

"If you told her anything about us, you're dead," stated Pein, as he continued to eat his mashed potatoes.

"Hold on!" Kakuzu shouted, slamming his fist on the table. "I did not go on a date with anyone!!"

"Yes, you did," Tobi insisted.

Kakuzu glared at him. Date? Where the hell did he pull that one from? "And, what proof do you have that I went on a date with someone?" he asked scathingly.

Tobi passed a platter of cake to Pein as he replied, "You went to see a movie with someone!"

Kakuzu stared at the orange-masked-man incredulously. What? Movie? As if! "I'd never spend money on something as pointless as a movie!" he protested.

Tobi laughed. "It's ok, Kakuzu-sama. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. We're all proud of you."

Itachi certainly didn't look proud. He looked bored.

"And what proof do you have that I watched a movie with someone?"

"Because!" Tobi said cheerfully. "I found the tickets in your room!"

A horrible suspicion loomed upon Kakuzu.

"What," Kakuzu paused to clear his throat. "What did those tickets say on them, Tobi?"

"The Lottery Ticket!" Tobi replied. "Was it a good movie?"

Kakuzu could feel the blood drain out of his face. Actually, not drain. Drain was too slow of a word to describe how quickly the blood went out of his face. Perhaps the word dropped-faster-than-that-one-scary-ride-in-an-amusement-park-where-the-elevator-free-falls-from-the-top-of-a-high-tower would fit this situation better.

"And, Tobi. What exactly did you do with those tickets?" Kakuzu asked, struggling to keep his voice calm.

Kisame peered at Kakuzu's face uncertainly.

"I threw them away, of course!" Tobi replied cheerfully. "After all, I didn't think you'd need—" He was cut short as Kakuzu lunged across the table.

"I'm going to kill you!" Kakuzu shrieked, enraged.

Hidan laughed. "Whoa, she must be a killer or something, to get you all mad. What's the matter, didn't want to lose your souvenir from last night?"

"NO!" Kakuzu roared, trying to get at Tobi, who leaped agilely out of the way.

Kisame snickered. "Wow, this is the first time I've ever seen Kakuzu so worked up. Are you working on a wedding dress for her?"

Kakuzu lashed out at Kisame with a tentacle. (AN:.. It is a tentacle… right? o-o) "I'm telling you, that's not it!!"

"Sure looks like it," the black side of Zetsu's face muttered.

Kakuzu glared at Tobi, who seemed confused. He forced himself to take a deep breath, and sat back in his seat. "I am mad," he began through clenched teeth (although mad didn't quite cover it), "because those were not movie tickets. Those were lottery tickets."

Everyone stared at him blankly.

Kakuzu sighed. "A winning lottery ticket," he elaborated.



"Tobi, you bastard!" yelled Hidan.

"How much money was it?" Pein asked calmly.

Kakuzu gritted his teeth. "563,500,000 yen."



After much yelling, shouting, cussing (courtesy of Hidan), Pein finally calmed them down with his famous glare of death.

"We have to get that ticket back!!! Do you know how much fucking money that is?" Hidan yelled.

"I'm sorry! Tobi didn't know!! Tobi is a good boy! Tobi didn't mean it!" Tobi cried.

Zetsu sighed. "It's technically not his fault."

"Yes it is."

Zetsu continued. "In a way, it would also be your fault for leaving the ticket out like that, because even in here, nothing is safe."

"You two are both idiots."

Tobi whimpered softly.

Kakuzu seethed. "Tobi, what exactly did you do with the ticket?"

"Tobi put it in the garbage bag and threw the bag outside to the dump," Tobi replied.

Kakuzu stood up. "I'm going to go look for it."

"Tobi is sorry!!! Tobi will help you look for the ticket too!"


Three days.

Three days and nights, searching endlessly for that ticket. Three freaking days and nights. Everyone eventually helped, even Itachi. They couldn't seem to find it, however. Konan did special paper jutsus, but nothing helped.

Of course, no one spoke to Tobi for a long time.

Poor, poor Tobi. If they had only bothered to check the kitchen floor, where a lone piece of paper was partially hidden under the kitchen island, left there when it flew out the top of the overflowing trash bag. It wasn't found until weeks later, way after the deadline to cash in the ticket.

And that, of course, led to fighting much to graphic to depict in this simple story.


Haha. Haha. Yeah. –prepares self for bombards of trash-

I had it mostly finished in November, but then I got really stuck.. And then of course, I got grounded.. And uh..

So the results is this pathetic chapter. I'm really sorry, guys!! But thank you for being patient!

Review please, and tell me who you want next! And ideas of yours too!

Edit: Hey, I just realized that since I replaced this chapter with the memo, those of you who "reviewed" to tell me to fight on while grounded, can't review this chapter. So, I fixed that! Please, review this chapter!
