Author's note: Oh my god, I haven't touched this since I was in sixth grade. How embarrassing, that was like, five years ago! Anyway, I reread it, and even though it's extremely horrible and I cringe a little just thinking about it, I thought I should just finish it, n_n.

"Now, c'mon, did you tell her you like her?"


"Are you going to?"


"Then I say tell her!"

"That's it?"

"Yeah! I mean, how will she know in the first place? I mean, Sakura wouldn't know unless you tell her."

"I kno-" Sasuke cut himself off before he knew it. "Wait. What?"

"Huh? What? I don't know what you're talking about. Huh? I gotta go. Bye." Kakashi ran away before Sasuke could say anything.

Sasuke had a broad grin that sat on his face. 'K. That settles it. I will tell Sakura. I will.



There couldn't be any reason to back down. He had already made his decision, with the goose bumps and shallow breathing to confirm. I've already gone too far, he thought. I already broke the friend oath, I've already… No, he didn't want to spoil the confession by exploiting his emotions to his selfish mind. He wouldn't say the dearest words until her face was there to react to it. Oh god, her reaction…

To be honest, I don't even know what I'm expecting, she stated in her mind. He's already had multiple chances, and I can't even believe I'm going to declare my love for him. She stopped walking. Pause. Clenched fist. Stamped foot. No, but I have to do it. If not for him, then I'll do it for myself. She continued to walk, with the moonlight basking onto her skin. Her house was almost there. Just another night's rest, she chanted to herself, just one more night…

"Naruto," Sasuke grunted. "I need some help."

"Eh?" he questioned, grinning, the blonde ninja. "Can you repeat that?" He poked inside his ear to catch some earwax, which he flung out into the air. "I'm having a little trouble hearing?"

"Listen, okay," he scowled, "I know you're enjoying my… pleading. But help. Me." He was struggling to even voice the words he had never used in front of Naruto. He almost felt he was dying inside. Just a little.

"Ah, alright. You're no fun, Sasuke-teme! So," he waggled his eyebrows, "what do you want to do for Sakura-chan?"

"How does everybody kno-… Okay, I know what to do, but you're going to have to listen and follow everything I say closely. Understand?"

Naruto grunted. Why does he have to take all the fun out of everything?

"Auuughhhh!" Sakura stretched her arms into the air. She smacked her lips loudly, feeling the haziness of the day sweep in from her open window.

"Geez, any louder and you'll wake up the whole town."

"AHHHH!" Sakura took hold of her pillow and positioned it in front of her body. Two seconds went by and then she noticed who she was looking at. "How the hell did you get in here, Ino-Pig?"

Her eyebrow twitched. "Oh-kay," she smacked her head. "Since I'm in such a good mood, I'll let that pass. I thought we moved away from the name calling, but I guess your billboard-brow didn't process that information!"

"Oh yeah, heheh. I forgot." She had a coy look on her face. "But I like calling you that still."

"Yeah, whatever. Hey, so, today, we should hang out. I mean, I'm already in your bedroom… Heheh…"

"Well, actually, I was going to-"

"You don't want to hang out? I thought we were friends now…"

Wow, Ino actually looks kind of sad…I guess I could just tell Sasuke later on. It's too early anyway. "Okay, yeah, we can."

A smile perched upon her lips. If one looked from a distance, it might have even looked mischievous. Might of. "I already know what we're going to do today!"

"Oi…" She turned around. Oh dear god… "Hiya Anzu. My little," he gulped, "apricot." He said the last word through gritted teeth.

Anzu stood there, on the bridge that led to the storage of the fair's supplies that they had every year. She had on a musty, old brown shirt with black pants. Her hair was in a messy bun, which contrasted with her face because she was infamous for having on a dangerous amount of makeup. Anzu was one of Naruto's fans, someone who always cheered on for him, but he always blatantly ignored her. But not today

"NARUTO-KUN!" She batted her matted-on mascara eyelashes. She stopped and then her eyes squinted. "Wait a minute… You never come see me!" She frowned and crossed her arms. "What do you want." She made it into a statement instead of a question. "Hmph." She turned her head, not even bothering to at least look at him.

"No, no, Anzu-..chan." The pit of his stomach was churning. Sasuke-teme, you owe me so much for this…he growled to himself. "I really wanted to see you."

"REALLY?!" She smiled so big. Her teeth showed a lipstick stain.

"Y-yes…" Please stop smiling, oh dear god, that breath… "But I was hoping you could help me out too." He managed a weak smile.

"So you aren't here for me."

"N-n-no I am! We can even go get some ramen afterwards, I just really need this one thing for some good frie-" He couldn't stop the words from vomiting out of his mouth, but it wasn't even like he needed to keep talking. He already hooked her from one simple phrase.


He cringed, yet still was able to keep that little smile across his lips. "Sh… yes…we can go, but pl-please…can you quiet down…I just need a little help…please…shhh…"

She was jumping up and down and talking animatedly. He slowly ushered her into the storage room so he could get what he needed. And quick.

"Oi Sakura-chaaan!" Ino sang. "Try on this kawaii kimono! The pink and green will match you so preeeettillily!"

"Ah, okay, just give it to me!" Sakura had been trying on kimonos this whole time. She didn't even leave the dressing room. Ino had been handing her kimono after kimono after kimono. "Why do you even want me to get a kimono? It's been hours! You already got yours the moment we came in here!"

"Yes, Billboard, but we're friends now. This is what friends do…" She trailed off and it sounded like she was whispering to somebody.

"Hey, Ino-piggy, whatcha doing out there?" She threw it on quick and messily so she could look outside. "Ino?" She pulled the curtain back.

Ino pushed someone aside. Grunt. Pulled curtains. "Oi, Sak-Sakura-chan, what are you doing? You wore it all wrong. Here let me fix…"

"Ino? Who was that?"

"Who was who?"

"That person you pu-"

"Ehhh?" She waved her hand with a smile. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Look!" The shop owner had pushed aside the curtain next to her dressing room and started to talk to whoever was in there, grinning and all. "The owner is speaking to whoever you pushed! What are you not telling-"

Gasp! Ino's mouth was covered by her dainty hands. All sound had stopped, even the shopkeeper's conversation, and all attention was placed on Sakura in her kimono. "You look… really beautiful." Her mouth was in awe, uttering that genuine compliment.

Sakura turned to look in the mirror beside her. Oh man, this does looks good… Cha-cha! Get it! So you can show Sasuke what he's missing, cha! Sakura blushed."Ino-chan! Can I get this? I really, really want it!" She couldn't stop from expressing her fondness of the kimono. Her eyes sparkled. She was positively glowing.

"Ye-yeah. You need it." She shook her head to shake out the stupefied look on her face. "Mr. Shopkeeper, sir! Can we ring this up, yeah?" Sakura could've sworn they gave each other a wink.

They left the shop in the kimonos they had purchased, even with their hair done up with the little clips they bought as well.

"Hey look, Naruto's with that Anzu girl!" Ino pointed into the ramen shop that Naruto paid visit to daily. He had a scowl across his face as he angrily slurped up his ramen.

"No way!" I thought he hated her…


"Oi…stop…just-just eat please…"

They were giggling behind decorated fans. Everything beside that moment seemed to be forgotten for a second. But Sakura turned to look back for a glance, and caught a glimpse of the shopkeeper holding onto a blue kimono and bringing it to the back, to that dressing room, next to the one she was in.

The sun was slowly starting to set. Ino, for some reason, had brought Sakura to a hill. The weather was beginning to cool, with a hint of the afternoon still in the air. Naruto had met up with them, bringing along Anzu. They had a big picnic basket and wanted to share the abundant of food with the two girls. Maybe, or Naruto just really didn't want to be left alone with Anzu.

Sideshot: Naruto, crawling towards Ino and Sakura. Anzu holding onto his legs.

"Oh, wow! You can see the whole town from here. I can't believe I haven't been here before."

"Yeah," Ino laughed. "Remember when we were little, and we told each other that we'd meet the boy we'd fall in love with here?"

"Oh…oh yeah. I almost forgot about that!"


A chubby, short, little pink-haired girl came running, in hand with a blonde girl, dressed in purple. "Ino-chan! Look at this hill! It's so beautiful!" She pointed with her stubby finger.

"Oi, wow! I feel like I am on top of the world!" She munched on a lollipop in between her words.

"I think I am going to fall in love here."

"What do you mean, Sakura-chan?"

"This place. This is where I am going to find the one I love."

"Ah, but that sounds so hard," she nodded, "but it sounds like it is going to happen. I want to fall in love here too, yeah!"

"Let's promise to get find someone in the future, and we'll be each other's bridesmaids!"

"Oh-kay!" She giggled. "I promise!"

flashback end

They all laughed at the retelling of that silly tale.

"I can't believe we were so kiddie! Like falling in love is so easy."

"Mm, yeah, Sakura-chan. But you sounded so cute!"

"I don't know, it sounds really romantic," chimed in Anzu. "Falling in love with in such a marvelous place." She glanced over at Naruto, and put her arms around him. "Right, Naruto-kun?"

"Ahem. Ey, Anzu, I think we should be going. You know." He pulled onto the collar of his shirt. Geez…

"Oh yeah, I think we should," she giggled. "For that."

"For what?" questioned Sakura.

"Nothing. But, Sakura," started Anzu, "I think you were right. Just hang in there." She said with an exaggerated wink, with her heavy eyelashes.

"Wh-…" She didn't even get to finish that what because Anzu had fled, dragging along Naruto, who although left voluntarily, still exuded that pain that came from his expression.

"She's right, you know?"

"What do you mean, Ino?"

"Nothing. Hey," she looked out into the distance, her hand serving as a visor. "I'm going to go."

"Wait, what? Ino, where are you going?"

"Oh, Sakura, I'm pretty tired."

"I'll walk you home…!"

"No, Sakura, stay here. Just a little longer, and at least watch the sunset. You've had a stressful week, what with fainting and us crying and blah, blah, blah. You deserve something as beautiful as this."

"Oh-okay. If you say so, Ino. Yeah, I guess I do need something like this. I'll see you."

"Bye, Sakura-chan!" She walked off, waving with a smile.

"Bye!" She loosened her back, and placed all her weight onto her two hands and stared at the sun that was about to disappear.

Today was good day. She smirked. If only Sasuke could see me now. But then the smirk faded. What if he did see me now? I could finally say how I feel, but…what would he say? Or worse, her lips wavered, what if he didn't say anything at all? She sat up, and hugged her knees. Do I love somebody who will never admit to loving me back? She pursed her lips. She continued to stare off into the sun, no longer keeping in mind how beautiful it was, more focused on something else she couldn't quite shake.


She jumped with a shock. Her hand went over her heart on instinct and slowly turned. Her eyes widened and her lips began to shake, letting out a soft whimper. "S-Sasuke?" She rubbed her eyes. He was wearing blue kimono with his hands behind his back. His right foot was kicking at the grass, and looked a little lost. It was as if her wishful thinking brought him to life and appeared in front of her. She looked around and found a rock and threw it at him.

"Ow, what was that for!"

"Oh, heheh, I thought you were just a trick of the eye or something." She laughed at herself. How could she have done something like that?

He let out his famous Uchiha smirk. She was still Sakura. I forgot how cute she was… "Can I sit with you?" She nodded.

"You're just in time for the sunset," she said coolly. She didn't want to look like she had already forgiven him, even though she had. She couldn't stay mad if she wanted to. Not at him, no. No matter how hard she tried.

"Hey, I brought you these…" He brought out this container, containing some black items inside. She confusedly took them, thanked him, and just looked at it. She brought it to her green eyes and shook it. Then finally opened it.

"W…what is it?"

"I…I tried to bake you some cookies."

"They're all burnt…"

He turned away. Why did you bring those, you idiot! "I'm sorry… just-you brought me some cookies one time."

"Oh, yeah, I did." She let out a little giggle, remembering his chicken-ass hair when he opened up the door in the morning, but she stopped herself. "Thanks again." She tried to bite one, even though it was rock-hard. She crunched at it, with a cringe. He took the container and pushed it behind him. Never again…


"…hn." What…now she's giving me my grunt? He frowned, more than he usually did so. He turned back, to get a clue from her face. She was just looking at the sun, not at him. The narrow sunlight was making her skin seem more fair, more shiny. Her neck was elongated as she stared off into wonder.


"Hn…I've always liked looking at the sun set, don't you…" Why won't she look at me?

He moved in closer. "Beautiful."

She nodded, thinking he was talking about the landscape, until she felt a hand on hers. She glanced over at him. He was staring at her, intensely.


"Sakura, can I finally tell you what I wanted to tell you?" Please.

"I don't know…" She took her hand back. "Is it important?"

"Yes. Very important."

She picked at an open strand on her kimono. "Hm…maybe…depends…"

"On what? What do you want me to do?"



She tapped her lips with her index finger. Fighting a smile, she finally stopped, with a twinkle in her eyes. "Well…I really like my kimono…but I think I like yours better." She had a devilish expression. "Heheh…"

Oh no…Please, not that…

"Okay, Anzu…Yes, you are really pretty…Ahem, is it time yet?"

"Naruto-kun! Look! Since when did Sakura look so…manly?"

"What! My Sakura-chan?" He looked into the telescope attached to the tower they were in. A minute passed by. Then he started to vibrate, and it took Anzu a while to realize he was laughing. His chuckle started to become louder and louder. "Oi, Anzu! That isn't Sakura, haha! That is Sasuke-teme! Oh ho ho, Sakura did him good!"

"Heheh, Sasuke, you look so kawaii! Oi? Do you hear that? It sounds like…laughter…?"

"Yeah," he clenched his fists. I am going to kill that bastard… He cleared his throat. "So, Sakura…Can I tell you now?"

"Yes, of course, Sasuke-k-…"

He waited. And waited. And waited. Where was it? Where was the rest of that –kun? She held her ground. She wasn't going to say it.

"Hey, Sakura," his voice turned husky and he scooted in closer to her. "Sakura-chan…"

"Y-yes…" Why did he call me Sakura-chan? Why is he being so cute with me… Why?

"What I wanted to tell you was that…You know you mean a lot to me, right?"

"I do?"

"Yes, no one else would be able to get me to wear a girl's kimono." She giggled. "And, I wouldn't bake anyone else cookies, even if it was all burned." He pushed the container further still. "And, I've known you for a while now. Sometimes, you drive me crazy. I thought I almost lost you when you fainted. I was so scared, and I didn't even get to say what I wanted to say."

"What did you want to say?" Silence. "Oh wow, after all this? You went through all this to not say anything? Really Sasuke-kun? Are you really not going to-"

Silence. He had thrust his lips on hers. He had been waiting for that –kun, and he couldn't help himself. He slid his hands around her back and held in longer. She squirmed at first, since she was cut off from her sentence, but then gave in and closed her eyes. Cha-cha!

"Oi! He finally did it, that bastard! Whooo! It's time, Anzu!"

"Mhmm!" She nodded in agreement. She lit the rope.

Fireworks. Everywhere. He squeezed their arms tighter and tighter still. Until finally, the kiss was broken. Sasuke touched his forehead to hers and continued to stare as his eyes slowly opened. "Sakura, I love you."

"I love you too, Sasuke."

They let go, holding each others hands and watched the fireworks that lit up the now dark sky. There were splashes of blue and pink everywhere, the sounds, loud and booming. Their fingers intertwined and Sakura laid her head on his shoulders. The fireworks spelled out I love you.

"Why did you take so long to tell me, you jerk!" He chuckled. He let his head fall upon her rested one. He could smell her pink hair, strawberries.

He scratched his arm, having another question up his sleeve. "So…who was the better kisser? Me or Naruto?"

She grinned. "Sasuke, you'll never know."