Title: Kings of the Presidential Frontier

Summary:AU The youngest president ever elected. He's single, he's handsome and he's the most powerful man in the world. What happens when butts heads with the beautiful but oh-so tired of his antics head of the Special Service? IchiRuki

Shalan's Say:I talk to my beta too much… that's why I'm writing this story… we just came up with it tonight… ignore us… we're insane…

Disclaimer:I do not own Bleach…

Prologue: The Election


Ichigo watched the screen, an arm wrapped around Uryu's neck, in his hand grasped a champagne flute. "C'mon c'mon c'mon!" Ichigo watched as the polls continued to rise in his favor. His amber eyes were alight with excitement.

"GO GO GO!" Uryu punched air. His running mate, the carrot top who he was hanging on, was downing glass after glass of champagne in case they lost. They already had over 30 of the vote and it was steadily rising.

"If we win this… I'm getting laid…" Ichigo slurred in Uryu's ear. The raven haired man nodded.

"If we win this I'll find you someone…" He noticed his wife giving him a dirty look.

"Mmk…" Ichigo nodded. He grinned as they watched the count go up. Then it happened, the news flipped over and the Democratic candidate was declaring that they were dropping out of the race as the states added up in Ichigo's favor.

"Ichigo… we won…" Uryu shook him. Ichigo smiled half heartedly.

"What'd we win…?" Ichigo looked over and Uryu slapped his forehead.

"GET ME SOME COFFEE!" Uryu shouted when his wife patted him on the back. He set Ichigo down on a chair as his wife attempted to comfort him.

"Calm down Uryu… he'll be alright… maybe…" the beautiful red head rubbed the back of his neck. Uryu hung his head and she smiled.

"I love you…" he smiled and Kazumi pressed her forehead to his as he kissed her lips tenderly.

"Congratulations…" she hugged him and he pressed his face into her neck.

"Thank you…" he whispered as he looked over at the new president… Ichigo smiled lightly as he down two cups of coffee, his color going down.

"Hey Uryu! They told me I won…" Ichigo grinned and Uryu gave him a thumbs up, still being supported by his wife. "So does this mean I'm president…"

"Yes… now finish the coffee… and someone get me some… and maybe a cold shower…" Uryu closed his eyes… they had won the presidential election… now they were the youngest president and vice-president ever… damn it… now what?




Ichigo continued to dance swinging his hips to the music, singing along with his toothbrush in his mouth. Suddenly he heard the door open and he paused, turning to look in the doorway. He paused and spit into the sink, straightening up. The moment he did there was a heavy 'tump' and his wet towel hit the floor.

'penis..' "Mr. President… you have a meeting in 15 minutes please put some boxers on… your briefs will be here shortly…" 'penis…' the petite brunette told him, straight faced. He eyed her, she merely shrugged lightly and walked out of the room.

"Fuck…" Ichigo yanked his towel off the ground.

Love Shalan