Author's Note: Hello HP lovers!!! Here's the sequel to "Struggles of the Heart." If you haven't read that story, I suggest that you do so before reading this one…I think it will be a lot easier. For those of you who have read "Struggles of the Heart" this one takes place four years after that one ended (I did the math with JKR's books so everyone should be the right age.) I hope you enjoy, and please REVIEW!!! It keeps me motivated : )

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. J.K Rowling does.

Chapter One

The Wedding

Ginny couldn't believe the day had finally arrived. She and Harry had waited four years to tie the knot. After all, she was only sixteen when he proposed, and he was only seventeen. She had spent her last year at Hogwarts showing off the engagement ring that had once been Lily Potter's. Understandably, it caused quite the commotion. To be in your final year at Hogwarts and already engaged was something extremely rare itself, let alone to the famous Harry Potter. She took such good care of that ring, never letting it leave her sight. She did, however, dread being away from Harry for a whole year yet again. That was, until he got a job at Hogwarts as Hagrid's assistant. Really, it was more like spending all day working on the landscaping on the grounds, then spending the evening with Ginny. He wouldn't have bothered getting the job, but he knew it was hard enough on Ginny when he was gone the year before, and it wouldn't feel right being engaged and having only actually been together for part of his sixth year, and a summer.

Now, Ginny looked at her reflection in the tall elegant mirror in the bridal room at the church where she would finally become Mrs. Harry Potter. She had pointed out her dress one day to Hermione when they were shopping and said she knew she could never have it because her parents couldn't afford it, and she was prepared to take it in stride. Hermione, however, later told Harry that Ginny wanted that dress more than anything. The next time she and Ginny went wedding shopping, Harry gave her a bag of Galleons and passed it off as telling her to buy something nice for herself, knowing she would choose the dress.

The dress was somewhat plain, but extremely elegant in its own way. It was strapless and the most brilliant white she had ever seen. It was made of that thick, silky material that Ginny could never remember the name of. It wrapped tightly around her chest and stomach, but fanned out gradually into a wide, smooth skirt. The back had a train attached by fabric-covered round buttons at the small of her back. The train fanned the width of her skirt, and extended three feet behind her. It was so simple, but Ginny had never been one for ruffles or lots of fancy beadwork. Her long red hair was curled into wide spirals that fell over her shoulders and down her back. Just the small section in front was pulled back into a couple of bobby pins and pouffed slightly forward.

"Ginny, you look wonderful." Hermione came up behind her. Ginny had chosen silver dresses for Fleur and for Hermione, the Maid of honor. She chose that color on Fleur's suggestion that it went better with her hair. It was a nice color anyway, Ginny thought. "Are you nervous?" Hermione asked her.

"Not a bit." Ginny smiled confidently. She knew she was ready for this, and had been since the night Harry proposed. Four years felt like a hundred, but here it was. "Hermione, do you think Harry's nervous?" she asked, almost as a meaningless afterthought.

"No, Gin, I don't. He's just as ready as you are." Hermione squeezed Ginny's upper arms and pulled her in a hug. Hermione was still wrapping her mind around the fact that Harry and Ginny were actually going to become husband and wife. It was her best friend, and her other best friend's little sister, who happened to be another one of her best friends. She thought often about how lucky they all were to have each other. "You and Harry are so lucky that you both found the person you were destined for."

Ginny looked confused. "What do you mean? Don't you believe you and Malfoy were meant to be together?"

"Oh, of course I do!" Hermione defended quickly. She hadn't meant for it to sound as though she wasn't completely in love with Draco. She found the necklace on her chest with her hand and squeezed the ring in her hand. One of these days Draco was going to add a diamond to it, and she would finally wear it on her finger where it belonged. "I love him with my whole heart." She smiled, thinking about the Christmas of 1998 when he gave her the necklace with the engraved ring, promising to add a diamond to it one day.

There was a knock on the door. Ginny went into the powder room incase it was Harry. Hermione went over and said, "Who is it?"

"It's me." She opened the door with excitement.

"Dray!" She threw herself into Draco's arms. She hadn't seen him in three days and it felt like three months when she was all by herself at night. He had gone to visit his mother and just help her out a bit. True, she had house elves, but things were still harder for Narcissa now that Lucius was in Azkaban. "I missed you so much! How's your mum?"

"Hey, Beautiful. You look amazing." He gathered her in his arms and kissed her, causing her to nearly melt to the floor. He never knew it would be so hard to be away from her. "Anyway," he said when he finally pulled away from her lips, "Mum's fine. She said she wished you had come along. She really wanted to see you."

Hermione felt a pang of guilt. She really was quite fond of Narcissa. She had come to realize that she was nothing like her sister, Bellatrix, deep down. She was more like Andromeda, who was loving and caring. She was simply taken to the dark side by what she thought was love for Lucius Malfoy. Looking back, Narcissa had realized she was more taken by the comfortable life of wealth than any real feelings for her husband. She would have given anything to have what Andromeda had, now.

"Did you tell her I had to help Ginny?" Hermione asked.

"I did, and I hope Ginny and Harry don't mind, but I invited her to come along. She's here with my cousin Addison who's been staying with her, as well."

"Are you telling me Bellatrix had a daughter?" She knew Andromeda only had one daughter, Nymphadora, who was killed four years ago in the final battle at Hogwarts.

Ginny came out of the powder room and said, "Hey, Draco. It's fine that you brought them, by the way. There should be enough food and I'm sure we can find a couple of extra seats."

"Thanks, Ginny. I think there's an extra present in it for you, anyway. You look great, by the way."

"Ooh, I like presents," Ginny said in a joking voice, but Hermione smiled, knowing she wasn't really kidding at all. "But, thanks for the compliment."


Hermione turned back to Draco. "Would you see if you can find Fleur? She was supposed to bring the bouquets twenty minutes ago."

"Sure." He turned to go, but then turned back around and took Hermione's hands. "I missed you so much." Hermione smiled and tried to push him out the door. "Just one more thing," he stopped her. He reach up to her neck and un-clasped the necklace. "This doesn't really match your attire." Then from his pocket he pulled out a jewelry box. He handed it to her and she opened it. What was inside took her breath away. It was the most gorgeous set of pearls she had ever seen.

"What…" she was stunned at his gift. Draco slipped her other necklace discreetly into his tuxedo jacket pocket. "Draco, these are beautiful, thank you!"

"They were my mother's. She told me they were for you, now."

"I'll have to thank her." Hermione took the pearls out of the box and handed them to Draco to put on her. She lifted her hair and he wrapped them around her neck. When they were in place, he turned her around to face him and kissed her cheek.

"Perfect," he whispered. "I'll see you in the church," he added quickly before he left.

"What was that about?" Ginny asked Hermione.

Hermione went to where Ginny was doing her makeup for about the fourth time and showed her the pearl necklace. "Hermione, that's gorgeous! But, where's your other necklace?"

"Ohh…" Hermione felt her neck and realized the ring was gone. "He took it. I remember now. I was just so excited to get this one that I wasn't thinking about it."

"He took it?"

"Yeah, he said it didn't match my dress and he put it in his pocket."

"Hermione, the necklace looked fine with your dress." Ginny smiled knowingly.

"What's your point?" Hermione clearly was not conceiving what was going on.

"My point, Hermione, is that he used that as an excuse to take your necklace…" Ginny nodded her head and moved her hand in circles willing Hermione to follow what she was saying.

"You don't think he's taking back his promise to me do you, Ginny?"

"Hermione!" Ginny was getting frustrated. "What don't you understand about this? He took it to get it…adjusted."

Hermione's lips formed into a smile. "You mean…"

"YES!" The girls broke out into a giggle for a number of reasons. Ginny was about to be married, Hermione was about to be engaged, and the biggest reason of all, Malfoy thought he could get that trick past two Gryffindors.

Meanwhile, in the room where Harry was getting ready, he let Draco in the door.

"Did she buy it?" Harry asked.

"Yep." He pulled Hermione's necklace out of his pocket. "Do you need anything before I Apparate over to Diagon Alley?"

"No, I have Ron for the time being," Harry nodded over to where Ron was trying, without success, to put on his bow tie. "See you in about a half hour? The ceremony starts in forty-five minutes."

"I'll be back in plenty of time. See you later."

"See you," Harry replied before shutting the door on Malfoy's back. When he turned around, he thought about the fact that Draco Malfoy had become one of his really good friends who was about to stand up in his wedding. During all six of his years at Hogwarts he never would have imagined he would ever be civil to him, let alone ask him to stand up for him on the most important day of his life. Looking back, Harry didn't know why he was surprised to learn that all of the blame for Draco's evilness could be placed on Lucius Malfoy's mistreatment of his son.

"Thanks a lot," Draco thanked the jeweler for getting the ring done so quickly and proceeded to walk out of the store. The jeweler he took her ring to had the most amazing and quick wand work he had ever seen.

He had Hermione's ring in his pocket, ready to put it on her finger at last, and he couldn't have felt more alive. Those feelings were stopped automatically when he saw Pansy Parkinson walk out of Flourish and Blotts. "Draco!" she called.

Malfoy tried to pretend he couldn't hear her, but it was no use. "Draco! Hey! It's Pansy!"

He turned around abruptly. "I know who you are, Pansy, and if you don't mind, I have somewhere important to be."

"Are you still with that Mudblood?"

"Are you still calling her that?" he replied sarcastically, yet with anger embedded deep in his words. "And yes, I am with Hermione." He turned and walked toward the point where wizards usually Disapparated out of Diagon Alley.

"Don't you care what I know about your father?" she called.

"NOT REALLY!" he shouted even louder.

She ran to catch up with him and said quietly, "Not even if he's escaping from Azkaban, and is going to ask you to help?"

"Why would he think that I would help, especially when I'm just about engaged to the person in charge of keeping him there?"

"Is that what you were doing in the jewelry store?" Pansy asked.

"That's none of your business, Parkinson," he said angrily. "Now, I really am late." He walked the rest of the way to the Disapparition point, leaving Pansy in his dust.

Draco ran into the church just in time. Ginny (who eyed him up in slight annoyance at his tardiness), Hermione, Ron and Fleur were already in the back of the church. He checked his watch. It was 3:59 which meant he had one minute to spare.

Hermione walked over to Draco. "Where have you been?" she asked urgently.

He kissed her cheek. "Last minute errand, but I'm here." Hermione tried to hold back her grin, but a small one popped out at the corner of her mouth anyway.

"Okay, well let's get moving then." She shoved him to the entrance to the church where Fleur was standing. The doors opened and the violin quartet started playing. Draco escorted Fleur down the aisle and parted with her when they reached the altar, Draco going to the right towards Harry.

"Everything turn out okay?" Harry asked him out of the corner of his mouth.

"Perfect," Draco replied, tapping his chest pocket where the ring resided.

The procession continued as Ron escorted Hermione down the aisle. When they reached the end, Hermione gave Ron's arm a friendly squeeze and smiled at him. Ron gave Harry a pat on the back and joined Draco standing behind him.

Everyone in the church "awed" when Teddy Lupin (who was carrying the rings on a white satin pillow) and Victoire Weasley walked down the aisle together holding hands. Harry smiled at his godson and future niece and winked at them. Then his attention was turned to the back of the church.

The wedding march started and he was looking at his bride who was about to walk towards him for the last time as Ginny Weasley. He beamed at her and she responded with the same. She took her father's arm and proceeded down the aisle with slow, careful steps. She looked so stunning that Harry felt momentarily breathless and his legs lost nearly all feeling. There were no butterflies in his stomach. He knew they were ready with so much confidence that he didn't even feel the slightest mosquito of a twitch in his belly. Ginny and Mr. Weasley reached the altar and he kissed his daughter's cheek. Mrs. Weasley joined them and the man presiding over the wedding said, "We are gathered here today to join Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter in Holy Matrimony. If anyone gives reason for this couple not to be joined in Holy Matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Harry eyed Dean Thomas to make sure he stayed seated and Ginny did the same to Cho Chang, who were both seated in the back of the church. As they both realized what the other was doing, they laughed and the minister continued. "Who give this woman to this man?"

Mr. Weasley answered, "Her mother and I do," and they both took Ginny's right hand and put it in Harry's. Mr. Weasley squeezed Harry's hand as he passed over his daughter's and nodded at Harry, a tear forming in his eye. Mrs. Weasley kissed Ginny's cheek, then Harry's, and took her husband's arm back to their seats.

"Let us continue," the minister said. "Do you, Harry James Potter take Ginny Weasley to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Harry gripped Ginny's hand tighter. "With all my heart, I do."

"And do you, Ginevra Molly Weasley take Harry Potter to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

The minister spoke to the congregation. "The couple has chosen to write their own vows." Then to Harry, "Harry, you're first."

He gazed into Ginny's beautiful brown eyes before speaking. "Ginny, I can't believe it took so long to see that I was madly in love with you. Every time I look at you, some part of me wishes I hadn't been so stupid all along because I hate to think of the four and a half years we missed out on. Regardless, I couldn't be happier now that we're together. You've stuck by me through everything, and I do mean everything, I've had to go through. Four years ago I tried to leave you behind to protect you, but I couldn't leave thinking I might not have you to come back to. You waited for me, and that meant the world to me. I love you, Ginny, and I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to make up for the time we lost, and I'm going to give you the best life I can."

"Ginny?" the minister signaled that it was her turn.

She had tears in her eyes, and she was feeling that it was certainly a good choice to use waterproof mascara. Seeing her watery eyes, Harry choked up and his tear ducts gave way, too. "Harry…my Harry. When I was eleven I never thought I would matter to you, and I couldn't even be in the same room without turning bright red. In fact, I still don't think I can, but now it's just because you make me so happy, not because I'm embarrassed. You saved my life, and I think that was the moment I knew I loved you. I was so naïve to think that it was just because I was Ron's sister that you cared so much. I tried to move on and stop wanting you when I thought you'd never see me the way I saw you, and I think you must have gotten jealous or something silly like that, because after five years you finally saw me as Ginny, not as Ron's annoying little sister. Anyway, Harry, I love you so much and I will spend the rest of my life making sure you never have reason to wonder if I will be standing by your side, because I will be by your side no matter what."

They smiled at each other and Harry rubbed her hand with his thumb. Then they both looked at the minister to continue with the ceremony. "Now for the rings," he said. Harry turned to Ron who took the rings from Teddy's pillow and handed them back to Harry.

"Harry, now take Ginny's left hand in yours, and repeat after me," the minister said. "With this ring, I thee wed."

Harry took Ginny's left hand and with his right hand he slipped the silver band around her finger as he said, "With this ring, I thee wed."

The minister turned to Ginny. "Ginny, take Harry's left hand in yours and repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed."

Ginny did as she was told and said, "With this ring, I thee wed." She beamed at Harry who had tears creeping slowly down his cheeks. Ginny reached up and wiped them away with her thumb.

"Then," the minister continued, "by the power vested in me by the Church of England, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Harry stepped towards his new wife and took the back of her head in his newly-decorated left hand and the small of her back in his other hand. Then, smiling when he was an inch away from her face, he kissed her the same way as the first time in the common room when they had won the Quidditch cup, and the way he did before he and Ron left on their journey, and the way he did the first time he saw her after that journey. He poured all the love from his chest into a single kiss.

There were cheers and whistles from their friends and family, each person knowing that they had just witnessed the eternal bond of two people who belonged together more than anyone else in the entire universe.

The minister spoke once more, "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Potter." Everyone cheered once again and Harry and Ginny made their way back down the aisle walking hand in hand for the first time as husband and wife. Passing Mrs. Weasley, they saw that she was crying hysterically, but smiling brighter than anyone in the entire church. She could not have asked for a better husband for her daughter than the man she thought of as another son.

The wedding reception was held in the backyard of the Burrow. The Weasley family arrived at the house about an hour before the guests so they had time to prepare. Hermione was helping Fleur and Mrs. Weasley in the kitchen. "Eet was a beauty-full ceremony don't you teenk?" Fleur asked.

"It was," Hermione agreed. "Their vows wore amazing."

"Hermione, was that Narcissa Malfoy I saw?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Yes, it was. I hope you don't mind, but she really wanted to come, according to Draco."

"Oh, I don't mind at all. She saved Harry's life and if you don't mind her she must be alright."

"She is," Hermione assured her.

"Who was that pretty girl with her?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"I guess her name is Addison, Lucius' niece. Apparently her father was the male version of Andromeda of Lucius' side of the family. He didn't agree with the Dark Arts and they basically disowned him. I think he actually married a Muggle woman. I don't know much of the story, though. I just know Addison's been staying with Narcissa without Lucius knowing."

"I see," Mrs. Weasley continued supervising the peeling of the potatoes that was happening mid-air in front of her.

Ron came bounding through the back door. "The guests are arriving, Mum." He looked around the kitchen. "Where's Malfoy, Hermione?"

"He was bringing his mother and cousin separately."

"Oh. Well, the guests are here, anyway."

"Would you go usher them into the tent, Ron? Dinner will be served in a half an hour and Harry and Ginny should be here in about ten minutes."

"Sure, Mum."

"I'll help, Ron. That sounds like a job for the best man and the maid of honor to do together."

"Thanks, Hermione."

Together they walked into the warm summer evening air. "You look fantastic, Hermione."

"Thanks, Ronald," Hermione said, truly flattered.


They reached the front fence to the Burrow where guests were Apparating with loud CRACK!s. The first to arrive was Neville and Hannah Abbott, along with Luna. According to Luna, Neville and Hannah first got together the summer after seventh year and had been together ever since. They were set to get married in a month, in July. "Neville! Hannah! It's so good to see you! Congratulations on your wedding."

"Hello, Hermione," Neville greeted her. "You're invited, you know…to the wedding. All of you, even Malfoy if he would ever come."

"Of course he would, Neville. I have no doubt," Hermione reassured him. "Come on all of you, I'll take you to your tables in the tent." Neville, Hannah and Luna followed her, and Hermione slowed back to wait for Luna so she could talk to her. "Luna, how have you been?"

"Just wonderful, Hermione, thank you. I just got back from Sweden, actually."

"Still looking for Crumple-Horned Snorkacks?" Hermione had to fight back the laughter, but it was a completely serious question.

"Nargles," Luna answered simply, as though there was nothing strange at all about it.

Hermione decided that conversation had gone on long enough when she couldn't think of another thing to say. It was lucky they arrived at the tent.

Meanwhile, Ron was waiting at the gate for another guest. He turned around and saw that Hermione was almost to the tent with Neville, Hannah and Luna. Someone Apparated behind him and he turned to see who it was. It was Draco with his mother and his cousin, Addison.

"Hey, Malfoy."

"Ron, you know my mother I believe?"

Ron nodded. "All right, Mrs. Malfoy?"

"Yes dear, thanks. And please, call me Narcissa."

Ron nodded a second time to show that he would. Before he could be introduced to the pretty blonde girl standing behind Draco, Hermione came up behind him.

"Draco, finally! I was beginning to think you'd gotten splinched on the way here." She kissed him in a comfortable greeting of a couple who was in a solid relationship, then turned to Narcissa. "Narcissa, I'm sorry I couldn't come with Draco to visit these last couple days, but the necklace is gorgeous! Thank you so much."

"Oh it was my pleasure, Hermione. I knew they would look beautiful on you and what do I need them for?"

Hermione smiled and hugged Narcissa. "Dray, this must be your cousin. Addison, is it?"

"Yes." He gestured for Addison to come around to the front. "Addison, this is my girlfriend, Hermione."

Addison stuck her hand out for Hermione to shake and she obliged. "I've heard so much about you, Hermione. My cousin loves you so much. I can hear it in his voice when he talks about you."

"Well, he's done quite a number on me himself," Hermione said with a sly grin.

Draco turned to Ron, who was staring at Addison with an interest he wasn't even aware of. "Addison, this is Ginny's brother and Harry's best friend, Ron Weasley."

"Pleasure," she said, and in a strange way, Ron felt that she meant it. He took her hand in and kissed it in a very old fashioned way. This surprised Hermione a great deal. For God knows how long, he couldn't tell her that he liked her when they were already best friends who told each other everything else, and here he was kissing the hand of a stranger. Either he had grown up quite a bit and she had never realized it, or he was desperate to show her he wasn't a complete waste of space as a man.

"Can I show you ladies to your seats?" he asked.

The Malfoy women nodded and followed Ron.

Hermione and Draco looked at each other with the same expression that said, "Was that the same Ron Weasley?"

"Well," Hermione said, "that was interesting."

"No kidding," Draco agreed. "Come on, love, let's go find our own seats."

Gradually, everyone else arrived at the reception. Even though Harry and Ginny arrived a little earlier, they waited until nearly all the guests were there before making their appearance. When they came out, Harry still wearing his tuxedo and Ginny still wearing her dress (without the train), they made their way through their applauding friends and family all the way to the front of the tent where the long table stood. The wedding party was all seated there with Ginny and Harry right in the middle.

When most of the guests had finished dessert, Ron stood and clinked his glass and stood to make the best man speech. Everyone turned to him. "I have to admit that I don't really have a speech prepared," he started, "but that's only because I didn't know where to begin. Harry," he turned to his best friend, "you're my best mate, and I don't know what Hogwarts would have been like without you. Ginny, my only sister. I could not have asked for a better husband for you than my best friend. I know you both will take great care of each other. We all know Harry's always been there for Ginny, even when it wasn't his job to be. Not to mention the fact that Harry needs someone as tough as Ginny to keep him in line. No pixie could handle that job." Everyone laughed. They understood fully that Ginny was a tough girl who could handle nearly anything life threw at her, and it wouldn't be good for Harry to have a pushover for a wife. He would be out of control. "Harry once told me that he liked her for a long time sixth year, but he didn't do anything about it because he was afraid of what I would think. I'll be the first one to admit that I gave her other boyfriends a hard time." Dean Thomas nodded in agreement. "Anyway, I know I'm blabbing, so I'll just say one more thing. I love you both, and I know you'll be completely happy together. Congratulations." He raised his glass and everyone followed suit. "Harry and Ginny."

"Harry and Ginny," everyone repeated after him.

Soon, the tables were all moved and the band had started playing. Harry and Ginny went out for their first dance as husband and wife and soon everyone joined. Draco and Hermione were dancing to a slow song, holding each other as close as can be. Hermione noticed a lump in Draco's chest. "Draco, what's this?" She touched the lump on the outside of his jacket. He stopped dancing at once and pulled the box out of his pocket. Harry, seeing this, stopped dancing and he and Ginny watched. The other guests noticed and soon everyone had formed a small audience around Hermione and Draco. He got down on one knee and opened the box. Hermione beamed and put one hand to her cheek. "Draco…"

He smiled up at her. "Hermione, we've been together for a long time now, and I just wanted the time to be perfect before making it one hundred percent official. I know you've waited a long time for this, and so have I. I love you Hermione Jean Granger, and it would make me so happy if you would marry me."

"Draco, you know I will. I love you." He pulled the ring out of the box and placed it on her finger. She gasped. The ring that she had worn around her neck for four years and become so accustomed to, now had the most gorgeous princess cut diamond she had ever seen in her life embedded in it.

He stood up and pulled her into his arms and kissed her long and good. Everyone clapped and they began to dance again. Malfoy and Hermione who were still kissing, started to move with the music, and eventually Hermione put her head on his shoulder.

Harry and Ginny came up and tapped them on the shoulder during the next song. "Congratulations, guys," Harry said. "I'm glad you were able to get that ring done today, Malfoy," he said.

Hermione looked at Harry. "You knew?"

"Of course. He's already asked me to be his best man."

Hermione looked at Draco in surprise. She knew they were friends now, but she was pleasantly shocked at that.

"Anyway," Ginny said, "can we cut in?"

Hermione and Draco nodded and Harry offered his arm to Hermione. "I'm glad you're happy, Hermione," he said.

"I'm glad you and Ginny are so happy, too," she said, "but I really feel awful for Ron. He needs someone," she added sadly.

Harry looked over to where Ron was standing. "I'm not so sure we'll have to worry about that for much longer." Hermione looked too, and saw Ron talking animatedly with Addison Malfoy.

"Now all we have to do is convince him to ask her out," Hermione said. They both, however, knew that was a long shot for their best friend to ask a girl on a date.