VGA:Sup? I'm Videogamatic, VGA for short.

IGF:And I'm Inuyasha's Girlfriend. No, not Kagome you dumbasses.

VGA:Me and my friend here decided to write this shit for no apparent reason.

IGF:We basically just make fun of the characters and shit.

VGA:Yeah, that sums it up. We can guarantee you that you'll be laughing your ass off after reading the first two or three chapters.

IGF:We're gonna put ten different scenes or bloopers per chapter, OK?

VGA:Enjoy, or else...

This story's rated T for Teen. Contains: Foul Language, crude humor, trash talking, and ideas that may be disturbing.

Random Naruto Bloopers!

Chapter 1

#1. Kakashi: OK then Emo Boy, tell us your likes and dislikes.

Sasuke:Well, there's nothing that I like 'cause I have a lot of dislikes. My dislikes are, well, I have a hell of a lot of dislikes. Do you want me to put them in alphabetical order, or in the order in the which I realized I hated it?

Kakashi:Whatever you want, I'm missing my soap opera.

Sasuke:Let's see, I hate pink, I hate unicorns, I hate Chihuahuas, I hate Mariachi bands, I hate termites, I hate Rock Lee, I hate Dwayne the Rock Johnson, I hate rock candy, I hate being rock solid, I hate rocks, I hate Naruto, I hate Neji, and I hate you Kakashi Sensei. YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! (punches Kakashi)

#2.Kakashi:Behold!! The Sign of the Birdie!! (Gives you the finger)

#3.Naruto:1000 Years of Death!! (Naruto shoved his finger up Gaara's ass, but forgot that he was made out of hardass sand so his finger broke instantly)

Naruto:AUGH!!! SHIT!!!

#4.Sakura:Kakashi Sensei, could you show us what's under your mask?

Kakashi:Sure, why the hell not? Beneath this mask... (Kakashi pulled off his mask but ripped off half his skin in the process, leaving nothing but his skull and leftover skin)

Kakashi:...Well damn.

#5.Rock Lee:I never wanted to be a ninja. My dream is on the stage, AS AN AEROBIC DANCER!!! (Rock Lee ripped off his suit, revealing a ballerina outfit)

#6.Ino:Sakura, you're just like those big ass weeds. You're stubborn, ugly, and a pain in the ass to kill.

Sakura:I feel so much better about myself

#7.Sakura:Ino, you pig! Sasuke obviously loves me!

Ino:No, he loves me! I'll prove it!

(Sakura and Ino went to Sasuke's room)

Sakura:Sasuke!! Which one of us do you love the most!?(Sakura opened the door and gasped. Sasuke and Hinata were on a chair making out)

Ino:What the fuck!?

Sasuke:It's not what it looks like!!

(Sasuke sat up, causing Hinata to fall off his lap)

Sasuke:If you tell anyone about this I'll-

Hinata:Here, let me handle this.

(Hinata grabbed Sakura and Ino by the throats)


(Sakura and Ino nodded)


(Hinata threw them out the window)

Hinata:Now, where were we?

(Sasuke shrugged and continued to make out with Hinata)

#8.Kankurro:I will now perform my creepy puppet act!

(Kankurro pulled out his creepy puppet)

Kankurro:Hey Mr.Puppet Dude, what do you think of our act?

Mr. Puppet Dude:Eat shit faggot!!

Kankurro:The fuck did you say!?(tackles Mr. Puppet Dude)

#9.(Orochimaru was about to kill Hokage)

Orochimaru:What's my motivation yo!?

Announcer Dude:We'll drop the charges for sexual harrassment on Sakura.


#10.Gaara:Got any Baby Soft lotion? You have no idea what this sand does to my complexion.

VGA:Well that's it. How was it? Was it totally awesome, or was it pure shit?

IGF:Review us your thoughts!