Part 21

Azula, the pride of the Fire Nation during war time or not, was used to exotic foods. The royal court had nothing but the best from each nation since the colonies were able to ship rare delicacies to the palace. But even her stomach wasn't willing to give the brown mushy looking sludge residing in the bowl Katara had handed her a try. Her golden eyes flickered up to the tan woman sitting across the table.

Katara was bundled up in her usual thick fur overcoat, gloves, and boots. She had plans of going outside after eating. A storm was supposed to be coming in and there was a lot of preparing to do before that. Not to mention she needed to show Azula around. Supposedly there was a lot to learn about these savages-people-they were people. The fire bender had prepared herself for the cold this time. She'd slipped on some extra layers and was able to hide all of the blue clothing under her armor.

"Eat! It's good!" Katara insisted. Those blue eyes shined so eagerly. The woman loved playing "house" and had been waiting for her chance to show off her cooking skills. Azula fought a smile onto her face, hiding her fear impossibly well. The princess hadn't been looking forward to this day. She didn't want to crush the water bender's joy either though.

"S-sea prunes?" Azula said fighting to sound enthusiastic. "This is…" she cleared her throat and shifted on the animal fur uneasily. "…just the first course right? The main entrée is still coming?" she asked…so hopeful.

Katara's shoulders slumped forward and she lowered her spoon. The tan woman eyed her bowl a little disappointed. "Oh, I forgot that you were so used to that kind of thing. We only eat one course here in the Water Tribe. I hope that's okay."

Azula felt her stomach quiver. "Of course." She fumbled for a minute trying to hold her spoon steady. It rattled rather loudly as she lowered it into the bowl and scooped up a sea prune. The awful stench was a discouraging warning about the taste to come. The fire bender focused herself; if she could survive not winning the war…she could survive this. She put the food into her mouth and tried to swallow but all she got was an immediate gag reflex.

Katara watched Azula, sitting on the very edge of her toes it seemed. The door flap flew open and Sokka barged in angrily. "What's taking so long I've been waiting over an hour?" When Katara's gaze was torn away Azula tossed the sea prune out of her mouth. It plopped back into the bowl.

"We're just gonna eat first Sokka and it's rude to just barge into someone else's igloo!" Katara snapped at him. The man glanced at Azula and the bowl in her hands. A smirk fell over his face as he left. The water bender turned back to Azula. "So? What do you think? It didn't need more whale blubber did it?"

The fire bender shook her head quickly, horrified by the idea of more whale blubber. "It's perfect."

"Well hurry, Sokka won't wait forever." Katara encouraged.

Azula nodded slowly as she eyed her food once more. Never in her life had she been more afraid to eat. It would just be better to eat it all in one go than slowly torture herself with individual bites. She lifted the bowl to her lips and tilted her back to gobble it all up. It took a second to force it all down and another to keep it all down. She clutched her stomach painfully as if gave an unhappy lurch. I know but it'll make her happy,she thought.

"Wow, I'm glad you liked it! And there's plenty left for dinner, too!" Katara smiled widely. Azula stifled a groan as she got onto her feet. The water bender led her back outside where they were momentarily blinded from the all the white snow.

Azula shielded her eyes with her hand. She was used to a blazing sun but this was plain awful. The fire bender shivered uncomfortably as the frigid air swept past. Katara's gentle arm guided her forward until her eyes were adjusted.

"What am I supposed to be doing again?" Azula whispered to Katara so harshly it sounded more like a hiss.

After blinking about a million times the princess' eyes were ready to handle the brightness. She noticed they were passing through several streets of two story buildings made of ice and snow. The Southern Water Tribe's architecture was almost like their sister tribe's; there were several symbols and moons carved into the snow. The buildings were more circular and less rigid than those in the north. Ice sculptures of tiger-seals and polar bears dotted the place. Fountains had been put in. Children were running freely now as their morning lessons had ended and they went to see the water benders train. Azula stuck out sorely, her clothes were like a black scar against the ivory landscape.

"The tribe has decided to have an…official meeting." Katara said a little irritated. Whatever that meant, it didn't seem good. They trudged up several stairs before coming to a giant circular arena. Usually a giant bonfire rested in the pit in the center of the arena but today a bunch of ice chairs had been put around it in a semi circle. A crowd had gathered in the surrounding arena seats to watch.

Sitting in the chairs were a couple elders dressed in fancy ceremonial furs. Hakoda was there too running his fingers over a new spear head he'd been working on. Sitting beside in him in the biggest chair and in the center of the semi circle was Sokka. He had a giant animal fur on his head and he was holding a newly made sword.

"Sokka!" Katara said cheerfully. "The tribe decided to make you chief!"

Sokka's big blue eyes widened with excitement. He wanted to leap out his chair and scream "shakado" or something to show how happy he was. But his eyes glanced worriedly at their dad and the elders. He nodded his head slowly but couldn't wipe the smile off.

"Ahem, of course they did Katara. Dad said he was too old for it and that I'd already proven myself worthy by protecting all of you while the men were away." Sokka explained. He rubbed the dead animal head resting on his lovingly. "It was made official this week."

"That's great!" Katara smiled happily.

Sokka tried put his serious face on. "Anyway, I've called this meeting to discuss your recent decision to…bring her here."

Katara's bright and proud expression suddenly faded into worry. She stepped back and wrapped her arms tightly around Azula's bicep as if to show they'd have to pry the princess out of her arms to get her to leave. Her blue eyes searched for someone who could understand but everyone there looked terrified.

"I've changed since we last met." Azula said firmly, furious almost. Her fists were tightening and her golden eyes shined like fire in the sunlight. Sokka stiffened but not out of fear.

"This something you wouldn't understand. The water tribe is family. Everyone in this village makes up our family. Sure we don't always get along but we can push past our differences when it counts. Look at the faces of my family, they're scared. Should they live in fear just because…you want to be with Katara?" Sokka said, doing his best not to sound harsh.

Azula felt the water bender's eyes on her. The woman was so worried. Azula merely chuckled this was nothing to be afraid of. Her expression remained hard like stone. The members of the tribe were obviously uneasy about this lack of expression or emotion.

The princess shrugged as she lowered her eyes. "I was not there the day of my brother's coronation if you remember. I did hear what he had said. I believe it was something along the lines of a hundred years has left the world scarred and divided. Also, that the road ahead of us was challenging. I realize that I'm not the ideal person you'd want to be living out here in this remote desolate ice dump-,"

"Azula." Katara warned through her teeth.

Azula quickly made a jokingly smile and everyone's tense muscles eased. "But this is a new world, where we all are trying to make a fresh start. Even I am entitled to that. I understand many of you are hesitant about this but I demand-beg-you to at least give me a chance. Show me how to be a member of your family."

The arena was disturbingly quiet. Sokka remained motionless with a hard look on his face. No doubt he was thinking about his wife Suki. It was obviously a painful choice. If he chose to send Azula on her way he would devastate Katara and their child who he barely knew. On the other hand letting Azula have a chance to stay would hurt Suki. He had to be fair though, he was the chief and he needed to prove he could do it. Finally, after a full still minute Sokka shifted in his seat.

"Alright, you will…" Sokka bit his tongue for a second; trying to make sure he was doing the right thing. "…be allowed to go through the trials. If you pass, you are worthy to be a member of the Southern Water Tribe and…worthy to have my sister as your wife."

Katara let out a sigh of relief and put a hand over her heart. She wrapped her arms around Azula's neck and pulled the woman down a little to hug her. The princess showed no sign of relief; she'd only been given the chance to prove herself. There was nothing to celebrate except the anticipation of a new challenge. The fire bender bowed her head forward as briefly as possible still so ashamed she had to bow to Sokka of all people.

They turned and left the arena alongside everybody else. There were whispers echoing through every street now. The two benders made their way back to Katara's grandmother's home where Akikku was outside making snow men. She looked like a giant blue puff in all her clothes she could barely bend over to gather snow.

"There they are." Gran Gran's proud voice announced. She was sitting on an ice block sewing slowly as she kept an eye on her grandchild.

"Mommies!" Akikku cheered as she ran over to hug them both but her tiny arms couldn't reach around all the way. Katara pretended to make a dramatic gasp as she crouched down and hugged her daughter.

"You almost made me fall you're getting so strong!" Katara giggled and kissed the top of Akikku's head. The little girl's eyes grew wider.

"You won't believe what Gran Gran let me eat this morning!" Akikku exclaimed. Katara recognized that tone, she used to have it herself.

"Oh boy, it looks like someone's had Gran Gran's famous penguin cakes for breakfast." The water bender glanced at her grandmother with a smile yet at the same time a disapproving look. The old woman just smiled and waved her hand.

"She's young Katara and she needs to be spoiled." Gran Gran replied. "And weren't you the only always begging for more sweets?"

Azula chuckled darkly. "I'm surprised you maintained such a nice figure then."

The water bender whipped around and immediately slapped the princess' arm. Azula nearly snapped and looked at the tan woman as if she'd wished for a death sentence. The fire bender let it go easily though. Gran Gran turned her gaze to the prodigy.

"I heard the wonderful news! Ah, I remember my trials." Gran Gran giggled in the silly way old ladies did, half crazy and half giddy. "First day was a glacier collapse, I nearly ruined half the men's wardrobe I was so nervous. But I made it through and look at me now."

"Weren't you born here?" Azula crossed her arms as she tilted her head to the side a little.

"Gran Gran came from the northern tribe." Katara explained as she helped Akikku roll a giant snow ball.

The princess rolled her eyes. "I don't understand all of these traditions you people have."

"Traditions are how we remember the past, where we've come from, and where we're going." Gran Gran pointed out sounding somehow so filled with wisdom. "Fire Nation forgot their ways by letting go of their history, forgotten even the true meaning of fire bending."

The princess felt a muscle twitch. Perhaps that was true but that didn't mean she was running around like a cave hopper with its head chopped off. She knew fire bending. She huffed out through her nostrils, bright blue fire danced through the air unintentionally. She'd heard how Zuko visited the last two dragons alive, how he was such a better fire bender now that he understood. She remembered his ugly snort of laughter. You know I might teach you if you weren't so bent on being better than me, he'd told her.

The prodigy turned her thoughts back to these trials. If this old lady had survived them they'd be a complete breeze to her but no matter, some in sight would help nonetheless. "So what happens during these tests?" she wondered.

"Each one is different. I'd be no help to you I'm afraid." Gran Gran answered as she struggled with her shaking hands to get the needle to go through the fabric. The old lady was just asking to be pricked. Azula chewed her tongue as she watched just before Gran Gran stabbed herself Azula stole the fabric from her. She snatched the needle and thread and quickly finished it before dropping it back on Gran Gran's lap.

"It's not worth crippling yourself over even more than you already are." The princess hissed. Gran Gran looked up at her surprised. It was obvious the fire bender was trying to pretend she wasn't concerned.

"What a kind a young woman." The grandmother smiled. Azula gritted her teeth, she sounded like Iroh.

"Don't mention it." The prodigy threatened before walking over to where Katara was rolling around with Akikku in the snow. She tried to keep her serious expression but it broke apart and a grin stretched across her face. "You two look ridiculous."

"Well I guess you'd better look ridiculous too!" Katara giggled and pulled Azula onto the ground. The two of them ambushed the princess. They dug their hands into the snow and dumped it onto the fire bender's face and all down her body in a bad attempt to bury her.

"That's cold!" Azula squealed and half laughed.

"Ah ha we got you! Nah uh nah uh!" her daughter danced in circles around her. The prodigy grinned devilishly before throwing a snowball at Akikku. All three screamed and began hitting each other with puffs of snow.

Part 23

Just before the sun set and the cold was too unbearable to go out in, the tribe gathered in the arena. This time a massive bonfire was going. Even though many separate families were there they all blended together in the rows. Azula was allowed to sit closest to the fire to purposely single her out. Akikku was on her lap and Katara huddled up to her side for warmth. Sokka sat closest to them with Suki. One of the elder men stood up wearing the biggest fur cape Azula had ever seen.

"Today we have an outsider in our mix! So today we will inform her of the Southern Water Tribe's great history!" he cheered as he held his hand out. Drums were suddenly banged on and everyone made a loud warrior like cry and hammered their feet against the hard snow. The ground thundered loudly.

"Long ago! Before the Avatar, before the great lion turtles, there was a time of fire. Then came the great winds that cooled the earth and soon water was born! Balance was born! The four elements came into being! From that delicate balance life flourished into existence and the old spirits drifted away from the physical world but Tui and La remained, always circling one another. They guided our people to live in balance with the frozen lands, taught us to survive here. For a time we lived as one, through the thick of blasting winters and through the hard times when food was scarce. We learned how to push and pull the water and became water benders." The elder man explained with so much passion it was if he'd fallen in love with his own words.

Two small boys had gotten up and were using water bending to tell the story to keep the little kids interested. Akikku's eyes glazed over with wonder.

"But at last the world rumbled with anger. The spirits were thrown out of balance. They were outraged by the way some of the other people, in other parts of the world, disrespected their homes. Even though the tribe lived peacefully with their spirits the great ice cap broke and half the tribe drifted away. It was heart breaking. We were no longer whole. Things were never the same again! That was when the Avatar was born; he would be used as a bridge between the worlds to prevent such a tragedy from repeating.

"The very first Avatar cycle began here in the Southern Tribe. It was a miracle that our people survived that first cold winter. It was much, much colder in the south than in the north. One night a great storm rolled in and buried the village under so much snow, so much weight. We would've all been crushed but one tiny baby's eyes began to glow! So brightly and so beautifully, with just a wiggle of his fingers he sent the storm away.

"Now we all thought something was terribly wrong with the child. Babies shouldn't glow, right?" the man asked the little kids closest to him. They giggled and nodded. "We couldn't understand what had happened but we kept a curious eye on the child. She was playful and fun but she had much to learn. No one knew what do to with the Avatar much less no one even knew what the Avatar was. When the first Avatar went in the spirit world for the first time the tribe was so worried. We thought she was dead and when she returned she was so frightened. But she was with her family and we all helped her discover her ultimate destiny since there were no past lives to rely on.

"Our people held on somehow, we held on because we had each other. We may not be as impenetrable as our sister tribe but we are harder to kill! We are resilient and we will go through anything as long as there is hope. We barely made it through a hundred year war and I am so proud that it was Sokka and Katara who once more helped the Avatar with his destiny."

The tribe made their warrior calls again as they stared at Sokka and Katara. Azula couldn't help but look awkwardly at the ground. She hadn't helped anybody, only destroyed. Even though she'd never admit it to herself for the first time she felt regret. It was an icy sting in her chest. She brushed it off and glanced ahead of her. The story teller suddenly turned to her.

"Outsider." He said calmly. "It takes true strength to be in our tribe. It takes true love as well." Their eyes locked and Azula's angry golden ones didn't like that very much. "But I see much strength in you and love." His eyes flickered to Akikku in her lap. "The moon spirit would not have blessed you with a child if she could not find such qualities." He turned around to face the other people. "Come! This is not just a celebration of a possible new family member this is the union of two nations. Share us with us a bit of your culture!"

The prodigy's face filled with irritation. She knew much about history but not so much about legends or where the Fire Nation's people originated. She already had everyone's attention though. She handed the drifting Akikku over to Katara and slowly stood. She stepped closer to the fire, watching it dance in the wind.

"I'm afraid I don't know if this is true. My nation wanted to forget the legends. We wanted to create new ones when…the world was ours." She explained quietly as she reached out and let the flames weave around her fingers but she didn't get burned. "My uncle told me this ages ago." She shook her head and a smile cracked over her face. "I hated listening to it."

"Please, tell us." Someone said intrigued.

"Fire wasn't always destruction or so I've heard. This begins the same way your tale began. Fire was the first element; it gave birth to all others. According to my uncle, the Fire Nation began as a small tribe, village, whatever you want to call it. It was constantly terrorized by dragons. They were fire breathing and ferocious, the most powerful thing the world had ever seen. Many went out to fight them. Our people had to prove we were worthy to use the element of fire. Maybe it was warning; that we could never discipline ourselves enough to keep it from hurting each other.

"Anyway, we learned it from the dragons. It was only used for show and fire was never allowed to be used in a fight unless it was in an Agni Kai arena. Well obviously that changed when the great Avatar was first born into our nation. He had a big head and he didn't want to listen. He terrorized people with fire. The four nations came together to restore balance. The Avatar had to be killed and the reincarnation taught to use fire much more responsibly." She explained simply.

"Um, thanks for that…great story." Sokka coughed. "We should get inside now before it gets too cold." Everyone agreed and got up. They all shuffled back to their cozy homes. Katara smiled warmly as Azula slowly stepped over to her.

"I thought it was a great story." The water bender whispered as she struggled onto her feet and handed the snoring Akikku over to Azula. The princess grinned and resisted the urge to tease Katara about her lack of muscle strength. Instead she leaned forward and stole a kiss.

"Let's hope tomorrow goes better."