Disclaimer: I don't own Harry and Co.

It was another boring and dull day at Hogwarts High school. The fall season was upon the students and the leaves blew around and colored the campus. The students and staff began to prepare themselves for the coming winter months

Hermione Granger, resident bookworm of Hogwarts, walked down the asphalt paths that lead to the giant library. She was working on a paper about the mythological creature such a Vampires and Werewolves for her mythology class. While other students had chosen gods and goddesses from ancient time Hermione decided to do something more modern. Her paper was about the difference between the Werewolves and Vampires from the movies and the ones from the history books.

Hermione entered the library and waved to the librarian, who smiled back at her favorite student. Hermione made her way to her table, which stood in the back corner of the library. She set down her book bag and pulled out two books entitled Vampires: Myths or facts? and Werewolves: behind the beast. She opened the book and began to read and scribble notes every once in a while.

A few hours later Hermione still sat in the library reading over her notes to make sure that she didn't miss anything when one of the jocks from the football team, Brice Stonewall, approached her with two of his lackeys tailing behind.

"Well well well. If it's not out own homework helper miss buck tooth Granger." Brice stated with a cocky smile

"What do you want Stonewall?" Hermione asked with a monotone voice

Brice's two goons quickly grabbed Hermione by the collar of her school uniform, picked her up out of her chair and slammed her into the library wall. Hermione grunted in pain.

"I want my homework Granger" Brice growled in Hermione's ear." And I always get what I want"

The two goons lowered Hermione back onto her feet but kept her arms pinned behind her back. Brice approached Hermione and slowly unbuttoned her blouse. She tried to squirm ad get away but her arms were still pinned and the grips of the two goons got tighter around her arms. Brice finished undoing her blouse and pulled it down her arms revealing her pink lace bra.

"Please" Hermione begged with tears running down her cheeks "Stop! please!"

Brice simply laughed at her begging and continued to undress her. Brice signaled to his two goons, who picked Hermione up and laid her across the table she had been working on, which caused her cooks and notes to scatter onto the floor. Brice reproached her and hiked up her skirt showing the three jocks her pink panties. Brice reached up to pull them off when her heard footstep approaching. The goons quickly let go of Hermione and fled the scene with there boss.

Hermione picked herself up off the ground, buttoned up her blouse and straightened her skirt just in time for the headmaster of Hogwarts School. Albus Dumbledore. She began to pick up her school supplies when the old headmaster approached her.

"Miss Granger" Dumbledore said with mild surprise and a twinkle in his eye "What are you doing in the library this late?"

"Oh hi headmaster! Um…I was doing research for my mythology project when I accidently fell asleep. A couple of students awoke me and gave me a fright which caused me to knock my school supplies onto the ground. I'm really sorry" Hermione said in one breath, her cheeks turning redder with each passing minute.

"No need to apologize Miss Granger. It's good to see that a student is taking an interest in their studies. However I must ask why you do not spend time with your friends"

"I…um I don't have any real friends who want to hang out with a bookworm like myself" Hermione said with tears starting to build up in her eyes.

The headmaster approached Hermione and placed his hand on her shoulder. This caused the tears that Hermione had been trying to repress to start rushing down her cheeks like Niagara Falls. She rapped her arms around the old man and began to sob. Dumbledore, for his part, stood there and consoled his young student.

Soon the tears began to subside. Dumbledore took Hermione by the chin and lifted her head.

"Feel better?" He asked with a smile

Hermione nodded and stepped away from the old man. Her eyes were read and puffy and her clothes were wrinkled. She rubbed her arm under her nose to make sure there was no snot.

"Now Miss Granger I know right now things may seem bad but I want you to remember. Every cloud had a silver lining. You just have to wait for it to come to you"

"Thank you headmaster. I feel a lot better now and sorry for getting your shirt wet"

"Think nothing of it. Everyone needs a good cry every now and then. I want you to know that if you ever need someone to talk to or just some company, my door is always open. Have a good evening miss Granger." And with that Dumbledore left the library.

Hermione stood there for a moment thinking about what had just transpired between herself and the old headmaster. She shook her head and packed up her stuff. After making sure that she had gotten all her stuff off the floor and table Hermione left the library and headed home.


A young man walked down a marble hallway and stopped at a large Oak door with the number two seventeen hanging on the door. The young man grabbed the seven and turned it upside down. This action cased the wall beside him to open and reveal a dark stair case. He took began to walk down the staircase as the wall reclosed behind him and the torches that hung on the wall lit themselves. When he reached the end of the staircase there was a large metal door. The young man rapped on the door twice and a pair of eyes appeared in the slot. After examining the man for a second the eyes closed the slot and opened the door. The young man walked through and was met by a ragged old man in an old lab coat.

"Harry!" The middle aged man exclaimed "How was Russia?"

"Cold and Russian Moony" Harry Joked.

"Still got that sharp wit I see. I was hoping maybe the battle with Eric would have fixed that."

"Hey you should know me better then that moony. I'll always keep my wit. I mean look who my father and godfather were"

"Yes I know. Well onto more pressing matters there is a werewolf pack that seems to have moved near a region of humans. While that is not a problem they seem to have three members that have gone rouge. They have taken human form and are preying on students at a near by school."

"Ok. Is this a relocate or a seek and destroy mission?"

"Well I want you to see if you can convince them to go back to their pack and leave the people alone. If not then destroy them. I'll clear things up with their council afterwards."

"Ok I need the usual equipment and a mode or transportation. So where's the unlucky school these three are at?"

Moony did a few quick key strokes on his computer and waited. Finally the page loaded.

"A place called Hogwarts High School"Have H