Hi this is my first fanfiction so please be nice…… I really don't know where I came up with this so it just popped up in my head

Disclaimer – No I do not own Ouran High school host club or Inuyasha someone other people do cries.

Summary- Kagome has decided to put the jewel quest on hiatus so she can do well in High school and not always have to go home but when she mysteriously gets accepted to the famous Ouran high and gets sucked into the host club there is there something else going on?

And now to start my story!

Heart of the Pure


"Inuyasha I can't keep doing this," Kagome said standing in the field of the bone eater's well. "I need to finish high school before I can continue this. I'm leaving no matter what you say I'm going to seal up the well and I'll be back in about three years." She stood up and picked up here giant yellow backpack and started to walk towards the well.

Standing in stunned silence Inuyasha came out of it and yelled while running, "Come back here wench we still need to kill that bastard Naraku!" Just as he was about grab her shoulder a bright pink barrier appeared and zapped him unconscious.

"I'm sorry Inuyasha," Kagome muttered," I have to go." With that she walked off to the bone eater's well and jumped into it and was suddenly surrounded by a bright pink light.

Kagome leaned against the back of her seat and stretched. "Finally, she muttered, "Entrance exams are over." She fiddled with the glass jar with the jewel shards in it when Hojo walked over. "What are those" he said reaching out towards the tiny jar. As a reflex she swiped his hand away and yelled "sit boy."

The entire classroom went silent and stared at Kagome. "WHAT?" she yelled. "It's a bad habit." People continued to stare and she just decided to ignore them. Come on people yelling sit boy isn't that weird……. Looks around ok maybe it isn't but the don't have to stare….. so much…….. or whisper

When she was riding home on her bike that was completely beaten up from traveling a lot, Hojo followed her home again or as he put it walking her home. Mentally sighing Kagome said "Hojo you don't have to walk me home I can more than take care of myself." I mean it's not like Sesshomaru is going to pop up and try and kill me. She runs to the side of the roads quickly and knocks on wood.

"But you never know what is walking around these streets and your just recovering from that bad case of scurvy you had only last week," Hojo said giving her a strange look(AN man is he gullible who gets scurvy these days anyways what is she a pirate?). "No it is my duty to make sure you get home safely and to repay me you can go to the movies with me this Sunday."

"No sorry Hojo I can't I have something else to do." As if on cue her friends jumped out a bush that just random appeared (AN Yes I know these people will not be the same people from the anime but these are my characters they will be a little different than the ones on the anime). Mokona ran in front of Kagome's bike causing her to fall over.

"Kagome how could you reject Hojo after all these nice things he has done for you while you were sick!" Mokona yelled. "He's so damn nice to you and this is the way you treat him give me one good explanation for it!!!" "Um…….." Kagome racked her brain for lies, excuses, or blow offs. Crap those two years in the past gave me plenty of ideas now I'm fresh out of them. Oh well just say you have a boyfriend that always works that or saying I'm a lesbian. I'll go with the boyfriend. "Uh I already have a boyfriend," Kagome said not all that confidently.

"Really then what is his name," Mokona said sounding like an interrogator. Go if this was an anime there would be a bright spotlight in me in a dark room. Good thing its not.

"His name is Sesshomaru," shit this isn't going to turn out well I can already see that happening. By this point Kagome reached her house with a quick bye she ran up their shrine steps running almost as fast as Inuyasha, only to get stopped by her mom.

"What is it mom if I stop now those people down there will catch up and that won't end well" Kagome said huffing her lungs out

"Kagome did you try for the Entrance Exam for Ouran High," Kagome's mom said, "Because I don't remember you telling me you did."

"Of course not we would either have to be rich or me be super smart like that girl Haruhi from class 3b" Kagome paused, "Why?"

"Because you just got accepted," she said.

Dun dun duhhhhhhh hahahaha so how did you like it? Please review I except all kinds of comments but if it's mean I will rip your head off (not literally of course)

I won't update till I get 3 review k?

See ya later
