And now it is Christmas!! *sigh* I really am sorry I take forever with these chapters I promise at least 1 or 2 more chapters during this x-mas break. My goal is 4 chapters but I'm not so sure now…. Now it's time for me to stop ranting and you to read the long awaited chapter 10!!!

Last Time

"We are pleased to have you here Matsura-san," Kagome's mom said politely.

"Please just call me Kouga," he smiled wolfishly as if he had something up his sleeve.


Chapter 10


"So Kouga, what brings you here today? Did something happen?" Kagome's mother tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"Ah nothing has happened. We, well actually Kurama-sama, thought it would be a good idea to come talk to you so you wouldn't think we were cold hearted people," Kouga smiled funny again. "Well I suppose I should let Kagome continue from here….."

Kagome shot Kouga a look, what is he thinking about, he keeps smirking like something is going to happen….

Explaining what happened to her mother wasn't all that hard, in fact it didn't seem to take all that much time. Since her mother already knew about demons and Kagome's time travelling back and forth, she was already pretty open to whatever they said. She wasn't exactly a skeptic after all.

In the most part Kagome tried to giver her as many details as possible. However when her mother asked her if Kagome had ever mentioned this Kurama-sama before, she had to stretch the truth a bit. "Yeah I think I did but I don't think you would remember anything about him. He was just one of the demons we had unintentionally helped along the way. And seeing as I am the only one of our group who is still alive, except for Shippo of course, he wanted to repay the favor."

Lucky for her, her mother took that as a satisfactory answer and continued to ask Kagome about her stay at the mansion. After she had said everything she could think of, including the becoming a demon, they sat in an awkward silence for a while. Her mother was the first one to speak, "So it's all over now?" That struck Kagome hard, she hadn't thought of it like that. Does that mean I can never go back? Sesshomaru never said anything about her helping defeat Naraku.... I would have been there if I was back in the past.......

"Yeah, it is," these words sounded so final, that the room was put back into another awkward silence. Somehow Kouga started a conversation with her mother and Kagome took this as an excuse to go change out of her uniform. Kouga gave her another wolfish smile and turned back to her mother. She padded up the stairs feeling a little worried about Kouga's smile. What could he be up too? She hadn't left out any important details, other than Kurama-sama's identity... He wouldn't!

She quickly changed out of the stiff uniform and ran back downstairs. Her mother smiled, "Wow that was quick Kagome. It seems Kurama-sama wants you too stay at his house seeing as it's a lot closer to the school. He also thinks it would be safer for you there." Her mother seemed in good spirits but she could tell that her mother would be sad if she left again.

"What? I finally get to stay home without having Inuyasha breathing down my neck and now Kurama-sama is going to do the same?" She sighed. "I'll think about it but I'm not really sure I can leave my family so soon again."

Kouga nodded, "I can understand that but Kurama-sama has many enemies and they would see you as a good way to get to him. You are the first person who he has helped outside of close friends. They might try to use you or your family." He smiled like he was just looking out for her family's and her well being but something was behind that, however she couldn't quite place her finger on it.

"I know this is sort of out of the blue Kouga, but did you ever marry or mate?" Kagome asked skeptically.

His eyes sparkled mischievously, "As you might know, you are still the love of my life but yes I mated Ayame. Now don't avoid my question, I really do suggest you live with Kurama-sama, he would take good care of you."

She sighed Well at least he isn't trying to make me his woman anymore…… but if that isn't it….. what is? I know just getting me into Sesshomaru's house is not his plan. Maybe he's going to try something like try to get me to fall for someone….. UGH! I hate when I can't figure out what people are planning…. I might as well wait it out. I guess

Kagome looked to her mom, "I guess it is all up to you mom. I really would like to stay with you guys but it would put you in danger."

"Kagome," her mother said kindly, "I will support whatever you want. I am sure your grandfather and Souta will too."

Kagome's eyes filled with tears. She loved her family, what should she do…..

She decided as quickly as she could, leaving the room in yet another quiet pause. "I think I will go live with Kurama-sama. I have kept my family from getting hurt before and I still don't want them hurt." Her mother gave her a sad smile, saying nothing. It seemed like this was what her mother had expected her to say. I am quite predictable after all……. She laughed at herself.

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Kagome's parting was sad to say the least. Her family, who you would think would be used to her leaving, eyes's were glazed over with tears. Kagome's on the other hand were pouring out tears like none other. She hated having to leave her family yet again. Back when she went back to the feudal era it was a duty for her. She was responsible for the jewel even being back in that world. Now on the other hand she was running away. No I can't think of it like that I am protecting them I will come back stronger from this and hopefully this will not last all that long.

She dragged a big suitcase, filled with her clothes and other miscellaneous things she thought she might need, toward Kouga's car. She struggled in lifting it up into the small window that worked as the trunk door. Kouga swiftly took the bag from her hands and slid it in. "There you go my lady."

She scowled towards the wolf. "Don't you go calling me 'My Lady' geez. Being at that school where everyone is already used to it is annoying enough. We are old friends," she laughed, "really old friends. I don't want me going to a fancy pantsy school changing that."

Kouga smiled, not wolfishly this time. "I was only teasing Kagome no need to get all worked up over that. Trust me living with Kurama-sama you are going to have to get used to it."

Kagome sighed, "Great well we'll deal with that later I am going to go say goodbye to my family now." She took several minutes saying goodbye to everyone. Even her crazy grandfather, who tried to convince her to take a shriveled Kappa hand for 'protection', at least she knew he wasn't going to change anytime soon.

She hopped into the black car, rolling down the window so she could wave goodbye to them until she couldn't see them anymore. She rolled up the window, and collapsed against the leather interior. "Are you sure they will be fine even after I leave them? I mean even without me there they are still my family."

Kouga smiled in his usual fashion, "they will be fine. We have set up a surveillance system that will make sure no one is targeting them. Also most families wouldn't cross Kurama-sama. Basically everything is linked to his business. If they bring down his company, many others will fall as well. I thought it would be better for you to come to this house because; frankly people would be more curious than dangerous. We can't do much about it there but here," he gestured towards the mansion. "No one is allowed in other than a select few, most of them you already know."

She sighed, she had been tricked into thinking something horrible might happen. Stupid wolf.

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So….. he he he it seems I procrastinated again. I started this on x-mas but then I was found out by my mother. See my grades have been a lot better but just because of one vacation they take me on I am completely behind. I am still not sure if they will let me turn it all in for credit but I'm just going to turn it in. oh Ps this chapter is short because I am currently pretending to clean my room while typing on a laptop. Not an easy task trust me. Well I am off to go start the next chapter….. it should be out soon. Please cheer me on, by reviewing it makes me super happy to see so many people interested in my story. So I hope everyone had a good Christmas and a good new year. Good night ^-^