A/N: And yet the torture continues. :P I figured a short fourth chapter couldn't hurt anything, except possibly poor Logan's back. :P I hope you all enjoy as we take this just a bit hotter. :P If enough people want it, I'll consider a fifth. **blinks.. polishing her halo** Of course, you wouldn't expect a smut fic from me would you? I'm appalled. :P

As usual, they're not mine. I just borrow them periodically and mutate their inner voices. What can I say? It's fun. :)

Thanks to everyone for your kind reviews. Believe me when I say, I couldn't keep doing this without your wonderful words of encouragement. Course, to some of you, you may take that as a curse.. but I meant it well. :P

Thanks again to Chris for her absolutely wonderful beta job. God, girl, how'd I get along without you? *G*

Heat and Cycles: Arrival

Logan couldn't think for Max's hands traveling down his bare chest, over his ass, across his thighs. His entire body burned with want as she sealed her lips to his, groaning deep into his mouth while one of her gorgeous legs wrapped around him. Just something else to touch him, make him whimper.

How she could continually maintain her balance, Logan hadn't a clue, and didn't care, as long as every inch of her continued driving him mad. He gripped her shirt, ripping it out of her pants and over her head, leaving it to trail down behind her. He gave no care to the fact they were still half in, half out of the elevator, and nowhere near his door.

His hands traveled up her back, caressing her shoulder blades, effectively drawing her that much closer to him. His tongue invaded her mouth, fighting against hers, tasting every sweet inch of her. His knees grew weak as she climbed upon him once again, pressing him back into the now mercifully closed elevator doors.

Her hips lurched softly, driving herself against him as her fingers gripped his hair, holding him steady. His own hands traveled back down to the firm globes of her behind, squeezing her, caressing her, slipping his hands over her thighs and back up to tease her very center with a gentle caress.

He gasped as she jumped, heat mingled with love and lust, making her just that much more sensitive to his exploring fingers. A low growl built in her chest, traveling up her throat as she removed her mouth from his. She moved to his neck, nipping him with ungentle bites that ripped animalistic grunts from his own body.

He spun, struggling to keep his legs solid as he took step after step towards his door, never allowing his body to lose contact with hers. Each step ground his hardened, most sensitive spot into the welcoming heat between her thighs, separated only by the leather that for him now seemed ludicrously tight.

The last few steps saw them crash against his door, her back arching as he pressed her into the wood, making them both groan and reach for the others mouth. Max's fingers dug deep into Logan's back, her nails biting flesh, drawing small trails of blood and pain that made him burn for her that much more. Logan had a feeling that making love to Max would be equal parts pain and pleasure, a concept that didn't disturb him in the least. Above anything else, he wanted to make her lose control, and he wanted to experience every last consequence the loss would bring about.

Finally, he ripped his mouth away from hers, dragging his body back mere inches as he searched his pockets for his keys. Max arched her body against his, making his eyes close briefly with the sensation.

"Hurry!" she hissed, her voice raw with desire.

"I am! Keep doing that and we won't make it inside at all!" His voice shook as she softly circled her hips against him, making his fingers tremble and the keys he'd finally found jingle loudly.

"I want... inside... Now!" she whimpered, her mouth pressed hard against the side of his neck, teeth nipping, lips soothing, tongue driving him mad.

"What do you think I'm trying to do! If you'd stop moving for two seconds..!"

Max slipped her hips into a gentle rhythm, the fingers of one hand sliding down the back of his too tight leather pants. "You really want that?"

"God..." Logan groaned, jamming the key into the lock, turning it so harshly it broke off in the door, but the job was done, the lock had turned. His hand fumbled for the doorknob, and, once found, turned it so quickly that they stumbled through the open door. He swung around, her leg kicking out to shut the door with a loud slap, as he headed for the nearest piece of furniture he could recall.

Somehow, she managed to find enough space between them to grab at the waistband of his leather pants, her fingers not wasting any time in ripping open the button and pulling down the zipper. Her constant movement against him started to drive the pants downward, making movement into the apartment a little more difficult. They were half way to the living room, vases smashing in their wake, when Logan became aware of another impediment to their progress. Her shirt had caught on the waist of her pants, and now was wrapped around his legs.

"Max!" he cried, desperately trying to maintain balance as his legs and feet became even more entangled in her shirt.

They were so caught up in trying not to fall, that they missed the shadow that fell across them. A sharp bark of laughter split the air, causing them both to jump, which resulted in tumbling Logan, and therefore Max, to the floor. Desperately, they tried to untangle their limbs and clothing, turning to stare towards the hallway they'd just passed through.

"Not that this isn't great to see, but I think I'm outta here. Voyeurism just ain't my thing." Bling grinned at them, trying not to laugh at the red tinge that became a creeping shadow over Logan's face and neck. "Have fun, kids. I won't be back early."

The door clicked shut as Bling passed through, leaving Logan and Max looking at each other in shock.

"Forgot about him."


Logan's eyes flicked towards the bedroom, and Max grinned.

"You driving or 'm I?"

Rolling to his knees, Logan pulled Max up and into his arms, his mouth fastening on hers again with an astonishing speed. An unbridled desire propelled them towards the bedroom as hands and mouths merged into a passionate blur of activity. Logan didn't believe it was possible, but it was truly amazing how fast a man could get out of leather pants when faced with the right stimulation.
