A.N.: Hello minna-san! You may all wonder what this ficcie is about this time, so let me tell you…this was some story my friend and I were talking-dreaming about, talking about how the SasuNaru did indeed exist, and so how it would nice/or likely to end…and so this story was born, and it was born even before "Ship of Fools" 's conception. I'm not telling you this is how is gonna end (the actual series) but how we would like it to end. Also, I wanted a SasuNaru doujin, so this friend (Hiei) said she would do it if I gave her the script. Funny, she only speaks Spanish…but weird-ly I can only write properly in English, so this is the original version. Thought I may as well post this, since some of friends wanted to read it…and I could also share this you, I figured.

Oh, chapters won't be long, since this originally was intended to be a doujin.

Pairing: SasuNaru, or NaruSasu –not sure yet— --;,,,

Disclaimer: Don't own it…never will. I tried to fight it in court for its rights, but I guess Kishimoto-sensei beat me into it. He should learn to share… T.T

So, without further ado, on with this!

Everything the Crimson Tears Took Away

By Yoru no Tsuyu

Chapter I: Not renouncing…

He had heard of it. They had only been able to guess what had really happened…but not-one could really know for sure. Even though he had gone there himself and saw it…he hadn't gotten any better answer.

Naruto, now almost sixteen years old, had thought—scratch that; still thought that things were awfully quiet. Not a single up-roar, not a single attack of any kind to him or the village, not a single rumor…not a thing. Nothing at all. And that unsettled him even more. And that, as a consequence, let him restless.

Naruto was now perched high upon a tree, after being mercilessly forced by Tsunade baa-chan to get some rest. A little more than a couple of months ago rumors had it of an explosion—a massacre, which apparently seemed to come from an area that was suspected to be from Oto's hideout. And what seemed to be even more shocking….was the discovering of it being utterly, completely destroyed to the brick—and there, under the collapsed structure of the building, debris everywhere, where corpses. Corpses of what clearly were Oto's nin. Some were maimed, others were burnt, others beheaded mercilessly without they even having a chance of knowing what was going on before it happened… All of them. Every single one of them. And amongst them, there was Kabuto's body and…Orochimaru's…

Or was what left of them.

They've made sure that indeed, as shocking as it all was, as sudden as it all was…it was the real thing—the corpses were real, and some kind of sick prank. It was certainly Orochimaru's body. He was death. Finally dead. And Sasuke… he was nowhere to be found. Not even his corpse—nor anything—was found.


It was as if…as if he had vanished from the face of the earth.

But Naruto hadn't given up at that. For months he had searched, for months he had searched for clues, anything which might lead to the brunet, but, in the end…he had come up empty-handed.

And that only frustrated him.

At one point, Sakura-chan had told him that he was a bit over-obsessed about it… that he should just let it go. After all, Orochimaru was finally death, and he couldn't harm Sasuke-kun anymore. And that if Sasuke really wanted to be found, he would have done so already. So he should really start to move on; everyone was worried over him. Naruto felt a little betrayed over that.

They—he and Sakura—had been partners in the Sasuke-bastard-retrieving-mission, after all. They had vowed—and it felt as if…as if everyone else was really moving on, continuing with their lives, except for him.

Yeah, everyone still searched for the Uchiha, but after a while…it was as if…it lacked the priority it had before.

…Then, should he take that as a hint and begin to move on too…?

The blond boy abruptly jumped down from the tree, and landed smoothly to the ground. That thought, somehow, was way over-depressing. And…he strongly refused to move on with his life with something missing. He just felt that, even when the teme clearly didn't deserve it…life wouldn't be the same, and wouldn't be as happier—

Whoa. He brusquely stopped on his way back at that. Where that hell did that thought come from!?

Oh well…

While on his way home, he thought about asking Sakura-chan out, but then thought better of it. He honestly didn't feel like hanging out with anyone just now…and besides, she seemed to be hanging out with Ino today.

And thinking about it, those two…it was weird. Last thing he knew they hated each other's throat, but now…they seemed to be spending a lot of time together lately.

Without trying to kill each other.


But something just told him not to dwell on things like that, as he had lot of trouble as it was.

And then he saw part of his destination—an intermediate stop—before going home, anyways—Ichikaru's ramen stand. And he couldn't help but feel his heart light up a little at the prospect of eating his ever-beloved ramen (and not even Sasuke was a match against it).

"Oi, occhan!" Naruto greeted, grinning as he sat on a stool.

"Oi Naruto! Long time no see! Have been on a mission?" the stand's owner asked the boy.

"Well…" Naruto started, a hand rubbing the back of his head in a nervous-kind of manner, "kinda."

"Oh, I see. But Naruto…try not to over-do it yourself, alright?" Teuchi said kindly, looking at the youngster in the eye. Then, breaking the mood, he asked, smiling, "So, what's gonna be? The same as always?"

"Yeah, as always, please!" the azure-blue-eyed boy said, cheerfully.

More than half an hour later, the boy left the place, after having eating not as much as he usually did; he hadn't been that hungry, he realized.

He made his way home on the dark night, darkness covering most of the road he chose to take. Haven chosen the usual one, he might have encountered someone he knew, and truthfully…he really didn't feel like talking with anyone at the moment.

He just…didn't feel like explaining his feelings to anyone (his apathy—he had never been able to learn how to hide his emotions), when he himself didn't know.

But then maybe he knew—he knew the exact answer; just—

He was cut sharply of his train of thoughts by…the sight of his apartment building. And he really glad of not having to think about it, because really—

When he arrived at the front of his front door, he searched for his keys. After fumbling about a little bit with them, and after succeeding in opening the damn door, Naruto, almost wearily, opened the door, going inside.


Or as close as it got, anyway.

He didn't even try to switch the lights on, and he deftly made his way to his current destination: his bedroom. Already there, he stripped off his weapon pouch, and then proceeded to do the same of the rest of his garments as well, until he was clad with only his boxers. Belly somewhat full, and not even wanting to bother with some pajamas (not even his pajama bottoms) as he felt somewhat sleepy, and most of all, tired, he proceeded to get into bed.

Naruto turned to his left side, arranging his pillow into a more comfortable way, and then settled like that. After a couple more minutes of staying still like that, he grunted, and then almost angrily turned to his other side, trying to get at least somewhat comfortable AND GET SOME SLEEP, DAMMIT!

In an angry manner he sat up on his bed, hair rumpled. The distressed boy then glanced at the clock on his nightstand. Damn. 2:37 AM. Great. Just great. Now, to just op it off, he couldn't sleep.

Oh great. How long had he been awake, unable to sleep? Has it been a little more than an hour, maybe? He plopped harshly on the poor abused bed, groaning once more, frustrated.

Dammit, he had tried it all already, but he just wasn't able to fall asleep, for some unknown reason. It was as if…

Wearily, he sat up once more. Not use trying to get to sleep any longer, as it probed to be useless (and a complete waste of time) the hour or so before. That decided, he stepped his foot on the cold floor, and got up.

He just wondered why the heck he couldn't sleep. It really felt as if…he shouldn't be there, and—

Cursing lightly under his breath, he went to the bathroom, trying to wash away his sleepiness now that he's gonna stay awake for a while, by washing his face.

Done with that, he went back to his room and grabbed a new change of clothes, which consisted of a black fishnet shirt and orange jacket and pants. Then he grabbed his weapon pouch and put it around his hips. After holding it securely, he grabbed his kunai holster and put it on his leg. That done, he grabbed his hitai-ate (he would put it later) and just went outside, leaving his apartment, after putting his sandals on.


To Be Continued…


Occhan: Something like 'Old man'

Baa-chan: Rougtly 'granny'

Teme: Offensive 2nd person pronoun, roughly translated as 'bastard'

A.N.: So, this is it. How did you like it? As always, questions, comments, corrections are welcomed. Oh…this would probably just be about 6/7 chapters at the most…

Ja na! XD

.: Tsuyu :.