A.N.: Chapter 4 is here! I'm dizzy…Ima tired… Wanna sleep… .+faints in front of computer, silly smile on her face, dreams of SasuNaru being held+.

Disclaimer: One SasuNaru…Two SasuNaru…Three SasuNaru… +wakes up briefly+. Don't own it, never will… .+faints again+.

Everything the Crimson Tears Took Away

By Yoru no Tsuyu

Chapter IV: Not an illusion

There was love…


Long ago, he had thought that no-one would ever feel that kind of love toward him—yes, there were many kinds of love, as in parental love (Iruka-sensei), sibling-like love (Sakura-chan; now he was aware of that), friendship love (Gaara; the two of them had gotten closer over those past years, somehow) and yes, he knew them, he knew that—but he never thought it would be—

—this kind of love—

—and less from the teme there.

Never in a million years he would have guessed—expected for something like that to happen. Such a thing should be considered impossible.



The brunet that went with that name then wiped his eyes away, refusing making eye contact; he couldn't believe he had just been so careless as to show the other part of his great weakness—

But he just felt so, so oh so tired…

For once, he wanted to rest.

For once, he wanted to be at peace.

Even when he guessed such a thing was forbidden for a person such as himself.

And yet…he wanted to know…he wanted to know what would happen…what was still in storage for him in the future. He wanted to know…

…He still wanted that, even still with all that had happened till now. No hope should be left in him, not a single want left; he thought his heart had died so long ago…

…Yet, it still was…

And it's great, just so fucking great, because…it was still alive; it wasn't as death as he thought, and it would have been infinitely better if it was. Because if it were death, he would be able to feel nothing. And if he felt nothing, he wouldn't be able to lose anything anymore; he wouldn't be able to get hurt anymore.

He was just so tired from hurting, from fighting, from killing, from destroying…

…From everything.

He was tired from everything, from everyone, and all he wanted was to rest.

When he heard Naruto's uncertain steps on the ground and some leaves towards him, he panicked. He attempted to withdraw, to make a step back, to draw a line between them, to keep the other away as much as possible.

When his back felt the texture of the bark of the tree, he remembered where he was.

Yet it was too late; Naruto was standing a mere two steps away from him, uncertain to attempt going any closer.

And because those Sharingan eyes of his weren't present now, he couldn't see how Naruto's—ever sure Naruto, never afraid of anything—hands were trembling.

His state of mind, the darkness of the night-almost morning, and those capturing azure, azure blue eyes, weren't helping, either.

He was swept back to reality—once more—at the feeling of warmth pressing on his cheeks—they were hands, Naruto's—and gently yet kind of gingerly and somehow, firmly, making their eyes met, once more—he must've diverted his eyes from those eyes—and then he felt how much Naruto's hands were trembling, and those eyes…

…those eyes…

None kind of pity could be seen in there, nor disgust, just—

Just honesty. Complete and utter honesty. And warmth. And care. And a million of other more promises.

Just the way Naruto was. Just the way he remembered Naruto being, since forever.

And for him. Just for him.

And then…Naruto spoke.

"Sasuke, just—what the heck am I supposed to say? Just—I honestly don't know what to say to you, I'm not sure what I feel towards you, either—just—

"The only thing I'm sure about, Sasuke, it's that you're the person I most care about—there are things that I'm not sure I would do for anyone else's—not even Sakura-chan's—sake—Yet…yet…"

Gods, he didn't know what to say anymore—he was never that good with words—not even now, now that it was important, now that…

…And what else it was there to think about, anyways? He was never one to think too much into things, so… why start it now? He only ever did that which he thought it was right, that which he felt it was right…

So…he tried to tell him…

So… he wanted to tell him that…

"Stop pitying me, Naruto."

…Why…did time seem to stop like that…?

…Why…did it seem his heart had fully stopped beating at that, by those words, those icy words…?

"…What…?" he took steps back, as if pushed away by Sasuke's words alone.

Sasuke looked at him in the eyes, with something…alien…brimming inside those darkest of pools. They were brimming, glistening… those darks brows were furrowed, too. Sasuke's fists were trembling by his sides.

"Stop… I don't want your pity, I…!"

Because, Naruto just couldn't, right? Because, he didn't deserve it, right? Because, Naruto couldn't bear to make anyone suffer—the fool—so, he would just pretend that—

He would just pretend, and he wouldn't allow it, he wouldn't allow it, because, he was selfish—he wanted everything, he wanted it all, in its completion—

He didn't want an illusion.

When Sasuke finally raised his eyes again, once more, his eyes—they were crimson Sharingan, spinning like some crazy wheel, without control—

And he went forward.


To Be Continued…


Nothing new, right?

A.N.: Sleepy, sleepy… really sleepy… well…now it's really over—gotta take a while till I update. I have yet to update 'Ship of Fools', too. And then I have my finals…

Comments, questions, constructive criticism are always welcomed.

So, until next up-date…

Ja na!

.: Tsuyu :.