The rain had ended as the partial Team Kakashi walked back to Konoha. They were now a day away from the beautiful town and they had decided to take their time home. Naruto was in the middle of the group as Kakashi remained in the front, Sai on the left, Sakura on the right and Sasuke in the back. As the team continued to walk towards the town, a kunai with an exploding tag fell in front of them. They ran away right before it exploded in front of them.

Hiding behind a bush, Sasuke immediately turned on his sharingan as Sai pulled out his brush. Kakashi had hidden in a tree as Sakura and Naruto stood in a branch below Kakashi.

"Come out Sasuke. me and you have a score to settle." said a voice from the middle of the meadow. As the smoke cleared, a man with long grey hair tied in a ponytail became visible. The man pushed up his glasses as he looked around the forest clearing. Instantly, Sasuke jumped out from behind the bush he and Sai were hiding in.

"Kabuto…I thought you were dead."

"I am dead Sasuke." Kabuto said as he activated his hands. "You left me back there to die all by myself. You are going to hell." Kabuto charged at him as Sasuke jumped out of the way. Naruto jumped behind Kabuto and kicked him onto the ground. Sasuke did some hand signs and came running towards the fallen Kabuto.

"Chidori" Sasuke slammed the thousand bird jutsu. Immediately, Kabuto's body turned into a log. "Damn." Sasuke yelled as he looked around. By that time, Sakura, Sai, and Kakashi had jumped down to look for the man.

"Four Eyes!!! Where are you!" Naruto yelled as his eyes turned red.

"Right here." And then Kabuto came charging at Naruto. Sakura immediately punched the ground sending the ground splitting towards Kabuto. Kabuto jumped out of the way and charged towards Sasuke. Kakashi immediately activated his Mangekyo Sharingan and sent Kabuto into a new world as Sasuke using his Chidori, Naruto using Rasengan, and Sai using his a beast charged at Kabuto, finishing him off.

Kabuto was dead.

Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi were already weakened by the use of their chakra. Sakura ran towards both as Sai put away his tools. "Sasuke! Kakashi-sensei! Naruto!" She helped all three get up and with the help of Sai, they decided to quickly get to Konoha.

"Sai, can you make clone of yourself so that we can help all three?" Sakura asked as she healed a few of Naruto's cuts.

"Sure." And then they walked home; leaving Kabuto's body in the clearing.

A few minutes after Team Kakashi left, Kabuto regenerated. It's not working. Orochimaru sama, your essence has not helped me yet. I need more time to generate his powers. Uchiha Sasuke, I will have my revenge. Kabuto walked back towards his hiding spot, speculating ways to destroy Uchiha's life.

Sasuke woke up in the hospital in a bed next to Kakashi-sensei, who was reading one of his perverted books, day dreaming what he could do to a particular someone. Across from him, Naruto sat talking to Hinata.

"Yo." Kakashi greeted towards Sasuke as he noticed that his prodigy was finally awake.

"Hey Kakashi Sensei. Where's –"

"Sakura? She is making her rounds. She'll be here later." Kakashi quickly answered as he began to read his book again. A door opened and Sasuke hoped it was Sakura but it ended up being Mitarashi Anko; the weird examiner lady.

"Kakashi you weak pathetic fool!" She yelled jumping on his bed. "Why the hell do you get hurt every time I turn my back? You are like a little child. I'll call you Kaka-baby from now on." Anko started. Sasuke raised his right eyebrow up

"Anko…You're crushing me." Kakashi tried to breathe, trying to get Anko off of his chest. "Anko.."

"Anko-sensei! Kakashi-sensei! What do you think you are doing!" Sakura yelled as she looked at the two senseis. She walked over to Sasuke's bed as Anko got off Kakashi

"Whatever Mom." Anko said as she got off of Kakashi. Turning back to Kakashi, she said, "You'll get it one of these days...If I were you, I'd watch my back." With a swish of her coat, Anko left the room and out of the room.

"She's so demanding." Kakashi mumbled as he pulled the sheets over his face. Under the covers, he blushed like there was no tomorrow.

Sasuke was back home.

As he cleaned up the things he had left on the floor. He came across a kimono that belonged to his Sakura. Smelling the fabric, he smiled when he smelled the familiar scent of lavender and jasmine. After folding the cloth, he tucked it away in one of his drawers and then sat down in his empty room.

I'm bored. I should go and train. Yes, that is what I'll do. But who to train with? Sakura's at work, Naruto and Hinata are training together. I could go watch. Kakashi is on another mission so he can't train with me. I think I'll just go by myself.

As he walked through the town, he walked past families and children. As he walked, he looked at the small children holding onto their mothers and fathers as they looked around. I want that. Sasuke said as he looked at the mothers and fathers caring for their small children.

"Hey Teme!" Someone called from behind Sasuke causing him to turn around. A blonde haired, black and orange jumpsuited man ran towards him.

"What Naruto Dobe?" Sasuke said looking at his friend.

"I asked her and she said yes! We're getting married next month!" Naruto exclaimed as he smiled a wide smile.

"Congratulations Naruto. That's awesome. I'm happy for you." Sasuke said as he leaned against a fir tree.

"Sasuke, I want you to be my best man. Will you…please?" Naruto asked with a pleading face.

"Why not." Sasuke said before extending his hand for a handshake.

"Thanks Sasuke." Naruto said as he shook Sasuke's hand. "I gotta go tell Sakura." Naruto said before dashing towards the hospital.

Even Naruto is getting what I want. But I can't marry Sakura. I don't want her to be in trouble. I will not marry her until Itachi is dead. I will kill him and then I will marry her. If she decides to leave me, then so be it. I will not put her in danger.

Time Advance to 2 years ...

(The Rookie Nine are 21)

Hinata and Naruto got married in a beautiful spring wedding. A month later, Tenten and Neji got married as did Lee and a simpleton. Kakashi and Anko surprisingly got married and started their own family which consisted of twins. Ino and Sai started to date when Sai confessed his deep feelings for her and Ino fell head over heals for him. Temari married Shikamaru and nine months later they had a bubbly baby boy. A year and half later, Hinata found out she was pregnant. This is where we start.

"Hinata-sama you're looking good. The baby is entering the third semester. Three months and you will be holding your baby in your arms. Now, I'm going to recommend bed rest. And Naruto…treat her like a queen." Sakura finished as Hinata pulled her kimono closed. Naruto walked up to his wife and hugged her from the back.

"Thank you Sakura. Are you and Sasuke coming for dinner tonight?" Naruto asked as he handed Hinata her coat.

"No Naruto-kun. Sasuke still hasn't come back from his mission and I have to work the shift tonight, but here, these are for you guys." Sakura produced to presents gift wrapped. "Happy Holidays. I wish I could come to the holiday party but I can't, I am so sorry." Sakura leaned against the wall as she looked at the couple. They look so happy. I want that. I really want that. But Sasuke-kun isn't ready and I will not push him. Sasuke, where are you. You've been gone a week too long. Sasuke. I miss you.

"Well, I'll bring some food over tomorrow Sakura chan. I'll save some of my daifuku over. I promise." Hinata said as she hugged the future god mother of her child.

"Thank you Hinata chan, I need to take your leave. I have a hospital full of patients. Sorry." Sakura waved bye and then walked out of the room and set out to accomplish the rest of her duties.

"Goodbye Itachi." Sasuke said as he watched the body of his elder brother on the ground. A smile was formed on the body. You're free Itachi, from whatever trapped you. Say hi to mom and dad for me. Although he was very tired, Sasuke dug a hole in the ground and then buried his brother. Happy Holidays…and goodbye. So long. Sasuke walked back towards Konoha. Sai and Yamato followed closely behind not saying a word. Uchiha Sasuke had just killed the last member of his family and gained his revenge but he was still thirsting for more. Sakura. I can have you now.

Warning…The next one will have a lemon in it…not to graphic…I'll separate them so you cam skip over it if you don't want to read it. I want to write one so I will.