Chapter 1

I don't own CSI or any of its cast.

Catherine woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. "Damn it." Catherine said, she wasn't ready to go to work she just wanted to sleep.

She stretched a little bit, then she felt a warm hand wrap around her waist. It was the hand of her boyfriend of the past six months, Warrick.

"Hey baby."

"Hey honey." She responded as she rolled over to face him.

Warrick grabbed her hand and they entwined fingers, he could tell something was wrong because Catherine looked very pale.

"Something wrong Cath?"

"No Warrick baby, I just don't feel very well this morning, my stomach hurts."

Warrick brushed a stray hair from Catherine's face, as he did so Catherine felt a wave of nausea come over her. When Warrick leaned in and gave her a kiss, she jumped out of bed and rushed towards the bathroom. She felt like she needed to throw up but she couldn't.

"Are you okay honey?" Warrick asks her as he stands at the bathroom door.

"Yeah I just felt like I had to throw up."

Warrick helped Catherine up from her knees. That's when she felt very weak-kneed.

"Are you sure you can work like this?" Warrick asks her as he escorts her to the bed.

"Yeah I'll be okay after I take a shower."

Catherine enters the shower, and turns on the water. As she stands there and lets the water run off her body, she thinks to herself, "Can I really be pregnant?" She has thought about this a lot the past couple of days, she had all the symptoms: lack of period, that she blamed on stress, weight gain, that she blamed on eating too much, and now nausea, that she really didn't have anything to blame it on. She felt the same symptoms that she felt when she was pregnant with Lindsey. She knew she needed to by a pregnancy test, and take it without Warrick suspecting anything.

Within a few minutes Catherine and Warrick were in the Denali, headed towards the lab.

"Oh Catherine I forgot to ask you, Nicky and Sara want to know if you want to go out with them to dinner this weekend."

"Sure, that'll be fine." Catherine responded.

Warrick parked the Denali in the lab parking lot; we then rushed over and opened the door for Catherine.

"Thank you." She said as she smiled at him.

They walk in the lab hand-in-hand. When they entered the break room they saw Nick and Greg sitting at the table.

"Hey Nicky, hey Greg." Warrick says as he takes a seat at the table.

"Hey." They both respond as the look up.

"Hey Nicky, where is Sara?" Catherine asked him as she too sat down at the table.

"She stayed home, she has not been feeling good today, she couldn't sleep because every few minutes she would run to the bathroom and throw up."

"Catherine, felt a little bad today, she felt like she had to throw up but never did." Warrick responded.

"Maybe it is just a bug or something." Nick said as returned to reading the newspaper.

As the shift progressed Catherine became more nauseated. She was working a case with Grissom, when they walked into the morgue to talk to Doctor Robbins and she smelled the dead body was when another wave of nausea came over her, she ran to the bathroom and this time managed to throw up.

When she walked back into the morgue Grissom asked, "Are you okay Catherine?"

Catherine nodded her head slightly in response. "You don't look very well, maybe you should go home." Grissom told her. "I'll get Greg to help me on this case."

Catherine agreed with Grissom and headed towards the locker room to gather her things. As she passed the break room she noticed Warrick and Nick sitting at the table eating their lunch. She stopped at the doorway.

"Warrick, I just wanted to let you know I was going home." Catherine said as she wiped the sweat from her forehead, she felt like she had a fever.

"Are you not feeling any better?" Warrick asks as he gets up from the table and walks towards her.

"No not really, I threw up a few moments ago and Grissom told me to go home."

"Well you go home and get some rest baby." Warrick tells her as he gives her a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you and I'll see you later." He tells her as he plays with her hair.

"I love you too."

"Hey Catherine, on your way home could you stop by and check on Sara for me? I tried to call her earlier and couldn't get an answer, if you don't feel like it I would understand."

"No I'll stop by real quick and tell her to call you. Bye guys." She says as she turns away and walks off.

Catherine arrived at Nick and Sara's house a few minutes later. She walks up to the door and rings the doorbell. She rang it twice before Sara even came to the door.

"Oh hey Catherine, I'm sorry it took so long I had to put some clothes on, I've been walking around in my black teddy all morning." Sara said as she motions for Catherine to come in.

"Nicky tells me you weren't feeling good."

"Yeah it seems like I rushed to the bathroom eight times why we were laying down trying to sleep. Anyways what are you doing here aren't you suppose to be working?"

"Well I haven't actually been feeling well either, and Grissom just told me to go home, maybe it is just a bug or something." Catherine said as she took a seat on Sara's couch.

"Catherine, actually I don't think mine is coming from a bug, I think I'm pregnant." Sara said as she bit her lip.

Catherine's eyes widened. "Oh my gosh Sara, have you taken a test yet?"

"No, I am afraid to and plus I had to wait until Nick wasn't with me, because I don't want him to get all excited or upset for nothing you know?"

Catherine sighed heavily, "Yeah actually I do know, Sara I think I am in the same boat you are, I think I am pregnant too."

Sara covered her mouth, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure, I have all the symptoms and I felt this way last time I was pregnant."

"What a coincidence, it would be cool if you and I became pregnant around the same time. Does Warrick know?"

"No, I was going to go by the store and by a test then go home and take it before he got home. Do you want to go with me?"

"Sure I probably should find out too."

Catherine and Sara stopped by the local store and they both bought a pregnancy test. When they reached Catherine's house they were both getting nervous about taking the test.

"Where is Lindsey?" Sara asks Catherine when she noticed there was no one there but the two of them.

"She is staying with my mother for a few days."

"Oh. Well do you want to take yours first?" Sara asks.

"No why don't you go first." Catherine said trying to put it off as long as possible.

"Okay I will, but first let me call Nick and tell him I am at your house." Sara said as she pulls out her cell.

After talking to Nick for a few moments she was ready to take the test, because she had to pee really bad.

Sara took out the test out of the box and began to read the instructions, she then began to take the test.

"Well?" Catherine asks as Sara walks out of the bathroom.

"I don't know, I have to wait three minutes."

The three minutes seemed to go by so slow, but when they were over Sara walked towards the bathroom. She slowly approached the test and looked down at it. Her heart dropped when she read what it said.

"Pregnant, oh my gosh, I'm pregnant." She said to herself as she placed her hand on her stomach.

"What does it say?" Catherine asks form the doorway.

Without saying anything Sara turns the test towards Catherine to let her take a look.

"This is wonderful Sara, congrats." She said excitingly.

"Okay Cath, now it is your turn." Sara said as she threw the test in the waste basket and walked out of the door for Catherine to have privacy.

Catherine took the test and layed it on the sink for it to give her the results. She stood in the bathroom for her three minutes. After the three minutes were through, Catherine slowly looked at the test.

"Pregnant." She said to herself, as she let a tear run down her cheek.

She walked out of the bathroom and looked in Sara's direction. Sara gave her a 'well?' look.

Catherine too didn't say anything at first, she then walked up to Sara and gave her a hug and said, "Maybe we will deliver at the same time."

"Oh my goodness, this is so weird, that you and I are pregnant at the same time. Congrats to you too Cath."

"Now we have to figure out how to tell Nick and Warrick." Catherine said as she broke the hug.

………………………TBC………………….what do you think so far? PLEASE REVIEW!!!!