Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Naruto characters!

Chapter 6: Training

Deidara dragged Diz to a near-by Akatsuki training site,

"Are you an idiot, un!"

"No! I'm not I can't think perfectly!"

"Well it sure doesn't look like it! Do you call that a proper bow, un?!"

"Okay, I'm sorry happy?!"

"You were lucky you weren't killed, un!"

Diz blushed; He's worried about me… She quickly shook her head side to side, Training… I have to think about training! Diz swallowed, "Where are we?" Deidara sat in the shade of a tree and motioned her to sit with him, "We're on Akatsuki training ground, un." Diz sat next to him and Deidara grabbed her face making her face him, "Diz, I'm responsible for you so now you have to addressed me as Master Deidara. Whatever I say goes and ask no questions unless I ask you if you have any questions. Have any questions, un?"

Diz sighed, "Why do I have to addressed you as 'Master Deidara'?" He snickered, "Because… I said so, un." Diz was finally released from his grip on her face, "But why?!"

Deidara rolled his eyes, "Sasori made me address him as 'Master Sasori'. I guess it kinda rubbed off on me, un." Diz stood up, "Okay, Master Deidara, what are we gonna do now?" Deidara stood up,

"You said you had no control over your chakra right, un?"

"Um… yeah…?"

"I want you to gather chakra in your feet and try to climb that tree without using your hands, un."

Diz looked at him confused, "If you say so." She concentrated and brought as much chakra as she thought was necessary to her feet. She then put her foot on the tree in attempt to climb it. When she was about to put her second foot on the tree, her first foot dented the tree making a huge hole, "What the—? How did this happen?" Deidara snickered at her feeble attempt; "You put too much chakra in you feet take some away. Oh," He paused and threw a kunai knife one-third up the tree, "I want you to reach that point. If you think you can go further then grab the knife and mark you place every time you pass the mark before it, un."

Diz nodded and concentrated again reducing the chakra in her feet, I can do this! She put her foot on the tree again and fell backwards hitting her head with a loud thud on the cold dirt. Deidara fell to the floor laughing, "Ah… you're so funny! You remind me of the Nine-tailed Fox's host, un!"

Diz looked at him, "'The Nine-tailed Fox's host'?" Deidara nodded, "That's the goal of the Akatsuki right now, is to get all the tailed demons, un." Diz nodded, "I know that, but you're still trying to get that kid? When was your last attempt?" Deidara sighed and thought for a moment, "Our last attempt was three years ago, I think, un." Her eyes widened, "Really? Is his host really that strong?" Deidara shook his head, "No! Now get training, un!" Diz put her hands together and mumbled, "I better start before Blondie Grumpmeister goes ballistic." She began climbing the tree when Deidara sighed, Oh, this… this is gonna be a long and difficult road… un…

Diz channeled the right amount of chakra into her feet and reached the kunai Deidara threw,

"Master Deidara! I finally reached the kunai!"

Deidara looked up, "Great! Now go higher, un!"

Diz almost fell out of the tree, "What?!"

Hours passed and Deidara rested his hand on Diz's shoulder, "We should go back now, un." Diz shook her head, sweat and scratches on her face and body, "No… I'm gonna make it to the top… even if it takes me all night…" Deidara shrugged and walked away, "Suit yourself, un." Diz stood up with the kunai in a firm grip, I'm gonna make it to the top!

Deidara walked back to the Akatsuki lair. The leader appeared in front of him, "Where's the girl?" Deidara shrugged, "She's training, controlling her chakra to climb a tree without using her hands, un." Tobi ran up to Deidara, "What Sempai?! You left Diz all by herself?! What kind of master are you?!" Tobi ran for the entrance when the leader stopped him, "Tobi! If she wants to become an Akatsuki, she needs to learn how do defend herself. You nor Deidara will always be there for her as long as she lives." Tobi sat on the floor. His hands resting on his palms, "Fine… but I'm still worried about her…"

Diz climbed the tree higher and higher, reaching farther than the mark before, Almost there… She dashed towards the tree and ran towards the sky. She reached the top and stood on the very tip, "I did it… I finally reached the top…" She climbed down and tumbled to the floor, I'm so tired… no harm done by sleeping here tonight… Diz drifted off to sleep quickly not able to move her body much.

The next morning Tobi was pacing around flustered like a rat that lost its cheese, "Diz didn't come back last night. What if she's…" Deidara stood up, "Fine, fine… I'll go look for her, un."

Deidara arrived at the training ground only to find Diz collapsed on the floor, "Diz!" He ran to her and checked her breathing. Diz slightly opened her eyes, "Master… Deidara… I made it… to the top…" Deidara silenced her with a kiss, "Don't talk." He hoisted her on his back and walked back to the Akatsuki lair. Diz closed her eyes; Damn… he got away with that kiss because I'm too tired to fight back…

Deidara settled her on his bed and closed the door. Tobi's voice was clearly auditable, "I told you she was—" Deidara hushed him, "Tobi lower your voice! She's sleeping. She's okay. She told me she made it to the top, I'm proud to call her my apprentice in training, un!" Tobi sighed and walked away, "As long as she's okay, I guess I'll go to sleep too. I stayed up all night waiting for her to get home." Deidara sighed and shook his head, "You sound like a worried mother, un."