Well here it is the first chapter of my new story. Unlike my last one i plan on haveing much mre romance, i think im getting better at writing it. I hope. It is semi AU and its like the manditiory high school fic so if you don't like them you probably shouldn't read it. I stil don't see why people don't like highschool fics i personally love them. Anyways its all my basic pairings Nejiten, ShikaIno, Naruhina and SasuSaku. Enjoy the story and review if you like it.

Disclaimer: No i don't own naruto but the idea for this story is mine and was inspired by my schools own homecoming week that was about a month and a half ago. lol


Konoha Academy is by far the best of the secret ninja training academies in the country. Its sensei are the best around and it's students all very skilled. They don't do normal classes like English and math but study ninjutsu and poison making. Tsunade runs the school and was not surprised when Shizune comes knocking on her office telling she has an important phone call from the school bored. Although Konoha Academy was a secret ninja school they were still registered with all the other high schools around the country and when she began talking Tsunade put on a very principal like voice.

"Yes, Ms. Tsunade is speaking."

"Ms. Tsunade we are sorry to disrupt any work you may be doing, we are aware that it is the middle of the school day…"

"That is perfectly alright" Tsunade said retaining her professional tone.

"You see we were going through some records this morning and it became apparent to us that we have not evaluated your academy for quite some time now. We are not really sure how this occurred we usually are very careful about those evaluations."

"I see."

"Well seeing as how we need to evaluate the school and the long gap from your last evaluation we have scheduled you in for next week"

"That sounds good, which day were you planning to come?" Tsunade asked. She would need to make arrangements for the students to be off and have the evaluator put under genjutsu so that they believed that it was in reality a normal high school.

"Actually our evaluators are going to have to be there for about a week." The school board director said.

"A week?" her professional voice dropping.

"We know that it is a terrible inconvenience, especially it being your homecoming week and all-"


"Well yes, unless we are mistaken, it's your schools homecoming week. We hear your football team is doing very well, I guess we will get to see for ourselves next Friday then."

"Yes I guess you will" Tsunade said regaining the old tone. "Monday morning then?"

"The evaluators will see you then. Goodbye"

"Goodbye" Tsunade hung up her phone and took in a large breath.

"SHIZUNE!" the women yelled loudly, shaking the papers that lied untouched on her desk and Shizune burst through the door.

"What's happened?" She asked searching the room. She had already removed the average projectiles so she didn't have to fear for her life.

"We need to call a school wide meeting, the school board is coming…for an entire week"

Shizune's eyes widened. "What are we going to do, the genjutsu won't hold up for a whole week and we certainly can't let them see what goes on here."

"I don't know yet, just get all the students and sensei to the auditorium." Tsunade said as she rubbed her templates trying to find an answer. Shizune rushed out of the office and to the intercom system.

In the gymnasium students were sitting in groups of three waiting for the taijutsu teacher to show up for the beginning of class (three guesses who it is). They had been divided into these groups their first year at the academy so when they got older and were requested for missions they would have a team. One group sat off to the right side of the gym, one boy dressed in all green was doing push-ups to warm up before class, another boy with long dark brown hair just sat with his eyes clothes waiting patiently on the outside but really wishing they could hurry up and start and the third member of the group and the only girl of the group was tightening one of the two buns on the top of her head. Finally Gai sensei walked in a big smile of his face and started on about which group would be working one on one with him today. It switched everyday so he could observe how each group was working together and if they were getting along. He checked a clip board that hung on the wall near the entrance, his eyes scanned down it, stopped and his grin widened just a bit.

"Lee, Neji, Tenten, I'll be working with your group today, the rest of you continue with the activities assigned yesterday." He directed then moved toward the group. They were his favorite group to work with but they could not exactly same the same…well Lee could.

"Gai sensei I have just completed one hundred push-ups and am ready for one-on-one training." Lee jumped up. Tenten and Neji sighed. Its not that they didn't like Lee or Gai it's just that they weren't exactly normal. As Lee and Gai went off on something about youth Tenten leaned over to Neji and whispered.

"Today's going to be a long day" She smiled. Neji finally opened his eyes and looked at the clock that hung over the door.

"Wish we could get out of it somehow" He stated flatly. Not a moment later did the intercom come on and hush the chatter that had broken out among the students.

"Headmistress Tsunade has called a school wide meeting immediately in the auditorium, attendance is mandatory." Shizune's voice echoed through the quiet gym. Tenten's eyes had moved to the speaker and now moved back to Neji.

"Okay now wish that I pass my ninja history test next period" He just smirked and stood up.

"Well it looks like we won't get our time today, it's really too bad" Gai sensei said looking very disappointed. "Alright everyone go through the far right exit and down the hall to the auditorium." He called and they all began their way to the door.

In another part of the school three other students sitting together in their genjutsu class had looked up at the speaker in the middle of the ceiling. The three, all girls, probably a year behind the students in taijutsu class looked around at the others in the class. They all looked confused especially a group of four boys in the back of the room; finally one of the girls with oddly colored pink hair asked their sensei what was going on.

"Kurenai sensei I don't remember them saying anything about a meeting on the morning announcements"

"Yes Sakura, well we best go anyways, don't want to get in trouble with Tsunade" The women said motioning for them to stand and follow her. The class got up from their seats, abandoning their work sheets on different types of genjutsu and followed. The three girls joined in with the group of four boys and two others as they walked down the hall that was now being crowded with students.

"What do you think is going on that the whole school needs to know about?" A blonde girl asked and they started on the steps.

"Maybe the school is under attack and she is telling us we need to prove ourselves and fight." This time a blonde boy spoke with much enthusiasm and took the stairs three at a time.

"Or, Tsunade forgot to tell us something and needed us all together" another boy said and looked as if he was going to go to sleep once they got to the comfortable seats in the auditorium.

"Well Sakura would know then, don't you organize all of her information; you're the apprentice." The blonde boy said as he walked backwards ahead of the group.

"Naruto, watch out and I didn't see anything about a meeting in any of the files" Sakura said. Naruto completely ignored her.

"Maybe the others know something, they are a bit older" Kiba, the only boy who ever brought his dog to school, suggested. "Any chance we'll see them."

"They're in taijutsu right now so they were most likely the first group to the auditorium." A boy with dark shades on said. The next suggestion to why they were going to this meeting was cut short when Naruto walked backward right into the dark green double doors and fell over.

"Told ya" Sakura said and she and the others walked around him. One did stop; a dark haired girl with a shy smile.

"A…are you o…okay Naruto?" She asked. Naruto rubbed the back of his head and stood up as if nothing happened.

"I'm fine Hinata don't worry" He said and they went to catch up with the others. Shino, the boy with dark shades, had been right. Neji, Tenten, and Lee were in the very first row while they were in the middle on the other side of the large room. The sensei had lined the isles and Tsunade stood on the stage with Shizune and Jiraiya, who was vice principal to the school bored and deputy headmaster to the ninjas. They were talking or at least Tsunade and Shizune were about how to deal with the situation. The decision they had come up with seemed to be the only way but it would be very complicated.

Ninja they may be but they were still teenagers and had taken to gossiping around the room and down the rows about what the meeting might be about.

"Whatever it is we're probably going to be here for a long time." The boy sitting on the end of the row said. He had black hair and dark eyes that looked very bored with being there.

'How could you possible tell that, Sasuke?"

"Well Tsunade actually looks a little panicked for one thing" He said. They all focused there eyes on her and she did indeed look a little worried, it was not a common expression on her face.

"Oh great does this mean we're going to miss lunch" Naruto complained. "Hey Chouji pass some food down this way" and the final boy in the group pulled out a bag of chips to share with him.

"Where does he get those from?" Sakura asked Ino. Ino shrugged, she was yet to figure out that mystery.

"Everyone hush up we need to get started." Tsunade was now standing at the podium in the middle of the stage and talking into the unnecessary microphone. "Most of you here are unaware that are academy is not only registered with the other ninja schools but is also registered with the public high schools around the country." She started by getting straight to the point. "We were informed earlier that the schools all need to be evaluated regularly and that we have not been for quite some time now. The school board is sending a group of evaluators to what they believe is regular high school Konoha Academy." The students stared blankly at her.

"I don't think they're seeing the problem" Shizune whispered.

"All right then lets go a little more directly. The evaluators will be coming and observing for an entire week and will be expecting to see normal teenagers not highly trained ninja, classes that teach math and English, school teams and clubs, not Ninjutsu and Genjutsu classes and clubs were kids beat up on each other." This sunk in a little better.

"What are you saying?" Naruto shouted from the middle of the crowd. "What are we going to have to do?"

"Well the only way to handle this situation is to, for a week, act like a typically high school." Now they understood very clearly what was being asked of them and chatter broke out again filled with complaints.

"What do you mean normal?" "What about the missions the school gets?" "What about our training?"

"ONE AT A TIME!" Tsunade shouted and they shut up for a moment.

"Why can't you just put the evaluator under some kind of genjutsu?" Kiba shouted from his seat next to Naruto.

"Think about it, we can't maintain a genjutsu that powerful for an entire week" She said reasonably. "Now we are just going to have to be as normal as possible we can call are classes different names and do other work, I've already directed our more basic missions over to Suna Academy, and we will resume training after next week." Once again more questions were shouted in her direction. "SHUT UP AND LET ME FINISH!" Needless to say they got quiet real fast.

"Tomorrow in your first class I will have your sensei tell you more information. However there is one last detail." The students groaned loudly thinking it could not get any worse. "Normal high schools have football teams, a very popular sport that is played every Friday night against a rival school. Like our competitions with Suna and the other ninja schools" She clarified. "We usually have a genjutsu placed on the opposing school. However we were also notified that this coming week is our scheduled homecoming, some sort of special football game. The week leading up to the game, the schools usually show some kind of school spirit and have a spirit week and a pep rally before the game."

"What does 'spirit week' mean and 'pep rally'?" Lee asked from the front row sounding excited about the words spirit and pep.

"Well a spirit week is when students dress up everyday to a different theme and a pep rally is when the whole school gets together and does stuff to support the school. We are going to actually have many of you learn to play this game and participate for real in the game next Friday. We also are going to recruit others for different normal teams so the school seems more real." Only mumbling could be heard around the room this time and Tsunade decided to give them the good news of it all, because as mentioned earlier they still are teenagers. "One last thing before you go off to your-" She glanced at her watch "final class of the day, the Saturday after the game, although the evaluators will be gone we will let you participate in one last part of homecoming and that is the dance that is held. I figure this will motivate some of you to go along with the charade and for those not yet convinced, if the week goes well I will label this a well ranked mission on your records." The student's, well most of them, attitudes changed dramatically and the shouts now heard were all cheerful as the auditorium was being exited. It was sure to be an interesting week.

Really hope everyone liked it my updates will probably be like they were for my last story. i know how the whole thing is going to go i just need to get more into detail.

Review and i'll be very happy
