Disclaimer/AN: I don't own Hannah Montana, Nick Jonas, or the song "I've Just Seem a Face" By the Beatles. Also, this is in Nick's P.O.V and if anyone thinks I should make this into a story let me know.

I was at an event for AIDS with out my brothers Joe and Kevin. I was on my sidekick texting my best friend James when I ran into someone.

"Oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention, to where I was going." I said while helping the girl up. She lifted her head up. She was a pretty girl with the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.

I've just seen a face.

I can't forget the time or place.

Where we just met.

"Its alright, I wasn't really paying attention either. I'm Hannah Montana; it's nice to meet you uh?" She reached out her hand.

"Nick Jonas" I grabbed her hand and shook it. She had really soft hands.

She's just the girl for me

And I want all the world

To see we've met

Mmm mmm mmm mmm

"So Hannah, this event is kind of boring. I was wondering if maybe we could get out of here" I asked, staring into her deep blue eyes. I could get lost in those eyes, for sure. "Sure, theirs a park just around the corner." She gave me one of her famous smiles as she grabbed my hand and walked out the door and headed to the park.

Had it been another day

I might have looked the other way

And I'd have never been aware

But as it is I'll dream of her tonight

La di di da di di

We arrived at this little park. Hannah finally let go off my hand and headed towards a swing set. I watched her walk gracefully as I followed behind. She sat down and started to swing.

Falling, yes I am falling

And she keeps

Me back again

I watched her swing for awhile. Her long blonde hair swayed back and forth." Nicky?" Hannah asked.


"Push me please."

I started to push her and she started to go higher and higher.

I have never known the like of this

I've been alone and I have missed things

And kept out of sight

For others girls were never quite like this

Mmm mmm mmm

I continued this for about an hour. Out of nowhere Hannah jumped off the swing and landed perfectly on feet. She walked over to me and gave me a big hug.

"Nick, it's been fun hanging out with you and getting to know you. But, its time for me to go. Good Bye Nick."

She kissed my cheek and ran off.

"Goodbye Hannah" I whispered.

Was I dreaming? Did the girl of my dreams just leave me? Wow, I thought. Would I ever see Hannah ever again?

I walked out of the park and walked down the street.

Falling, yes I am falling

And she keeps calling

Me back Again

Falling, yes I am falling

And she keeps calling

Me back again

Falling, yes I am falling

And she keeps calling

Me back again

Falling, yes I am falling

And I wonder if I'll

Ever see that face again.