Me thinks the fools in love

disclaimer- We do not own Ouran or any characters in here. Yes there are two writers me, Kami, and my friend Ren so be nice and give her virtual cookies:3. I don't want to hear anyone correcting my grammer. its like this on purpose. so R&R

Part 1


Tamaki 1

Tamaki arose happily from his sleep and then gazed at his alram clock realizing that it had read ten o'clock before jumping out of bed and springing into some cloths with out even checking if they would match. He ran down stairs and after a while he was barging into the class room with the entire class stairing at him some what laughing. "Thank you for joining us, Mr. Suoh." The teacher said with her I-so-do-not-like-my-job tone of voice. After a minute the entire class was laughing uncontrolubly at Tamaki's outfit, green striped pajama pants with an oddly pink shirt wich no one wanted to no why he owned one. " Would you like a mirror , Mr. Suoh?" the teacher said not even looking up from her books. Haruhi Chuckled to her self in the back watching the twins grinning while taking pictures on their brand new digital camera. Tamaki walked back to his seat in front of Haruhi, "Oh shut up." He said some what sulking. "This one will do well in this months magizene issue!" The twins laughed among themselves. After the horrible class Tamaki found the time to sneak back and change in to some clothes that would match and wouldn't be pink.

Haruhi 1

Haruhi laughed while at the same time sighing. She thought Tamaki's color blindness would be amusing but she couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy. She walked through the hall ways obliviously unaware of the fact that if she'd just pay attention for two seconds she wouldn't find herself crashing into Kaoru. "What the.." He said before looking to see who it was. The twins had been walking to the lunch room when Haruhi struck. "Hey watch were your going you..." Hikaru said defending his brother with out noticing that it would be Haruhi he was screamming at. "Oh, I'm sorry Haruhi I thought it was some one else!" Kaoru said laughing slightly at his foolishness. "Yeah, I'd never scream at you. but if you were Tamaki that might be a little different." Hikaru laughed. "You mean that color blind fool!" Kaoru laughed "Yeah once more he proves to be no more then a fool king!" Hikaru added. "Now come on you two hes not that bad." Haruhi rolled her eyes. "Oh so we can't say anthing bad about that fool?" They both said laughing"me thinks some one cares too much about the fool." The twins joked, "Me thinks some body loves the fool!" They laughed Haruhi used her famous you idoits glare and replied "I'll see you two later. sadly" she whispered.

Part 2


Tamaki 2

Tamaki smoothed his uniform jacket as he looked at himself in the cafeteria window. "Now that is much better." He said, thinking out loud by mistake. All of a sudden Haruhi's image stood beside his. "Vain as ever I see?" Haruhi said sarcasticly. Tamaki jumped to the side, startled. "H-Haruhi!" He said quickly, surprised to see her. "Yeah? Who else?" She said with a small laugh that made Tamaki lightly blush. She smiled. "You gonna get anything?" She asked, gesturing to the empty lunch tray in his hands, then to hers that was full of food."Um...yeah..." He said and walked over to the lunch bar and started to fill his tray. Haruhi followed him, watching him silently. A loud laugh was heard, followed by many clicks. Tamaki turned to see the twins snapping pictures of Tamaki and Haruhi. They laughed before running off calling over their shoulders,"Me thinks the fools in love!" Tamaki turned away from Haruhi, so she wouldn't see the growing blush that now covered his face.

Haruhi 2

After the lunch mishap, and many others that followed, the host club finally opened again at the end of the day. They went along doing they're business. But whenever Haruhi passed the twins she'd give them a death glare that would make even the strongest of people cringe. The host club finally ended and Haruhi tracked down the twins. "Gimme the camera. Or else." She said, with a look to match it perfectly. They covered they're fear with a smile. "Aww don't be so rash Haruhi!" They said together. "You heard what I said now gimme the camera!" She said angrily. "Well...since you asked..." They said. Hikaru handed her a camera. "Thankyou. Now you can leave." She said with a small smile that seemed to say 'Good boys, now go home before I kill you out of the anger you have caused me.' They ran home quickly, leaving Haruhi and Tamaki alone in the large building. She gave Tamaki a smile full of pride. "You got the camera?" He asked questioningly. "Yup! Right here!" She said and pulled out the camera. It was then that she noticed the little inscription on the bottom that read,'Gotcha!' "I'm gonna kill them!" She just about screamed as Tamaki tried to calm her down a bit.