-1 Disclaimer: I do not own Outsiders

Ponyboy pov

As I watched the teacher pace back and forth I thought of how much trouble I was going to be in. The teacher seemed to be saying something but I really didn't care. All I could think off how Darry was going to explode about the bad report card I had gotten that morning.

I had given it to Soda at the DX at lunch so he could give it to Darry cause I had track after school. It had passed my mind more then once to skip but the couch already told me if I skipped again I would be kicked off the team.

I let out a soft sigh. Last period of the day. As the teacher rambled on I remembered all my grades. Nothing failing but nothing higher then a 87 every thing else was in the 71-65 range. And that was math. The only reason was because math was the only subject that still made a point. You needed some of it. It was right or wrong no in-between. The fact that I was hungry didn't help the fact that I had to face Darry soon. I shuttered. It had only been three months since Johnny and Dally….. No don't think about it.

As soon as the bell rang I slowly got up and got my stuff to leave. Off to track I thought dully.

Later on way home

I sighed. I was tiered and hungry. I'm just glad Darry wont be home till later. But I was in for a surprise. Darry's truck was in the drive. Great either he's mad or I get to spend the rest of the day with him yelling at me. Fun.

I opened the door to see Soda sitting on the couch looking at the ground. I wonder why?

"PONYBOY CURTIS" Darry yelled. I shuttered as Darry came steaming into the room.

"What-No how do you explain theses grades?" He said firmly trying not to yell. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Ponyboy why are you not trying? You need to stop mopping and get on with your life!" His voice now rising. But that made me mad. Get on with my life after losing my best friend? I didn't know how to respond so I just bit my tongue.

"Ponyboy answer me! Why are your grades so bad?" He said getting louder by the second.

"I-I don't get it Darry" I said looking at the floor.

"You got it before didn't you? Why not know? Your not trying Pony stop lying to me" He screamed. My head snapped up to face him. Why would I lie about it?

"I'm not lying Darry" I said angry then I meant. Darry scowled.

"You are so don't or you can just leave!" He hollered. Soda made a small noise.

"Fine!" I yelled back as I dashed out the door.

"Ponyboy get back in here!" He yelled back. But I didn't stop. I wouldn't. I was sick of it I had to leave. Even though I might come back later but not wanting to. Oh how I wish Johnny was here.

I was running for about three hours. I had no idea where I was. I was tiered now. To tiered. I was still hungry. I regret rejecting the sandwich Soda offered at lunch. Then my blood turned cold as I heard a loud rumble of a mustang. Not now please. I begged myself. As the car stopped a few feet ahead of me six socs got out I stood still hoping they were drunk enough not to be able to see me if I stayed still. No such luck. Darry's right I don't use my head.

It was to late to run as I looked at the circled of socs around me.

"What are you doing all alone grease?" A big blonde one asked. I wanted to yell and scream but I didn't.

"Aw he cant talk" One from behind me sighed.

"Naw its just that ya'll aren't worth it" I said with a smirk. Wrong thing to say. I felt a sharp pain on right side. I looked to see a blade being pulled out of my side. I went to turn around to slug the guy when one of 'em slugged me in the face as I toppled to the ground Hitting my head hard on the ground. I felt another pain on my left arm. Shit so this is how it's going to end? I thought stupidly.

I heard some yells and the socs ran. Great the gang to help poor helpless Pony. I laughed I am pitiful.

"Do ya know the kid Wisp?" I heard a scared boy voice ask.

"Naw but he's pretty bad off Dominic" a deeper voice said.

"Ya okay kid?" The deeper one said. I did the only thing I could do. Groan.

"We go to get him to Chance she will know what to do." The scared one said. The other one must have nodded I wouldn't know because I had closed my eyes as soon as my head hit the ground. I was lifted up off the ground into someone's arms.

"Don't worry kid will get ya help." The deep voice said. I nodded not knowing what to do.

I wasn't sure what was going on but I heard voice's and noises. Soon I was sat on a bed. I heard mumbling and what someone seemed to get upset. A girl.

"Hey can ya open your eyes?" She questioned in a soft voice. As she commanded I opened my eyes to see two fuzzy figures. When they came into focus I seen a girl with long black hair in a ponytail and blue eyes. Her eyes reminded me of Soda's. Happy and jumpy.

She smiled and nodded to a boy. He had rust brown hair and green eyes. He had a scared but happy feel in his eyes.

"Here we need ya to drink this it don't taste good but it will take the pain away. Drink it like Dom ok?" She said I nodded. I watched 'Dom' take the drink like a you would with a shoot glass. The girl handed me the same brown liquid as the boy. I took it without hesitation. It burned my trout but I kept form gagging.

Still laying down I felt tiered as I shut my eyes again as I heard mumbling and clanging of metal. I felt tugging on my side but ignored it as sleep over came me.

Chance pov.

I walked hurriedly to the room Wisp told me to go to. I didn't want the poor kid to die. Wisp said he was pretty beat up. When I got to the room Dominic was there.

"What happened?" I asked as I looked up at the boy who was no younger then me. A deep cut on his side and arm.

"Socs got 'em I don't know why he was in our part of town but I don't think Lark will like this" Dom said worriedly. I laughed.

"Ya know as well as I do he will take in any run away or trouble maker in a heart beat." I said looking at him. "Remember you and me? that's what the whole gang is full of misfits." I sighed looking at the boy.

"Hey can ya open your eyes?" I asked. He did as I asked and opened them. He had green-gray eyes. More green then gray. They seemed sad and hurt. He was a run away I dealt with many of them to know that look. I nodded at Dom.

Here we need ya to drink this it don't taste good but it will take the pain away. Drink it like Dom ok?" I said as he studied us. Must of them try to run once they get up. After he watched Dom drink the mix of drugs I had made the kid followed soon he closed his eyes again.

"Get the tool kit Dom" I asked kindly as I sat down and opened the kids shirt. The gash wasn't to bad but it needed stitches. I carefully started to sow the poor kid up. Twenty stitches in all. His arm had six. I bandaged them up and his head that seemed to be bleeding a little.

"If he wakes up give him to more of those shots" I said looking at Dom. He nodded.

"Is it a smart thing to give a kid that mix of alcohol?" A voice questioned from the door way.

"What do you want me to do Wisp? Let him suffer?" I said glaring at my best friend.

"No, You get any info on who he is?" He question from the door.

"No ID on him Wisp" Dom answer for me. Ash a lanky tall kid with brown hair came in.

"Ya got a new patient in room 201 ya should go now" I nodded at what Ash had said. Being only fourteen and having to take care of a ton of injured people. I smiled as I left waling into the hall.

Pony pov three hours later…..

I groaned because my head was pounding when I got up. I blinked my eyes a few times to get in focus. My right side hurt and my right arm. Then what all happened came back to me. Aw man Darry's going to kill me I thought staring at the ceiling.

"Hey the kids up" Someone pointed out. I'm not a kid . Soon a head poked his face over me. He had rusty brown hair. What was his name again?

"Took ya long enough kid you've been out three weeks" He said with a grin. Wait. What? Three weeks. Darry really will kill me. He must have seen my expression because he laughed.

"Kid I'm joking its only been three hours." He said still smiling.

"Dom the boy don't want you hovering over him" A amused voice came. I look to see a boy my age. Short black hair. Non-greased much like mine. I hadn't greased it today. His eyes were a gold brown color. More gold then brown. They seemed to happy but cold. He was leaning on the back wall with his legs crossed.

"What's your name kid?" The rusty brown haired one said.

"Ponyboy ya can call me Pony" I said still in a daze. They didn't seemed fazed by the name.

"I'm Dominic you can call me Dom" The rusty brown haired one said. I nodded.

" Wisp, That's my name I guess I cant complain next to yours." He said grinning at me.

"I like my name" I said in defense. He laughed.

"Where am I anyway?" I asked confused.

"Your in Lark's territory" Wisp said in a happy tone. I remember Soda and Steve talking about Larks gang. He takes in anybody who needs help. A cool guy if ya ask me.

"Where you came from Pony?" Dominic asked getting into the convention.

"From here just a different part of town" I answered looking back at the ceiling.

"Ya ran away didn't ya?" Wisp said already knowing the answer.

"Yep" I said in a cold tone. I tried to sit up. Bad idea. Pain shot up my sit. I swore under my breath as Wisp and Dom cracked up laughing.

"Ha ha funny" I said a little canker then meant to be.

"Here drink this again. It should help" Dom said tossing me a bottle. It was the same brown liquid. I opened the bottle and took a quick swig. I almost gagged again. I put the bottle down on the table side next to me.

"We'll leave and let ya sleep and come back tomorrow for you" I nodded once again falling into a deep slumber.

Oo what do ya think about it? Mmhhh I wonder. Please comment thanks!