hee hee, my mommy had a stomach ache, so I was making her some ginger tea, this is what came to mind. enjoy please!

"Ugh!" Ichigo groaned quietly. His head flopped onto the desk, every move made his vison blur and spin and his head hurt. His stomach was twisting, he felt like he was gonna throw up. He bit his lip, trying to keep another groan in his throat.

"Kurosaki-kun?" his teacher asked, concerned. "You look sick. Do you want to leave early?"

"Hn, no teacher I'm okay." he said, barely able to look up. The lights made his head split. An eraser hit him in the back of the head and he turned slightly to look at Rukia, who was telling him wordlessly that he'd better get home before she cooked his ass and served it to Kon. "Ah, on second thought, maybe I should go home."

He packed his things with some help from Keigo, and wobbled out the door. The world was tilting and turning and about to buck him off.

Before he could fall to the ground, a cold hand caught him. "You look so weak, king! What got cha like this?" Ichigo could barely recognize the voice, could almost make out a figure. A rough cold palm was pressed to his forehead. "You've got a fever." the person clicked his tongue, and helped him walk.

They reached his house in little time, Ichigo felt a hand digging in his pocket for a key, he was too tired to stop it. The person picked him up bridal style, kicking the unlocked door open.

No one was home, his father was on a short business trip, his sisters were at school. He was dumped on his bed. "You lie down and rest, I'll bring you something for your fever." extra blankets, some headache pills and something small to eat. But his stomach was still killing him. "You got any ginger, king?" Ichigo opened his eyes, finally able to think clearly now that his headache was gone.

"What are you doing here?!" Ichigo ungratefully asked his hollow.

"Makin' you better!" the hollow smirked. "Or would you rather get sicker? I'm only helping. Now, do you have any ginger?" Ichigo nodded, and the hollow went off to the kitchen. "Holler if ya feel worse."

"Like I'm gonna do that..." Ichigo mumbled. Though he had to admit that his hollow was being strangely kind.

About five minutes later, his hollow came up with a steaming hot cup, he placed it in his king's hands with a bow and sat down on the bed at Ichigo's feet. Ichigo took a sip. It was nice. Not too sweet and just enough ginger. "You like it, don't cha, king?" his hollow smirked at him.

Ichigo huffed, gulping down the tea quickly before it got cold. His hollow's smirk widened in a way that said 'I'll take that as a yes' "what would it matter to you if I got sick? You bastard." that curse was added half heartedly, because ichigo didn't think his hollow was that much of a bastard anymore.

His other half pressed his forehead to ichigo's. "Ah, your fever has come down, good. Anyway, it gets hot in there when your sick, drives me crazy, and beside, who knows what could have happened to you if I left you alone. I mean, you nearly fainted on the street!"

Ichigo said nothing, merely looked at his cup in a disappointed way, it was empty. The hollow took his cup and got up to get more, smirking. "Remind me to make tea for you more often." when he came back up, he was still smiling, as if he had gotten an amusing thought while he was in the kitchen. He leaned in close, smiling widening.

"I wonder if king would take care of me, if I ever got sick."

"Hell no! I suck at making tea..."


I'm writing more and more pointless stories, aren't I? But this is sweet, so I like it. I spent all of yesterday burning CDs, my collection is up to about 24. Yea, so anyway. RXR ONEGAI!