AN: Not in this chapter but the next there are some slight spoilers for Revenant Wings. I have not played the game yet, but this is what Wikipedia has told me.

Ashe did her best not to drum her fingers on her chair, but she had to admit, this part of her reign was incredibly dull.

Currently she was seated on her throne in the Great Hall of her palace listening to the complaints of her people. Truth was, she typically enjoyed it. She opened her doors to all of her kingdom every month for them to air their troubles and possibly help them come to a solution. There were typically three groups who came to the palace.

The first were typically lower class and she had to admit were her favorite. They were frequently difficult problems, since the lower class didn't want to trouble her with anything that wasn't worth it. They usually didn't have a right or wrong answer and it helped her practice her diplomacy skills. She also enjoyed them because, while she could no longer be among her people on the street, it kept her from feeling completely detached.

The second broke her heart. They were soldiers from Archadia who had made Rabanastre their home and wished to stay, yet where they lived typically belonged to someone who had been originally displaced to Lowtown and wished have their property back. They had done nothing wrong other than follow orders, which she understood, yet still it belonged to someone else. It was not the Empire's right to give it away and it still wasn't very safe the former soldiers within the city.

The third, which is what she was currently sitting through, were the upper-class, from Dalmasca and Archadia mutually. Typically, it was some rich landowner wanting more land. Often it was two neighbors disputing the property line claiming that the Archadians had moved it, which of course they had not, and that their neighbor was taking two inches of their land. The Archadians often came to complain about their loss of land, as the current gentleman had come for, wishing for their winter home back. All complaints she forwarded to Larsa for compensation of the amount that they paid the Empire for HER land, but she still had to hear their complaining if they came. Quite frankly, most of the third group knew their complaints were weak but came anyway just to come before the young queen and make their face known at court.

"Yes, Sir…" Ashe floundered for the man's name. She needed to restart her old note system. She decided to just continue when the man was oblivious to her mental blank, "I understand your position but you paid the Empire for your home. I must forward your complaint to Lord Larsa."

"But I flew here all the way from Archades! And I don't wish for money I want my house back!" the man sputtered.

Ashe resisted the urge to grip the throne, it was not like a queen to show frustration, but her people referred to them as their homes not just a house. "And I am sorry for your pains, but it was not the Empire's place to sell it to you. Once you receive your money back, if you wish to invest it in a house that is on the market, you are free to do so."

"But it had the best view of the city!" he moaned.

"I am sorry, but there is nothing I can do for you."

The nobleman realized that he would have no more luck with her, bowed and took his leave.

The court herald stepped forward to announce the next Archadia noble. Ashe heard all grievances in the order of her mental categories of importance. "Lord Ffamran Mid Bunansa," the man shouted to the court.

Ashe typically used the time they took to get inside the Great Hall and in front of her to collect her thoughts. Again she wished for her notes. On them she used to keep pertinent information about every noble she had met. What the circumstances were, where they are from, whom they are related to. They were made as she met people so if she came across someone whom she had met but couldn't remember, her assistants would be able to help her recall whom it was she was talking to. She used to keep a whole stack of them, but since her return to power she had yet to find them. The Archadians had probably thrown them out but in this case, she desperately wished for them. The name sounded so familiar yet she couldn't actually place it. She could only think of one Bunansa and… he…

The blood drained out of her face as she realized who it was. Balthier walked in not a second later.

He looked good. Gods he looked so good. He always looked great but never like he did at that moment. Last time she had seen him, he looked wild. Like something exotic and untamable with his too tight pants, his earrings and his gun which he usually swung around casually. She certainly didn't expect to see him with a gun in the middle of her court but she didn't expect to change his appearance either. Gone were his earrings and the pants that she often cursed because of their difficult removal. They were replaced with the very fine clothing of the Archadian nobility that Ashe had seen worn on so many of the men who had come through her court. Balthier's clothes were always very beautiful and very expensive but they were also functional and easy to move in. The clothes he was currently in had layers and were all pouf and looked restricting, but Balthier wore them with an ease as if he had been wearing them all his life. "He probably had, until he ran off and became a pirate…" Ashe thought to herself. He looked presentable and someone who belonged at court. She had never imagined that for all of his fastidiousness he could clean up anymore yet the proof was walking toward her.

"My lady," Balthier swept himself into a deep, elegant court bow. "I do apologize for the slightly false pretenses that I am here under. I do not have a land matter that needs to be resolved, but I just wished to offer my congratulations to you finally. I am deeply sorry that I was unable to do so at a time more appropriate but some family matters have kept me away."

Ashe swallowed trying to regain coherent thought. She slowly found her voice again. "Do not worry about it. You are always welcomed here Ba… Lord Bunansa. Rosalie?" Ashe called for her Lady-In-Waiting.

"Yes, my lady?"

"Who is left after this gentleman?"

"No one, my lady. He is the last for the day," Rosalie replied.

"Then, I wish for the hall to be cleared in order to catch up with an old friend."

"Yes, my lady." Rosalie made the arrangements and soon Balthier and Ashe found themselves alone.

Ashe could feel her heart racing. The last time she had really touched this man was the morning before their final battle, waking up in his arms after making love all night in his chamber on the Strahl. The last time she saw this man he was rushing off to his death to save her kingdom. The last time she had heard from this man was just a simple note that wasn't even really for her. In all of those last times, where did that leave them?

"Hello, Princess," Balthier said. His voice was like molasses, slow, smooth and it seemed to stick in her ears. Those simple words were enough to get her off of her throne and into his arms kissing him like a desperate mad woman. He didn't miss a beat and took her in his arms and returned her ardor. She suddenly stopped and pulled away from him. Before she had a chance to admire the adorable look of confusion he had on his face, she raised her hand and slapped him across the face.