Dawn: Wow. You're actually posting again within a week?

Me: I know! I'm on a new streak!

Paul: In other words, she's trying to burn through the reviews she currently has so as not to get flooded again.

Me: Hahaha… -sweat drop- And work on being more regular, thank you very much. Shall we just get started, then?

Ash: Pick up where we left off!

Me: Cool! So first, we have heartbeatangel!

Hi, this is heartbeatangel. Jessi: great talk show! (Especially loved the part when Kenny was dressed in the squritle print underwear and sang gay barbie , ikarishipper and zoey and kenny shipper)

Me: Hahahahaha. I totally forgot about that part!

Dawn: …I have a feeling you don't keep especially careful track of stuff we do here.

Me: Well, I remember really good stuff. Like I remember when Paul proposed to you!

Dawn: -blush- Okay, never mind. Moving on!

questions for Dawn:

1)...Who bought ur skirt?

Dawn: Me! Who else?

Me: Oh, geez. We return to the skirt…

2) U sure ur mum doesn't mind u wearing that skirt?

Dawn: Of course I'm sure! She's made me go back and change clothes before, and she didn't do that with this skirt!

Me: Are you sure she just didn't get tired of making you go back and change by the time you wore that skirt?

Dawn: …I guess it's possible…

Me: Ha!

Dawn: But improbable! -blushes-

Me: Mm-hm.

Dawn: -glares-

3) What was ur first impression when u met Paul aka the reptile? (Reptile as he is cold hearted n reptiles are cold blooded so,yah)

Me: Oooh well done.

Paul: -rolls his eyes-

Dawn: Honestly? I think my first thought was "Geez, what's HIS problem?"

Me: Same as everyone else, I guess.

Paul: It happens.

Dawn: I mean, that's not my continuing thought. Just my first one.

Paul: I know.

Me:…can I call this an "awww" moment?

Ikari Couple: No!

Me: Awww! They spoke in UNISON!

Ikari Couple: -sigh-

Me: And they sighed in unison!

Ikari Couple: -smack foreheads. Uh, their own, and with their own hands, that is.-

Me: And they hit –

Dawn: For crying out loud!

Paul: Move on already!

Me: Poo! Okay… -pouts-

questions for Paul

1)same question as dawn's for #3

Paul: Well… my first thought was something to the effect of "Why is she travelling with that idiot?"

Ash: Dawn travelled with an idiot?

Pikachu: -sweat drop-

Me: …ignoring him, why did it immediately surprise you that she was travelling with an idiot?

Paul: A general person why would she. I wondered the same thing about Brock as well.

Me: Man! That's so boring! It didn't have anything to do with her being attractive, or with –

Paul: Next question.

Me: … -pouts again-

2)would u marry Dawn?

Paul: Depending on the circumstance, I suppose I could.

Me: You're not getting away with that vague an answer.

Paul: If I fell in love with her and I felt like I knew her well and I was sure I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and Summer was somehow out of the picture, then of course. Anything else, no, or if certain parts of that were true, not yet.

Me: That's a very specific circumstance, mister!

Paul: Isn't that supposed to be the normal circumstance, moron?

Me: …-glares- So, you already fell in love with her, so the current answer is not yet.

Paul: Who said anything about falling in love?

Me: Me, of course! Next!

Paul: -glares-

dares for both

1)act as may and drew(as in dress as them and act as them)

Me: Bruce, you take Paul! I'll take Dawn!

Ash: Who do I take? -excited-

Me: …Ash, you aren't involved in this.

Ash: Aw… -sad-

Dawn: -sweat drop as Jessi drags her away-

Paul: -is dragged away by faceless guy- Better than that idiot, I guess…

Ash: …hey, Pikachu. Who do you think this idiot they keep talking about is?

Pikachu: -rolls eyes- Geez, Ash, I have NO idea.

Ash: Me neither! I wonder if we've met him? Hm…

Pikachu: -sweat drop-

Me: -enters- Okay, we're back!

Dawn: -enters, May-ified-

Ash: Whoa, it's May!

Dawn: No, it's Dawn! Geez, don't you pay ANY ATTENTION, Ash?

Ash: Hahaha! That's a funny joke, May!

Dawn: -sweat drop-

Paul: -enters, Drew-ified, with faceless guy-

Me: Whoa! Good job, Bruce! You even got green contacts!

Paul: Those feel so weird.

Me: Eh, you'll get used to them. Aaaaand action!

Dawn: -stomps foot and clenches fists and adopts a May voice- You know what, Drew? Stop talking bad about my Pokemon! They're just as good as your Pokemon!

Paul: -makes a smug look and adopts a Drew voice- Ha! I didn't say anything about your Pokemon being bad, I said the Coordinator needed work!

Dawn: -May voice- What? What is your problem, Drew?

Paul: -Drew voice- What is my problem? Well, my problem is that secretly I'm in love with you, but I'm not man enough to admit it!

Dawn: -May voice- Huh?

Me: …Bruce, did Paul just turn into a Contestshipper? -faceless guy nods- Just making sure…

Paul: -Drew voice- You heard me! And here! -throws a red rose at her- For your Beautifly! Beat you in the next contest! -starts to walk off in a stage-like manner-

Dawn: -holding red rose. May voice- Rrgh… that Drew… -looks back at rose and blushes- That Drew…

Me: Did you know she could blush on command? -faceless guy shakes head- Neither did I. I think she's a Contestshipper too. -faceless guy nods- Hahahaha. –grins-

Paul: -normal voice- Was that good enough? Can we go back to normal?

Me: Well, that was very good. But I think the next dare will be more fun if you keep acting!

Ikari Couple: -normal voices- The next…?

2)then have a contest

Dawn: Yay!

Paul: -mutters incoherently and grimaces-

Me: Hee hee! It's hard to have a Contest with just two people, so we'll just have a Contest battle!

Paul: Well, that's a little better.

Dawn: -frowns-

Me: But! To make things more interesting, AND to keep the acting intact, I asked May and Drew for a couple of their Pokemon to use for this, and they graciously allowed it!

Dawn: …I'm somehow guessing this was BEFORE they saw our acting.

Me: Good guess!

Dawn: -sweat drop-

Paul: So who are we using?

Me: Well, "May" will be using Beautifly and Wartortle, and "Drew" will be using Roserade and Absol!

Dawn: Drew has a Roserade?

Me: Yeah! Didn't you see its little cameo when Drew was watching the Wallace Cup?

Dawn: Um, no. I was in the Wallace Cup.

Me: …oh. Right.

Dawn: -sweat drop-

Me: Okay, so… let's begin the battle!

[As much fun as this might be to write… I don't really want to. So, later]

Me: And time's up!

Ikari Couple: -dramatically look at points board as there was no knockout-

Me: And May wins this battle! Congratulations!

Dawn: -May voice- Wow! We did it, guys!

Beautifly and Wartortle: -general sounds of happiness-

Paul: -gasps but smiles. Drew voice- Well, it was to May. So I guess it's okay.

Me: Yay! Good job, guys!

Paul: … -normal voice- So can we change back NOW?

Me: -sighs- Sure. Give me back their Pokemon, though.

Ikari Couple: -return Pokemon and exit to change back-

Me: Hee hee. -heal Pokemon in one of Nurse Joy's machines and send them back to May and Drew- Let's see what this last dare is…

3)write then ur true feelings for both of your in separate room(Jessi, pls read what they write and read it out... Don't show them this part..)

Me: Haha. No worries! -pen magic's an intercom into existence and presses the button- Hey Dawn and Paul, when you're done getting changed, stay there. You have to be in separate rooms for the next dare. And I'm going to Dawn's room now to do her part. -lets go of button-

Ash: Man, that thing is LOUD.

Me: So are you. I'll be back! -goes off to Dawn's room-

Dawn: …so I get a little nervous about separated dares.

Me: No need to worry! This one's easy! All you have to do is write down your true feelings for Paul on this piece of paper! -grins and hands paper-

Dawn: …you're going to take it back and read it out loud, aren't you?

Me: Well… define out loud.

Dawn: Like, so the audience sees it.

Me: Oh. Well, that doesn't affect your end of the dare.

Dawn: -sighs and writes-

Me: -takes back- Okay, cool! You can go back to the main room now!

Dawn: You're not going to read it?

Me: Bye, Dawn! -exits room and goes over to Paul's room-

Paul: …why are we separated for this dare?

Me: You know, you two are SO CUTE! You BOTH get nervous about being separated for a dare! -grins-

Paul: That's because they're usually more embarrassing!

Me: Mm-hm. Anyways, write your true feelings for Dawn on this piece of paper. -hand paper-

Paul: You're going to read it to the audience.

Me: Why am I having the same conversation with you and Dawn?

Paul: Because you're predictable!

Me: Ugh! Just write already!

Paul: -snorts and writes-

Me: -takes paper- Ugh. Stupid parallel conversations. Okay, you and I are going back to the main room. Now.

Paul: Whatever. -both walk to main room-

Dawn: So, she had you write out your true feelings for me?

Paul: Yes. I'm guessing you did the same?

Dawn: Good guess.

Me: Why does your synchronization worry me a little?

Dawn: Didn't you think it was adorable a little while ago?

Me: Well yeah! But now… it's… kind of… scary…

Dawn: This whole show is!

Me: …so, reading out loud. "I meant every word I said before when I was told to confess my feelings for Paul. I am still not madly and passionately in love with him. He's an interesting guy. I'm glad to be his friend. But that's it. – Dawn."

Dawn: I knew you were going to read it out loud!

Me: Well, obviously! It wouldn't be interesting otherwise!

Paul: -looks out window-

Me: -sigh- I doubt Paul made his any more interesting. But let's see… "Everything I said before when told to confess my feelings for Dawn was what I felt. However, I'm beginning to wonder if my fleeting disappointment really was just my oversized ego. I've always been able to read people, or so I thought… but perhaps Jessi just has me overanalyzing. Stupid red head. – Paul."

Dawn: Eh? -blushes-

Paul: I slashed that last part out. Why did you read it?

Me: Because it's obviously the truest part! Omigosh Paul you think Dawn isn't being entirely honest about her feelings towards you?

Paul: That is not what I said.

Me: But what did you MEAN?

Paul: -ignores-

Me: … you stupid purple-headed child!


Me: Thanks for coming in! -glares at Paul-

Ash: …well, this is awkward!

Pikachu: Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Ash: Who's that? -looks around-

Dawn: -sweat drop- So, uh, moving along?

Me: -continues glaring at Paul- Fine… -looks at paper- Next is ShadowXSoul!

Love your stories!

Me: Thanks! I like most of them too! -grins-

Also hi ash, dawn, paul, and JESSI!

Except Pikachu and Paul: Hi!

Paul: -half-heartedly waves-

Pikachu: Aw…

Me: I think he meant you too. Since you're Ash's brain.

Pikachu: …I could go for that. Hi!

Questions for Dawn!

- What's your fave food? *doing this for you Paul!*

Paul: -raises an eyebrow while SNEAKILY reaches for a notebook-

Me: -thinks that Paul is not sneaky enough, but decides to just let him take notes-

Dawn: -oblivious- Um… let's see… I don't know. I like Italian food!

Paul: -SNEAKILY writes in SNEAKILY obtained notebook-

Pikachu: -sweat drops at capitalized sneakily's-

- What do you think about all the shippings that includes you?

Dawn: -sigh- I don't wanna talk about it…

Me: Too bad! Wanna go through them and rate each one separately?

Dawn: Do I have to?

Me: Yup! Okay, from Bulbapedia, there is…

Dawn: Wait! Write out a list, and I'll read them off and respond!

Me: That works. -writes list off of Bulbapedia- I decided to leave off the nevermets, by the way.

Dawn: Thanks. -looks at list- Let's see… AppealShipping, which is me and Zoey? Okay, NO. I don't swing like that!

Me: I know!

Dawn: CavalierShipping, me and Gary… um… well, I mean he's cute, but he's not my type, and he's a little old for me. HeatTagShipping, me and… Conway?

Ash: That creepy smart guy?

Dawn: Yeah… no way. He scares me a little. Ikarishipping… I think this whole show is a response to Ikarishipping.

Me: Comment!

Dawn: Okay, then it's weird! Especially since we don't even talk that much in the show!

Me: But when you do talk, it's so significant!

Paul: Okay, she answered! Move on!

Me: -sigh-

Dawn: -sweat drop- Lightrockshipping… me and Brock? No way! Brock's like an older brother to me!

Ash: Yeah, if Gary's too old, Brock is WAY too old.

Dawn: True. LilBlueShipping?

Me: Um… that's not related to Paul's Little Blue, is it?

Paul: Why would it be?

Dawn: Me and… Piplup? Ew! Pokemon and human pairings are GROSS! I am NOT romantically involved with a Pokemon, and never will be!

Me: Geez, chill out! It's just some people!

Dawn: -growls- Anyways… um… PearlShipping… I see Ash as a brother, so no. PenguinShipping… Kenny's my best friend, but I don't see him romantically. SapphirePearlShipping, me and May… again, I don't swing that way. And TwinleafShipping… Barry's too impatient!

Me: Do you think he might have a crush on you?

Dawn: I just don't think it would work. That's all I'm saying.

Me: …I guess that's it…

Dawn: Good.

- Who do you hate the most, and you have to pick someone!

Dawn: Um… I guess… Ursula, probably.

Paul: Who?

Me: Fair enough. -gives Paul copies of Ursula's episodes-

Questions for Ash!

- Who's your dad? I don't think he ever showed up, or did he?

Ash: Uh, nope! You've never met him!

Me: So who is he?

Ash: Uh…

Dawn: You don't KNOW?

Ash: Well… my mom said it was a secret. -sweat drop-

Me: I am going to KILL Delia…

- Read the Pokemon manga and who do you think is most like you. ( i want to see how dense he really is!)

Dawn: There's more than one, right?

Me: Yup. Normally, I'd consider Adventures to be the manga, but… since we're testing denseness, let's try Electric Tale. -hands volumes to him-

Ash: …none of these characters are like me!

Pikachu: -sweat drop-

Me: -avoids slapping forehead- Well, which one is MOST like you?

Ash: I guess this guy with the hat and the Pikachu.

Dawn: Okay then. -sweat drop-

Paul: -done watching episodes- D.D., I think she's a good one to hate.


Me: -sweat drop-

- what would you do if Misty said she loves you?

Ash: -blushes- Uh, I don't know!

Me: What do you THINK you would do?

Ash: Probably say, "Huh? You do?"

Me: Oh man… -sweat drop- I'm so glad I'm not trying to pair you and Misty up at the moment…

Questions for Paul!

- What do you think is your fav nickname from the past few chaps? (you have to pick one!)

Paul: You mean of my nicknames? I don't even remember most of them. I guess the reptile.

Me: Seriously?

Paul: Well, someone actually put thought into it outside of "oh, purple hair" or "oh, standoffish". -rolls eyes-

Dawn: -sweat drop-

- Who's your fav starter pokemon? (randomness!)

Paul: I'm biased. I got Turtwig, so that's my favorite. They all get to be pretty strong, so it doesn't matter that much to me.

Questions for Jessi!

Me: Really? YAY! –grins-

Except Me: -sweat drop-

- who's your fav character in the manga? why?

Me: I'll go to Adventures as the manga now, haha. Silver! I LOVE the tortured anti-heroes! They're my absolute favorite type of characters!

Dawn: Is that why you like Paul?

Me: He's more of an antagonist than an anti-hero, and we don't know for sure that he actually has a tortured past, but yeah. And Zuko from the Last Airbender, and Shadow the Hedgehog from –

Dawn: Yeah, yeah.

Me: So yeah! Silver!

- if you went on a date with your fav guy where would you go?

Me: You mean the answer to the previous question? Where would I go with Silver?

Dawn: Hahaha. Now YOU get an embarrassing romance question!

Me: I'd probably want to go to Olivine City and just do whatever. But since it wouldn't go past the one date anyways, I'd want to run into Crystal! -grins-


Me: Because I can't seriously consider someone from the Pokemon world. I'm a matchmaker, love.

Dawn: So… you like Silver and Crystal together?

Me: Yeah SpecialJewelShipping!

Dawn: -sweat drop-

Paul: -is also disappointed at my ease of answering-

Dares for Paul!( evil smirk!)

- sooo wear a skirt and go to the mall with one of your fan girls!

Paul: WHAT?

Me: Oh. My. Gosh. This is great! -laughs-

Dawn: Oh grief…

Me: Here's your skirt. -hands him a bright pink skirt with heart and Happiny patterns-

Dawn: -bursts out laughing uncontrollably-

Paul: -glares at her and goes into bathroom-

Me: Oh, and take Happy with you!

Happy: Yay! Trip with Daddy!

Paul: -mutters-

Fan girl: -escorted in by faceless guy- Omigosh I get to spend time at the mall! With PAUL! –squeals-

Dawn: Hey, Jessi, are you doing the in-studio mall, or…?

Me: Nope. The normal one. More witnesses. -grins-

Dawn: Oh, boy…

Fan girl: I hope EVERYONE sees us together! -smiles-

Me: Well, you might want to see that before you say that.

Fan girl: Huh?

Paul: -comes out of bathroom with skirt on and picks up Happy- Let's get this over with.

Fan girl: What? Paul? What…?

Paul: -grabs girl's wrist and walks out-

Me: See you in an hour!

Dawn: -twitches at Paul's wrist grab-

Me: -smiles at Dawn's twitching-


Paul: -comes back without the girl-

Me: What'd you do with the fan girl?

Paul: She was alternately hiding and getting excited about -intentionally squeaky imitation- "Omigosh I can't believe you cross-dress!" So she went off with a group of friends when I had to go and she was hiding. -rolls eyes-

Dawn: She was hiding?

Paul: She was embarrassed to be seen with me. -sets Happy down and goes to bathroom to change-

Ash: Wow… I don't know which one is a worse blow, wearing the skirt or your fan girl being embarrassed to be seen with you!

Paul: Yeah, you wouldn't know. You don't HAVE fan girls.

Ash: Hey!

Me: Pfffft. Anyways.

- I dare you to hit Summer with the misty mallet! While saying you hate her and you like Dawn better! I'm evil!

Me: Um… I don't want the actual Summer to show up for a while, so let's use an eerily-similar-looking wax figure. -pulls out figure-

Dawn: …Jessi, does anyone besides you actually know what Summer LOOKS like?

Me: Oooh. Good call. She has auburn hair with some red and blue eyes. She's average height and slender with a good figure. She's wearing a v-neck shirt and some skinny, but not choking, jeans. That's her usual attire.

Dawn: Okay.

Paul: Why are you describing Summer? -comes out of bathroom- Whoa!

Me: It's not her. It's just an eerily-similar-looking wax figure.

Paul: Eerily similar all right… -shudders-

Me: Here's your Misty mallet! -cheerfully hands him the mallet- And say it like you just got in a fight and you're yelling and stuff!

Paul: …I don't usually yell in fights.

Me: Okay, fine, then yell.

Paul: …I HATE YOU! -whack- And you know what? -whack- I FOUND SOMEONE I LIKE BETTER! -whack- SHE'S PRETTIER, SMARTER, AND NICER THAN YOU! -whack-

Me: Oooh, extending the dare to be in character. I like it. -grins-

Dawn: -sweat drops-

Paul: BUT YOU KNOW WHAT THE BEST PART ABOUT DAWN IS? -whack- SHE DOESN'T -whack- START -whack- STUPID -whack- FAN CLUBS ABOUT ME! -whacks head off-

Dawn: Whoa! -pales at seeing eerily-human-looking Summer head rolling by-

Me: Wow… -silent for a moment, then starts to applaud- Very convincing, Paul!

Paul: Oh, shut up. -throws Misty mallet back into hammerspace-

Dawn: -sweat drop-

Me: Your turn, Dawn!

Dares for Dawn! (oh and I never let anyone off easy so be prepared even if you a girl)

Dawn: -quietly- Eep.

- so write a dairy for the rest of the day and you have to say what you think about everyone! Do worry I won't make u read it!

Dawn: Well, that's not that bad!

Me: Here! It has Piplup and Pachirisu on the cover! -hands it to her- You should start with a response to Paul's performance!

Paul: -rolls eyes-

Dawn: -writes-

*whisper to Jessi read it k? I won't make her read it but I never said I won't make anyone else read it!* thx

Me: -whispering- Definitely! I think I'll save this for a later day, though. -winks- Save up more good stuff, you know?

Dawn: What?

Me: Oh, I'm extending that to more than a day.

Dawn: Oh. Okay.

Paul: -raises eyebrow at me, suspecting what's coming-

Dares for Ash

- Eat till you puke! (I want to see how much he can eat. it seems like an endless hole for me...)

Ash: I'll do my best! -starts eating like crazy-

Me: …if he passes twenty pounds, I'm just going to stop and save food.

Dawn: Aw, come on. Ash isn't THAT bad…

[Twenty two pounds of food later]

Me: ASH! NO MORE! -confiscates food-

Ash: -bulging stomach- But…! But…!

Pikachu: Ash, give it a rest.

Ash: Sorry, ShadowXsoul… I did my best…

Ikari Couple: -sweat drop-

- Say you hate Misty (at her) while hugging some random girl!

Ash: What?

( I'm mean beyond my years...)

Me: If you're making that statement, I believe you without knowing your age. But, I have an idea. -winks-

Ash: I don't have to do it?

Me: I'm going to combine it with the next dare. -grins-

Ash: Huh?

Dare's for everyone! (Everyone but Jessi of course, unless you want to do it.)

Me: Not really, but thanks for the offer.

Except Jessi: OF?

- Everyone has to make out with an opposite gender! Oh and Jessi can you add a few more people just for this question! The pairs are yours to chose!

Dawn: What?

Paul: How are you combining these?

Me: Well, isn't it obvious? Ash makes out with a random girl instead of hugging, and Misty's there too!

Ash: HAH?

Me: Bruce, can you bring back these two and some random girl? -hands note to faceless guy and he leaves-

Dawn: …so I'm guessing Paul and I have to make out.

Me: Duh.

Dawn: …and one of the people you wanted Bruce to get was Misty.

Me: Yup.

Dawn: …and the other is the person she's going to have to make out with.

Me: Yes.

Dawn: So who – ?

Misty: -escorted in- What's going on? -underlined for separation-

Melody: -also escorted in- Uh, who are you?

Gary: -last one- Listen, I have to –

Dawn: Gary? Seriously?

Me: Did you really find Melody randomly? -faceless guy nods- Bruce, if you weren't married, I might have proposed to you just now.

Except me: -sweat drop-

Me: Okay, so after Ash makes his statement, you two -points at Dawn and Paul- get going.

Dawn: What about – ?

Me: Don't worry about it! Go, Ash!

Ash: Ah… Ah…

Gary: Oh, it's Ashy-boy.

Misty: Ash, what's going on?

Ash: Uh… Misty…

Misty: Yes? -hopeful-

Ash: … I…

Misty: -heart pounding in hope- You…?

Ash: …uh… I hate you! -starts making out with Melody-

Melody: -surprised, but goes with it-

Ikari Couple: -start making out-

Misty: -shocked and hurt- Oh, really? Well, let's how you like THIS, then! -grabs Gary's shirt and starts fiercely making out with him-

Gary: -also very surprised, but also goes with it-

Me: Haha. Knew it would just happen. -faceless guy nods- Do you have the camera going? -faceless guy nods again- Awesome.

[Five minutes later]

Me: Okay, you guys can stop now.

Ikari Couple: -split off-

Kiss Duo: -split off, both blushing-

Ego Pair: -keep it going-

Me: …hm, I forgot they weren't under my orders.

Dawn: Kiss Duo? Ego Pair?

Me: Oh. Ash and Melody is KissShipping, and Misty and Gary is EgoShipping.

Dawn: Ah. -sweat drop-

Melody: -still blushing- Ash, what – ?

Ash: -blushes- Ah… I want to wait for Misty to explain.

Misty: -hears this and breaks off- Explain WHAT? This better be good!

Gary: -dazed and confused-

Dawn: -sweat drop at Gary-

Ash: Ah… well… there were a couple of dares, you see, and…

Misty: Dares? This is about some stupid dares? I can't believe I ever cared about you, Ash Ketchum, you MORON!

Ash: Hah? You –

Misty: -turns back to Gary- So, you are a really good kisser.

Gary: -grins- Thanks.

Ash: Hey… wait…

Gary: Well, I have to go now!

Misty: I'll go with you. I don't have to stay. Bye, Ashy-boy.

Ash: Wait – !

Ego Pair: -exit hand in hand-

Ash: -quietly- It's not like… I wanted to do that…

Signing out,

Ikarishipping fan ShadowXsoul

P.S But you'll see more of me and my evil dares!

Me: Fun! Great!

Melody: -frowns- So… they say dares, but mean requirements?

Paul: In short.

Melody: Oh. I see.

Ash: I'm sorry I had to use you.

Melody: It's okay. -smiles- It's not like I would have gotten that any other way, after all. Good luck! -leaves-

Dawn: …does she have a thing for Ash, or did I just imagine that?

Paul: Who would have a thing for Ash?

Me: She kind of does. But not like… it's not anything really serious.

Dawn: Oh, I see.

Ash: …

Me: Well, this leaves us with an interesting scenario! See you guys next time! Oh, and I'm going to start trying to reply to reviews now. I guess people haven't seen them. -sweat drop-

Dawn: Please review! Bye!