Ch 38

Bobby and Sam got Dean's body into Bobby's car. The three of them went to bury Dean. Originally Bobby wanted to salt and burn the body but Sam and Kerrie wouldn't let him. Sam insisted that they would find a way to get him back. Sam, Kerrie, and Bobby returned to Bobby's house.

Right away Sam and Bobby took to drinking. Kerrie spent some time alone and then got the idea to question Ruby. She took Bobby's car and found an abandoned building a little while down the road. She summoned Ruby and waited awhile, the demon didn't come. Kerrie's next choice was to use a spirit board to get some information. No one could answer anything about Ruby. Kerrie tried again and got no result. She returned to Bobby's house and managed to fall asleep since she was physically and mentally exhausted.

Kerrie remained at Bobby's for a little over a week. Sam and Bobby spent their days pouring over books looking over possible ways to get Dean back. When Kerrie realized that books weren't going to help she returned to Boston. She spent a few days with family before she finally managed to summon Ruby. The women spent hours beating on each other with Kerrie having a slight edge over the demon. Ruby refused to answer any questions and when it came to a draw she escaped. Kerrie checked in with Bobby weekly, he had taken to being piss drunk everyday and hanging around his house.

After two weeks of looking through books and the internet Sam took off in the Impala. He stopped answering the cell phones. It had been over two months and Kerrie worried about him and managed to track him down. When she arrived she sat in a rental car in the motel parking lot. The Impala was gone so Kerrie waited for him to return. It was several hours before he returned. Sam got out the car blood on his shirt, luckily it was night time or others would have noticed. Kerrie frowned seeing Ruby's new vessel get out of the passenger seat. Ruby looked around sensing Kerrie was there but ignored her. She pulled Sam into a passionate kiss as Kerrie went to open the car door. When Sam opened the motel room door she decided against going after Ruby again. Tears stung her eyes as Tristian appeared in the car next to her.

'Don't let him go, you should fight for him. Kerrie, you love him.' The woman who had warned her about the Winchester's appeared in the backseat.

'Let him go, he's no good for you. He's fucking a demon, you did what you could do to try and save his brother. Just let him go.' Kerrie turned to look at the woman but she was gone.

'Kerrie, go to him. He's hurting. You pushed him away and you should fix it.' Kerrie looked at Tristian and got out of the car. She slowly made her way to the door but when she paused to knock she heard a loud moan and backed up.

'Bad idea, just go home.' She mumbled to herself. 'Tristian, I can't. It's too late, Sam's made his choice.' She said rushing to the car.

Kerrie pulled away with tears blurring her vision. She drove a little way down the road before she pulled off and got out of the car. It was a small field and Kerrie sat down and let out a yell banging her fists on the ground. Kerrie cried until her tears were gone. She managed to get in the car and get back to the airport. The next flight to Boston wasn't for an hour so she relaxed and forced herself to eat something. When Kerrie got back to Boston she threw herself into following leads to bring Dean back.

In August she spoke to her principal who told her she needed to return to work full time in order to keep her job. Kerrie agreed knowing it would be a distraction. She also signed up for the last class she needed for her bachelors. It was a few days before school was to start when she was following her last solid lead to New Orleans. Kerrie had limited time so her attention was focused on finding a voodoo priest who claimed to have brought someone back from hell. She had told Bobby about the trip and he was against it. He told her to give him a few days and he would go with her but Kerrie wanted to do it alone. She gave Bobby a list of places she was going to visit incase something happened to her. Kerrie cast strong protective spells on herself and called on her spirit guides to keep her safe.

In Texas, Sam licked his fingers as Ruby smiled.

'See your getting stronger already.' She handed him a glass filled with blood. 'Drink, you need your strength.'

Sam took the cup and tipped it back drinking it all quickly. Since he had left Bobby Sam had been working with Ruby. At first he was repulsed by her idea that drinking demon blood would make him stronger but after some time he gave it a try. Right away her felt stronger and could now kill demons with his mind. Ruby was helping him practice and they were killing several demons a night.

To be continued... with the sequel Falling to Pieces