This is my second S/K story, I wrote this right after I finished my first S/K story Hunting My Obsession. I never posted it for reasons that are irrelevant now. So I hope you all like it. Much love for you all. Keva


"I'm warning you! Do not do it!" The girl growled out.

Gold eyes stared at her impassively; he would do as he pleased for he was the lord of the west and answered to no one. He took another step towards the mouthy girl.

"Sesshoumaru" She hissed threateningly. "You will be sooo sorry if you do it."

He had to scoff at her threat; she was nothing more than a mere ningen and could do no more harm to him than a flea. Granted she did carry the ability to purify demons, yet her powers were so weak and so untrained that she was nary a danger to him. Another step.

He watched as the girl copied his step, only stepping backwards and could feel in her aura that she was about to run for it; which didn't concern him in the least. He could run like the wind and would catch her before she even got three steps away from him.

Normally he wouldn't indulge in any kind of anything with a ningen, for they were a waste of life in his view; except for Rin; whom he only allowed to follow him because that is what she wanted and she held no control over anything he did. Granted he would save her when she would get in to mischief that would put her life at risk, but he only did so because she attempted to save him when he was injured, in effect creating a debt, and besides that, she kept Jaken busy enough to keep the toad from annoying him thoroughly.

However, in the case of this girl he was going to make an exception. Not because he was interested in her, which would be completely absurd, but because she held something that caught his attention and he wanted to know what it was and why she had it. He took another step towards her and watched as she turned and began running. He knew she would, his powers of deduction surpassed all and equaled none.

Following behind her he watched unconcerned as she weaved in and out of the trees, heading back for her small group of companions, another thing he considered to be a waste of life upon his lands, especially since that small group held the greatest insult to the name Inu no Taishou, the half breed Inuyasha.

He was actually shocked that he held his self so well considering how there were so many things in life that he considered a waste, an insult, and a down right annoyance. Perhaps the world would be a perfect place if all that lived upon the lands were just like him. No; that would eventually annoy him as well, seeing as how so many beings like him would always want to be superior to him and it would be a constant battle to show that he was indeed the superior being and none stood above him.

No, he was powerful enough that he could rid HIS lands of those he despised and considered unworthy; including his idiot brother, of holding any place in a world that was his. Yes, he ALLOWED his hanyou sibling to live only because of his baka of a father, and the vow he made to him. Protect the hanyou indeed. However as much as he promised his father that he would watch over his sibling, he never once promised to make sure the hanyou was safe only that he would stay alive. Sure if he was a good elder brother he would have freed the hanyou from the sleep spell the dead miko placed upon him, but those fifty years of peace and quiet from the loud mouthed half-breed, were the best fifty years of his life. He could only wish that the hanyou was still under that spell so that he could return to those years of peace and quiet.

Then add to that, had the hanyou never been freed and freed by the female that was attempting to flee him, he wouldn't be indulging in his curiosity and be chasing after the girl. How he loathed his damnable curiosity; it was the source of the girl that followed him every where he went and it was the core reason he was chasing after the human miko from the future.

The future, she held so many secrets as to what the world would become and he wasn't after her for her secrets, which made no sense to him what-so-ever. No he was after her for something he saw and wanted to know what it was. Curiosity could be such a fickle thing, he could easily capture her and force her to tell him of his fate in the future, or what would become of the world and his lands in the next years, but no; he could care less about was lies ahead. He made his own fate and dictated in which way it would turn, he needed no help in his quest for power and he was sure that no matter the future, he would still be the most powerful being in the world; why wouldn't he be?

Perhaps he was bored and only indulged in his curiosity as a means of entertainment. Naraku was gone; the lords of the surrounding lands had become fat and complaisant, leaving him with nothing other to do than wander his lands seeking worthless youkai to destroy for either trespassing upon his lands or for attempting to take over what was his. That was the life of a lord; boredom came with the job description and you either sit in your castle drinking, eating and indulging in the pleasures of the body, or you wander the lands aimlessly, seeking even the most insignificant sources of entertainment. Although he would never give up his standings in the world, being he could do as he pleased and justify his actions to no one.

He grabbed her girl around the waist and halted her attempt to escape him. "Girl" He stated plainly.

"Sesshoumaru let me go!" Kagome struggled madly in his arms trying with all her might to break free of his hold upon her.

Sesshoumaru paid no mind to her words as he turned and began taking her further away from her little band of travelers. Perhaps once his curiosity was sated he would release her, or kill her depending on how he felt about the situation. Granted that killing her would piss his brother off immensely, however the girl did keep the hanyou under fairly tight control with her ability to 'sit' him. Yet, somehow that made him feel like she held more power than he did. One word could bring the hanyou down quicker than he could with a single strike with his claws. Pride is most likely the cause of that feeling of being beneath the girl when it came to having power over the hanyou, and pride is as fickle as curiosity.

His pride could be injured over a simple statement regarding his status in the world, but it couldn't be injured over a question as to his status as a being, such as male or female. He knew what he was and that was all that mattered and if one questioned him either way it was no concern of his since they held no matter of consequence. He didn't have to justify what he was to anyone, which was another rule that came with the title of lord; and it was by far his most favorite rule.

Landing on a cliff overlooking the valley, he placed the girl on her feet and stared down at her with his most favorite of looks which was that of indifference. He knew how this girl worked, she had a mouth on her that never knew when to quit and with that mouth came the tendency speak now and think later. Yes he knew all about this girl, it was his job to know all about the beings that walked upon his lands, especially when those beings were more closely related to him than he would like to admit.

So he waited until her mouth spit out something that would insult him, in effect sending him into action. He wasn't surprised at her rather foul vocabulary; any being associated with the half-breed is bound to pick up some rather unseemly language at some point in time and she was no exception. Therefore he wasn't surprised in the least when she began calling him the same names she used against his sibling. She was searching for the one thing that would insult him the most and it didn't take long for her to find it. How being called a pompous bastard couldn't insult him, but being called a mutt could, was beyond him.

"You will hold your tongue wench." Oh how he loved how he could just state something without the slightest hint of menace in his voice and beings around him would just do as he said. As much as he liked that ability there were times it really took the fun out of things. Yet he knew this girl would only do what he said for a shot time being she just didn't have the ability to stay silent for any extended amount of time. He could practically count down the seconds until she snapped with the madness of not speaking.

He smirked inwardly when his mental countdown landed on 1 and the girl again opened her mouth and let him have it.

"Damn it Sesshoumaru what the hell do you want? You've been stalking me down for hours, then you come after me without so much as a word of reason, then you chase me down and..." She waved her hand out over the edge of the cliff towards the valley below. "Bring me here! So what the hell do you want?!"

He watched impassively as she cringed away from him when he raised his hand. Of course she thought he was going to strike her down, hell that's what he does or so it would seem to those who don't know him. No he wasn't going to strike her down... well just yet anyway. What caught his attention was the strange marking that he caught a glimpse of when he happened upon her one day just after she finished her bath.

He went to the hot spring to cleanse his self and just when he stepped through the trees he caught her just as she pulled her shirt up over her shoulders only giving him a split second view of a large white marking just above her breast. To his keen eye, it looked like a youkai marking, but he knew that that was impossible for this girl was in fact a ningen. Yes he had heard of humans marking their bodies in hopes of disguising their humanity to low level youkai, but he had never once seen anything so vivid in color as the marking that was on the girl's chest; not only that but it was in a rather strange place on her body, indicating that she didn't have it to disguise herself.

When he ripped her shirt open, sending buttons flying to the ground, his eyes widened in pure shock. There on her chest starting just under her collar bone and ending just above her breast... was him in all his primal glory right down to the markings on his face. It was a perfect picture of him in his true form. He looked at her downcast face and narrowed his eyes. "Explain"

Kagome took a deep breath; she prayed that he would never ever find out about her tattoo and could kick her own ass for ever getting it in the first place; but now he knew and there was no help for it, she was just going to have to tell him. "Well, it's really kinda funny... depending on how you look at it." She stated with a nervous laugh. She chanced a look at his face and he wasn't amused, nor did he look like he was going to be. "Anyway, on my twenty-first birthday I went out with my friends from my own time and had a little too much to drink." She pulled her shirt closed and continued. "Apparently I had too much to drink and when I woke the next morning I had a nasty headache and this." She flashed him the tattoo and smiled nervously. Yep based on the look on his face, which really wasn't a look at all since he really didn't make faces, today was the day she was going to die.

"When I questioned my friends the next day, they told me that as far as they could remember was that I met some guy with tattoo's, indicated that I thought they were cool and the next thing they knew I was gone along with the tattoo guy." Again the nervous giggle made itself known. "So I can only assume that he took me to a tattoo place and talked me into getting one; and for some reason I don't know I got one of you in your true form." That was it, now he was going to use his claws and slice her into little ribbons.

Sesshoumaru looked at her and couldn't sense any deceit upon her. He knew how the drink could alter one's perception and cause them to do something they never would otherwise. His grandfather once told him that a being indulging in spirits will act out a sober beings beliefs; in other words a drunk mans actions are a sober mans thoughts. Now if he applied this theory to this girl it meant that during her sober moments of life she thought about him and thought about him in his true form, but why?

True he was a great sight to behold in his true form and something to be feared. His primal self, was what gave him the power to become what he now is and as much as he liked the fear his primal self created he preferred beings to fear him in his human form, being in their humanish form was when a youkai was at their weakest. He had trained for decades to overcome his weakness, therefore he rarely ever changed into his primal form unless he absolutely had to.

"You will have it removed." He stated coldly, intending on removing it with his own claws. Until what she said next he never once considered that there was another way to have it removed, but she did come from the future and it was quite possible they had the ability to remove such things as ink colored skin.

Kagome scoffed at him. "How? I don't have the money to have it removed and believe me if I did have the money to do so I would do it in a second." She bit out.

He suddenly found his self feeling very insulted. Not so much because she would have it removed providing she had the money, but because of the way she had said it. It was almost as if having a picture of him tattooed on her body was the biggest insult ever placed upon her. Now he wasn't so sure he wanted her to remove it. Perhaps it would be a bigger punishment for her if he were to allow her to keep it, then on the other hand if any saw it they would assume that she was under his protection, which she clearly wasn't.

This was another problem that came with being a lord, making decisions that would either please or punish a being. He normally didn't do anything that pleased the subject, since that went against everything he was, he preferred those beneath him to wallow in their punishment merely for his own pleasure. However with this girl her punishment would not please him in the least. Leaving him to wonder what to do with her that would make her miserable and make him happy; or as happy as one like him could be.

Based on what he knew about the girl he could force her to show the hanyou the tattoo, but because the hanyou had taken the dead priestess to mate and used the jewel to wish her to life he was certain that the half-breed wouldn't concern his self too much with the girl and her tattoo. Then again he could just abscond with the girl, taking her away from her friends and family and would be well within his rights to do so, seeing as how she had his picture printed on her body. Yet he didn't need another annoying ningen following him around and annoying him with her useless drabble; but as the shikon miko she was powerful and could be more so with proper training, in effect becoming a good asset to the western lands. No... that wasn't an option either.

"I have decided your punishment." Well not really, but it would do for now until he could think of something better. He would take her to his estate and throw her into the dungeons until he could think of what to do with her.

"Punishment?! For what? Because I have your stupid picture tattooed on me?" Kagome got into her most defiant stance and narrowed her eyes at him. "It's not a crime and besides I do not pay homage to you, western lord or not!"

If he wasn't insulted before he certainly was now. True it wasn't a crime, and true again she didn't fall under his control since she didn't necessarily come from this time, however because she was here now she did; meaning he was her lord and as such she had to obey his laws. Granted most of his laws were made up depending on how he felt from moment to moment, so if one man steals from him he could kill him if he desired and if another steals from him an hour later he could just throw them in the dungeons for as long as he pleased. That was the way of the lords, their lands, their laws.

"You have insulted this Sesshoumaru. You will be punished for your actions." There that was reason enough to punish her.

"You consider it an insult that I have your picture tattooed on me? Are you serious?" Kagome all but laughed out. "Are you seriously that insecure or is it just that you are that bored?" She smirked evilly knowing that what she was about to say next most likely would cause him to cut her down. "Or perhaps you're just attracted to me and you're only using this as a means of picking me up."

Attracted to her? He practically laughed out loud at that statement; not in her wildest dreams would he be attracted to her. The girl had far too many flaws; for starters she was human, secondly she was Inuyasha's bitch, even though he was mated to another. Granted her preheat scent said otherwise, for that matter her scent said that she was untouched, but that didn't change anything.

The thought of ever doing any kind of anything with a human sickened him, no matter how good their scent was. He did have to admit that her scent made his nose tingle and were she a youkai he would take her right here on the spot, but she was far from being a youkai, hell as far as he was concerned she wasn't all that great at being a ningen.

"Girl, do not flatter yourself." He turned and ran his fingers through his hair. He only did that action in order to draw attention to his long silver locks. She was attracted to him, he knew; else she wouldn't have him tattooed on her chest. So why not have fun teasing her into wanting him more; only to rebuff her advances when she attempted to make them.

Kagome watched him run his fingers through his hair and laughed at him... hard. She wasn't stupid, she had been hunting and studying demons for a long long time, hell she had a demon slayer for a best friend; she knew what that action meant. He was preening for her in an attempt to tease her into wanting him... as if! "Don't flatter YOURSELF." She stated with an insulting laugh.

Sesshoumaru cut his eyes over to her, how did she know what he was doing and the purpose behind it. Perhaps he was underestimating this girl's intelligence; then again it could just be a lucky guess on her part. She was a rather strange creature in herself, not minding the time travel; and her powers of deduction have caught him off guard more times then he could count. Yes, she was an educated female, and had been highly educated at some point in her life.

"You again insult me girl." He stated with an edge to his voice.

"Well shit Sesshoumaru, everything is an insult to you so how could I not." She waved her hand at him. "I could tell you that you're the greatest thing since sliced bread and you wouldn't take it as the compliment it's meant to be, but be angry at being compared to bread." She finished with a snort.

As much as he loathed too admit it she was right. He wouldn't see it for the compliment it was meant to be but the insult in the comparison; that was just his manner of thinking. The way he looked at it, the only time someone complimented him was when they were in awe of his powers, stealth, and praised his killing abilities; everything else was just an insult, no matter what was said.

"Can we get on with this please? It's getting late and soon it will be dark and cold. So punish me if you must but hurry and do so before it gets dark, I would like to try and get back to my friends before morning." She eyed the distance between where she was and where her camp was at and growled in annoyance. "There's no doubt in my mind that you plan on leaving me here, which is rather pathetic of you if I do say so myself, but I expect no less from the likes of you."

If there was one thing he hated to be the most, it was being predictable. Yes he had every intention of leaving her there, but now because she had said he would he couldn't. He could always take her to another location and leave her, but he was certain that she would figure he would do that as well, so now he was obligated to return her from where he found her... or he could just keep her here through the night to freeze. It was a cruel thing to do, but no one ever accused him of being nice, minus one Rin, and if anyone ever dared to say such a thing to his face he would surely kill them on the spot for speaking such fallacies.

"Do not concern yourself with returning to your companions." He turned towards her and his eyes looked at the spot on her shirt where his image was hidden behind. "I will deal with your insult of placing my image upon your body first; then based on my decision you will either be returned to your companions, or thrown in the dungeons waiting for me to decide your fate." Then a truly wicked thought hit him. "Perhaps I shall banish you from my lands, with death as the punishment for trespassing upon them."

Kagome looked at him like he was full of it. "Oh yeah; I will so follow that ruling." She responded sarcastically.

He suspected that she would respond to him in that mouthy manner of hers, and knew without a shadow of a doubt that were he to impose that as her punishment, he would be killing her within the week. He really didn't want to kill her, he actually found her to be rather entertaining, as far as her interactions with the half-breed went. Plus she made a good guardian for his ward when he found that he needed a break from the girl. Besides his ward needed a female influence and this miko, as mouthy as she was, did instill proper values upon Rin. She even taught his young ward how to read and write which both pleased and annoyed him at the same time. Yes Rin needed to learn, but for a female to learn to read and write was just down right improper. Females were placed upon the land for nothing more than breeding, healing, and for the pleasures of the body.

"You will obey no matter your punishment." He narrowed his eyes just daring her to dispute his words, which she would of course.

"Whatever!" She said with a wave of her hand in the air. "Just get on with it." Kagome looked him over and rolled her eyes at him. "Oh forget it, I don't have time to stand her and wait for you to make up your mind. I have a long way to go and have to get a move on it now." With that she turned and began walking away from him.

Watching her go in her strange clothing, he had to wonder how she could walk around in such outrageous garments. The shirt wasn't so bad, but the... skirt? Yes that's what he heard her call it once; a skirt. The slightest bend over and she would be baring everything hiding beneath the blue skirt.

Kagome didn't get very far before she found herself on her hands and knees, skirt flipped up, completely baring her backside to him, and hissing in pain as the rocks and twigs scraped her flesh off. "What the hell is your problem?!" She yelled as she quickly brought herself up to her feet only to face the angry gold eyes of the demon lord.

Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at her. Okay so tripping her just to see how far up her skirt would go was rather childish on his part and he did have to admit that it gave him a rather nice view of her posterior; but he definitely didn't expect to see another one of her tattoos just above her undergarment line. A tattoo that once again linked the girl to him... his name and on her butt no less. If he wasn't justified in killing her before he certainly was now.

"Wench you will now explain this newest insult." He growled in his most threatening manner.

Kagome knew what he was talking about and had no doubt in her mind that there was no way she could explain this one away. This one wasn't a drunken mistake; she had knowingly had that one done. Asking her now why she had done it, she would have no reasonable explanation why she did it; but the day she had it done her reasoning made perfect sense... to her anyway. She had it done the day Inuyasha announced that he had mated Kikyo, and in her anger and loss of judgment she decided that she would have Sesshoumaru's name tattooed upon her person just to piss Inuyasha off. It was only suppose to be one of those tattoos that eventually wore away with time and as time wore on, the tattoo stayed there in all it vivid bright red glory.

She never thought in a million years that Sesshoumaru would actually see it, especially with where it was located. What were the odds that he would be standing behind her with her skirt up around her waist, no thanks to him tripping her? It had to be a million to one shot. "Oh just forget it Sesshoumaru, no one will ever see it and none know it's there... well none until you tripped me like an ass." She looked him up and down condescendingly. "Rather juvenile if you ask me."

She had a point, his actions were childish, yet had he not acted in such a manner he would have never seen his name tattooed upon her person. What he didn't understand was why him? Of all the beings in the world, why was she choosing him to annoy with her disregard to his status as lord?

He gave her his explain this to me or die look and patiently waited for her to attempt to explain this one away. Granted her explanation of the tattoo on her chest was dubious at best, but he couldn't fathom a single logical reason that his name would be tattooed on her butt.

Kagome rolled her eyes at him and sighed in annoyance. "No matter what I say it won't make a difference. Truly I can't explain why I put your name on my butt, and at the time when I decided to do it, it made perfect sense." She turned and walked to the edge of the cliff looking out over the valley and wondering if it would hurt less to fall to her death than it would being torn to pieces by the demon lord. "Not only that it was supposed to fade away after a time, and much to my displeasure it didn't." She turned to face him and decided that she was going to go out with a bang. "And you know what, this one I will not have removed." She gave him a curt nod with a narrowed eye. "I like it there, it suits you."

He stared hard at her not believing she had just said what she had said. She couldn't be so stupid, but as her words echoed through his head he realized that she was indeed that stupid. Well she had sealed her fate, he was going to kill her and be done with it. He raised his claws, letting them glow green and began the motion of striking her down.

"Going to kill me because you have been insulted? Wow Sesshoumaru, you have sunk to a new low." She stated with a look of disappointment on her face.

Halting his claws he just looked at her. Again she had determined why he was doing what he was doing making what he was going to do predictable, and being predictable was something he wasn't. He was running out of options as to what he could do with this girl. He had to do something that she wouldn't expect, and he had a pretty good idea as to what he could do with her, but would it be a punishment to her or to him?

All this went back to his title and who he is. As a lord he always did as he pleased, and if others thought less of him for it, it mattered not. What did concern him, as far as others opinions went, were whether or not they feared him? He was the most powerful being in all the lands, answered to no one, did as he pleased, took what he wanted and killed those he deemed worthless. So did he consider this girl to be worthless? There was no clear answer to that question. She was the shikon miko who destroyed Naraku, but she was a ningen that followed his idiot brother around the countryside like a dog on a leash, hoping that one day he would give her the much desired attention she felt she deserved.

The girl was starved for attention, which most likely explained why she placed his image and name upon her body. Perhaps she never had any intention of showing him her tattoos, but the only conclusion that made any amount of sense was that she had moved her infatuation onto him, which explained the tattoos thoroughly. The fact that she was attracted to him didn't discern him, and he found it interesting that a woman of her years was still untouched. Was she untouched by her own choice? Yes, she was untouched because she was hoping that the hanyou would be the one she would give her innocence to. Maybe a perfect punishment for her would be for him to take her innocence.

No, that wouldn't be a punishment for her; perhaps before the hanyou mated the dead miko it would have been, but now based on his own conclusions, she would be pleased if he took her innocence and it would be something she would not expect. Then the punishment would come when she attached herself to his person and he cast her away. Yes this was why he was the superior being; his powers of deduction could not be rivaled.

"No miko I do not think I will kill you." He stated with boredom in his voice as he stepped up to her. "I believe I have decided on a more appropriate fate for you."

Kagome watched wide eyed as the demon lord leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. This couldn't possibly be happening. Sure she was attracted to the demon lord, what female wasn't, but she never thought that Sesshoumaru would actually kiss her; she was a human after all and he made it well known as to how he felt about humans.

He wasn't one who usually indulged in kissing; kissing meant that there was some kind of a feeling for the other being and he never had a feeling for any female other than using them for a means of pleasure. However since he was stepping completely out of character in his attempts at being unpredictable he may as well do the things he never did before, such as kissing and caressing.

Upon caressing the girl's flesh he found that it was like rubbing silk, how was she able to keep her skin so smooth and soft? This couldn't be the same girl that battled demons, traveled the land, and had a tendency for having two of the same feet in effect causing her to trip over the most noticeable of tree roots in the ground. Then again she was by far the cleanest female he had ever met.

No other human bathed as much as she did; yes he knew of her cleaning rituals, he had happened upon her enough to know that she liked to bathe, and if he didn't come upon her, her scent was draped across every hot spring within his territory. Not only that but during the times he came upon her which was usually just after she finished her cleaning ritual, he would notice her rubbing some kind of cream into her flesh. Perhaps that was the source of her soft skin. Whatever it was that was making her skin silky smooth, he decided that he quite liked it.

Breaking the kiss he looked down at her flushed face, and had to smirk at how her eyes were spinning with the suddenness of his actions. It wasn't long before she gathered her senses, and he knew that she would soon open her mouth and thoroughly annoy him, so before a word could escape her lips he again captured her lips with his, followed by the removal of her shirt so that he could continue to explore her soft skin with his hands.

The indecent skirt was the next to go, leaving her in her strange undergarments; to which he paid no mind. Her moans of pleasure were echoing through his ears, and he found he quite liked those as well, add to that her heady scent of pleasure; he didn't doubt he was going to take this girl.

Quickly he rid her of the strange underclothes, and began running his fingers all over every inch of her body, dipping his finger in to her warm, wet entrance. She wasted no time in ridding him of his clothing as well, wrapping her fingers around his hard length, stroking and teasing him until he could hardly stand it any longer. He wanted to see if her inner flesh was as soft and silky smooth as her outer flesh. However before he could find out, he found her on her knees in front of him, wrapping her lips around him sucking him in an attempt to milk him dry.

Oral pleasures were something that most females didn't partake in. It was usually the male giving the pleasure and doing all the work, while the female lay there like a log doing nothing but writhing, moaning and making demands as to which way they wanted to be pleasured. If truth were to be told, and it never would be, but if it were, this would be the first time ever in his long life he had ever been given oral pleasures and he found that he liked it... A LOT!

It wasn't long before he could feel his essence ready to spill from his body and was certain that the girl could feel it as well. Yet she continued to suck upon him until his seed spilled forth, and she sucked up every drop of it, much to his surprise.

He liked this oral pleasure and the next time he indulged in the pleasures of the flesh, he was going to make sure that the female serviced him, and did so properly. They were going to do it just like this girl did with him and they would continue to do it until he was satisfied that they were doing it up to his standards; and his standards were rather high.

"Kami Sesshoumaru" Kagome started as she slid up the front of him. "I need you and I need you now." She panted as she slammed her lips to his.

He could taste his self upon her lips and liked that as well. Now he wanted to taste her, for her scent was driving him mad with desire, and if she smelled that good, she had to taste even better. So following her example he kneeled down in front of her, lifted her leg over her shoulder and plunged his tongue deep into her core. She tasted better then he imagined she would, sweet, but bitter, but tangy.

Her moans rang through his ears like music, which drove him on, licking her core and teasing her bud with his fingers, until she exploded; and like she did to him he licked up every drop he could get out of her. Rising to his feet he then let her taste herself upon his lips, and determined that she too liked the way she tasted based on how deeply she was kissing him.

Picking her up, he plowed into her fast and hard. He knew she was innocent, and she wasn't the first innocent he had taken in his life. He knew the slower he went the more painful it was for the female and the faster he took her, the less likely she was going to feel the pain of her loss; and based on her reaction to him taking her fast and hard, she barely even noticed the pain.

"Damn Sesshoumaru" Kagome gasped out as he began pounding into her. She never knew that having sex could feel so damn good. She also never thought that she would be having her first time with Sesshoumaru, but she wasn't complaining in the least. He knew what he was doing, and knew how to do it well.

Gold, glossed over eyes watched the girl's passion filled face as he pounded deep into her, gripping her fleshy butt tightly in order to control his deep penetration. While looking at her face his eyes involuntarily moved to the picture of him in his true form on her chest. It was actually fitting that she held that picture of him on her, along with his name as a permanent testament to the one who took her innocence. Granted he wasn't too thrilled as to the location of his name, but there was not he could do about it. Yes he would allow her to keep the tattoos upon her person as a reminder of what she had done and who she had done it with.

Feeling her inner walls beginning to tighten around him, he could feel her impending release driving him forward. He wanted to feel her essence cover him like a warm blanket bringing forth his release. He leaned down and dragged his fangs across her neck, nipping upon her pulse point until her voice rang in his ears announcing her release, to which he followed with his own when her tongue slid across the rim of his ear.

Kagome collapsed against him, panting and smiling in pleasure. This was something she would never forget, nor would she want to. She also knew that once he was done with her she would never again get to touch him in such a manner; so she was going to make the most of it while she still had the chance. She stroked her fingers through his hair locking into memory how it felt, the temperature of his flesh against hers, his scent, how his tongue felt against hers, so many things to remember and she was going to remember every single one of them.

Sesshoumaru set the girl down upon her feet, picked up his clothing and began dressing his self. He watched the girl from the corner of his eye as she attempted to dress, but because he was none to gentle with her clothing there wasn't much left for her to put on. Granted as his cold indifferent self he could leave her to her own devices, but he was at fault for tearing her clothing so he would to the right thing and hand over his haori. Besides he still had his undershirt to wear so loosing his haori to this girl was nary a concern. It was just another thing for her to hold on to and remind her of what she had done. He couldn't wait until she tried to throw herself at him, so that he could rebuff her in his cold condescending manner he was so well known for. So he handed over his haori and watched impassively as she put it on, drowning in the large silk garment.

Actually he expected her to attach herself to his person before they even made to leave the area. It was the way of the female species. They were clingy, needy, and when they found the source of their attraction they all but insisted that the male return their feelings. He was going to take great pleasure in shunning this female. He wrapped his arm around her waist and took to the air in order to return her to where he found her. Upon setting her on her feet, he waited for her to beg him to take her with him and plead for more of his attentions; too which he was surely going to scoff at her and walk away leaving her wanting him.

"Well Sesshoumaru, thanks for the thrill. See ya around." Kagome stated, waved at him and began walking away towards her little camp containing her companions.

Okay she wasn't behaving like a female that wanted him nor was she on her knees begging and pleading with him to take her away. She was just walking away as if nothing happened and without so much as a backward glance. This couldn't be possible; she was supposed to be crying and yelling at him for his rejection of her, which was how he imagined this working out. Yet it wasn't working out that way in effect making him wrong which was completely absurd for he was never wrong.

Then there was the word she used to describe their coupling... a thrill. That's its, one word and it was barely a word of praise more of an insult if you asked him. Why was she not behaving as the female version of herself he held within his mind? No things WERE NOT suppose to end this way, they were suppose to end the way he wanted them to or imagined them to. This meant he was going to have to change the way things ended so that he was the victor in the end.

"You will be shunned from your group." There that should do it. Now she would wallow on her knees before him as he desired her to.

"Probably, and probably not. I know my friends they will most likely be angry with me at first, but it won't take them long to get over it; and besides even if they don't I can always go home to my own time." Kagome stated as she looked him over, wanting him again but knowing it would never happen.

Never in his entire existence had he ever come across a female like her, a female that went against everything he imagined her to do. It was possible she could read his thoughts... no... no... that was just so ridiculous he mentally laughed... hard. So then why was she not behaving in the manner he knew she would?

"It was fun." Kagome said then stepped through the trees disappearing from his view.

He stood there staring at the spot she was just standing in trying desperately to wrap his mind around what was going on. He could easily growl out loud at the situation and the fact that he wasn't correct in his assertion of her actions. He needed to punish her, but with every idea he had she went completely against what he imagined to happen and this would not do, would not do at all. He could not have someone walking around bragging that they had angered him, insulted him and suffered no consequences because of it. He could just hear her talking with her friends while sitting around the evening fire.

'Yeah I angered Sesshoumaru and you know what he did?' She would then giggle in victory. 'Instead of killing me we coupled and it was thrilling.' She would say the last word like an insult. 'Then he let me come back to you guys.' She would insult his abilities to her friends and then her friends would think that they could treat him as they pleased assuming there would be no consequences to their actions. He would not have it! She was going to do as he wanted, the way he imagined and she was going to do it now!

Again Kagome found herself jerked up from her path back to her friends by an arm around her waist. "What the hell are you doing now?!"

Sesshoumaru landed them back in the clearing from where this whole thing started and spun her to look at him. Seeing her standing before him in his haori was making him forget why he picked her back up in the first place. He was finding that the more he looked at her wearing his clothing the more he liked it and wanted to see it more often. No... No... No! These thoughts were not the thoughts he was having before he grabbed her back up, but her scent, his scent and their scents mixed together were suddenly making his foggy.

Why wasn't this bothering him before he brought her back? Probably because he was used to the scent coming from the girl making it unnoticeable, but since she walked away it had a chance to leave his senses and now that he had her back in close proximity he was more aware of it. He couldn't strike her dead, he couldn't take her with him, he couldn't banish her, and he couldn't lock her away; she would expect him to do any one of those things. The girl was driving him mad!

Kagome looked up and narrowed her eyes at his bleeding red eyes. She was loosing her patience with the demon lord. He hadn't made any sense to her since he first approached her when this whole thing started. "You know you have some serious issues and seriously need to get over them!" She snapped as she jerked herself free of his hold upon her. "Shit Sesshoumaru if it's not one thing with you it's something else."

That was it with him enough had become too much and now it was time to show this female who was the superior being and who she was to bow down to. Her snappy tongue had sealed her fate, and looking back upon it later he was going to realize it was his own fate he sealed, but right now in the moment he didn't see it that way. He grabbed the girl, slammed her against his chest and sank his fangs deep into her shoulder; binding her to him for as long as they both live.

Kagome screamed when she felt his fangs bury themselves deep into her shoulder. She didn't think about why he was doing it, the only thought that went through her mind was the pain he was causing her.

Sesshoumaru removed his fangs from her shoulder and stared down at her white stricken face. Now that was what he wanted to see from her all along, the fear of him. "Now girl you have to obey me until death takes us both." As soon as the words left his mouth his own eyes widened in shock; what had he just done? No, he couldn't have, he wouldn't have... but the blood on his tongue and the blood on her shoulder said otherwise... he did. Now he really couldn't kill her and he certainly could leave her, they were bound to each other and had to always be near one another.

Kagome was the first to have her senses slam her back to reality. "Damn it... damn it... damn it! Sesshoumaru! What did you do?!" She jerked free from him. "No more importantly why did you do it?!" No, this could not be happening to her, this was definitely not something she wanted.

Okay, so he mated her, there was not he could do about it now. The only way he could break the bond was to mate her off to a being who shared his blood, and that being was already mated to another; leaving him stuck with the girl. However, there was a plus side to this, she now had to obey him like a proper bitch should and as his bitch she would do everything he told her to do and because of his mark she could not disobey him. "Silence" He had to smirk when her mouth suddenly snapped closed. Now that was obedience.

His smirk grew into a wicked uncharacteristic grin; he was going to test how well this new found control of his went. "Bare your flesh to me."

Kagome furrowed her eyebrows wondering why he was asking her such a thing now, especially after what he had done, but for some unknown reason she was compelled to do as he said and she did not like it one bit. However she did it anyway, she grabbed the edges of his haori and yanked it open baring her naked self to him.

Now this is what they called true pleasure. He smirked inwardly. He now held the ultimate control over her and could make her do anything he wanted at any moment he wanted it. This was going to be fun. "Come bitch." He turned and began walking away, and smirked again when he heard her footsteps fall in line behind him. Although his pleasure was cut unceremoniously short, when her words halted his footsteps... unwillingly.

"Now wait just a damn minute here!" Kagome yelled and glared hard at the demon lord who turned to face her.

Sesshoumaru was tempted to curl his lip, he didn't think that this would work both ways. She had said that he had to wait a minute here and knew it would take that long before he could in fact move from here. He watched as she paced before him mumbling to herself and during his minute of being frozen to his spot, his superior mind devised a way to make sure he stayed in complete control. When the minute finally ticked away he smirked. "You will be silent until I say otherwise." Again her mouth snapped shut. "Now come and no more resistance." Yep he was the superior being, would always be the superior being, and she would soon learn what it meant to be a proper bitch, and a proper bitch to him.