Hello! Aqua again! Here is chapter two of 'Adventures in Time Traveling'. I hope you guys, and girls, enjoy reading it!

Adventures in Time Traveling


"First, will you tell me what year it is?" He asked Dumbledore.

"The year is 1976." Dumbledore replied.

Harry stared at him in shock. 1976! He was back in his parents sixth year, and it was just the beginning. Which means, if they couldn't find some way to get back to the future then Harry could spend some time with Lily, James, Sirius, and Remus. Harry chanced a look at Snape and saw that Snape didn't look as surprised as Harry did. Hmm, I wonder why that is. Harry thought to himself.

"Yes, now, why don't you tell me who you really are. I know that your real name cannot be Harry Princeton. There is too much resemblence between you and James Potter." Dumbledore continued, and looked at Snape. "And there is too much resemblence between you and Severus Snape." He told him, eyes twinkling as though he knew what was going on and found it slightly amusing.

"Yes, you see, thanks to Harry here," Snape started, scowling in Harry's direction "we have been transported twenty years into the past. I was working on a very complex potion that would send any drinker into time, depending on how many drops they've taken." He said.

Dumbledore looked at him with a curious look. "I see. Well, until we can figure out a way to send you two back to your own time, I suggest it best that we go with the facade that you came up with in the Hospital Wing. Harry will be known as Harry Princeton, and you will be known as Sebastian Princeton. I think that if we went with your original first name, it would be too suspicious seeing as how 'Severus' isn't much of a common name." He said. "You will both act like father and son. I know that may seem very difficult for the both of you, considering the expression on young Harry's face." Dumbledore continued, his eyes twinkling.

"What!?! I don't want to act like I'm related to him! We'll probably end up killing each other sooner or later." Harry exclaimed, a little angry that this was happening to him, and Snape was blaming him for it. The guy was so pathetic!

"Shut it Potter! It's your fault we're in this mess anyway! If you would learn to control your temper, and your emotions then this would never have happened." Severus said, a warning look in his eyes.

Harry had just about had enough of Snapes mouth, for he stood up, and gave Snape an angry glare. "Right, this is all my fault! Just like the Department of Mysteries was all my fault, and the Goblet of Fire was all my fault! Lets not forget about the Chamber of Secrets, or any other bad thing that has happened since I started Hogwarts!" He sneered, and walked towards the door, before he could leave though, Snape roughly grabbed him on the shoulder, and forced him to sit back down.

"We're not finished here. I don't care what sort of guilt you have on your conscience, you're not leaving until we have a plan set out until we can get back to our own time, and then we can deal with your depression." Severus said to him, although there wasn't that much venom in his voice. Harry nodded, knowing that it was futile to argue with him. The two time travellers looked at Dumbledore, who had been watching the interaction with interest. He put a smile on his face though.

"Well, the plan is that we say you came from a small Wizarding School that was demolished in one of Voldemorts attack. One that was located in America. And 'Sebastian', here thought it would be best for both of you to come to Hogwarts where it is safer. Lucky for you, the Potions position has just been opened due to Slughorn having to leave for a family crisis. We will have to have you resorted, Harry. Which we will do during dinner tonight." Dumbledore told them both.

"Can't I just be placed in Gryffindor?" Harry asked, not wanting to be resorted and having the Hat to make him choose Slytherin or Gryffindor.

"I'm afraid not, but don't worry I'm sure that you'll be placed into the house you want. Now, lets go down to the Great Hall, I believe dinner is starting soon." Dumbledore said, rising from his chair, motioning Harry and Severus to do the same.

Several minutes later the three were entering the Great Hall. Severus and Harry got some peculiar looks thrown in their direction. Dumbledore, carrying the Sorting Hat, and Severus made their way to the Staff table, telling Harry to stay put. Harry looked across the hall and saw, with a jolt of shock, his parents, Sirius, Remus, and Pettigrew. He quickly looked away so they wouldn't notice him looking at them.

James had notice that the new kid had been staring at them. "Hey Jamsie, is he some kind of relative of yours?" Asked James' best friend and partner in crime, Sirius Black.

"I don't know. He could be. All the purebloods are inter-related somehow." James answered, looking away.

"Your attention please." Dumbledore said loudly to make everyone stop talking, which they did and turned and looked in his direction. "Thank you. I have a couple of announcements. First of all, I would like you to welcome our new temporary Potions Master, Professor Sebastian Princeton. He has kindly agreed to take over the classes while Professor Slughorn is away. Secondly, we have a new student. Professor Princetons' son, Harry Princeton. They come from America., please make them feel welcomed. Harry will now be sorted. Professor McGonagall, if you please?" Dumbledore finished. McGonagall got up, took the Sorting Hat, and called Harry up to the stool.

Harry sat down, almost as nervous as he was the first time he was sorted. McGonagall put the hat upon Harrys head. The only thing that was weighing on Harry's mind was Slytherin or Gryffindor.

A few minutes later the hat yelled out "SLYTHERIN-GRYFFINDOR!" Harry opened his eyes, not realizing that he had shut them, and looked around. Everyone was looking at him shock apparent. Did I hear that correctly? How can I be both Slytherin and Gryffindor? He thought frantically. This was way worse than his first sorting in at least five different ways!

AN: Well, how was that? Did you like it? Was it surprising? Should I change the house choice? I would love to hear your opinions! Leave them in a review. Please and thank you!