I just thought I would post a Superman story I started a few years ago. Back then I only got up to halfway through Chapter3 but I plan to keep it going. You'll probably be able to notice where the old writing ends and the new one begins. hahahah

As always, criticisms are welcome. Flamers, too, as long as you aren't rude about it.


She was just a simple girl. She had curly hair, brown eyes, developing body, and wore nice clothing. She lived on a farm with horses, pigs, cows, and the crop. All in all, she was a simply a normal country girl.

'So why did this have to happen to ME?' She thought in a panic.

"Quickly! Help me!!" Her mother screamed at her.

Grabbing a rope hanging nearby she threw the end to her mother. "Grab on."

"Oh, but Anna I'll get rope burn!"

"Either burn on the hand or permanently ruined shoes."

Her mother screamed and grabber for the rope as Anna began to pull her out. She scrambled to get out of the mud hole she had landed in after breaking through the wooden planks on the walkway.

"Oh GROSS." Her mother squealed.

"Now leave."

"But honey, I just got here!"

"Leave." Her mother shook her head. "Fine, then I will. And I won't come back until you're gone."

"Anna, please! I don't understand why you hate me so much. All I did was try to help you out!"

"HELP ME OUT?" Anna turned to her mother in a fury. "You tried to sell dads farm! MY farm! You may have hated it here but that doesn't mean I ever did. I love this old place and you tried to sell it out from under me! And for what? To pay off your mortgages in the city?"

"Darling, you have to understand! Times were tough and your father left me nothing but a few horses."

"He left you the most precious things in the world to him. I thought that would have been enough." Anna made her way to the stables. "Why don't you just go back to your precious city that you love so much?"

"Anna. Please. I need the money from this house. You have no idea what-"

"You're right, I have no idea. Mainly because leaving for six years doesn't really explain much." Jumping onto her horse, Lucy, she glanced back at the pitiful display that was her mother. "If you need the money so bad take the bloody house. You've killed everything else in my life, why not kill my home, too?" She threw the keys into the mud at her mother's feet and galloped off through the fields.

"Anna, darling! Come back!! The weather network calls for a storm coming soon!"

Pushing Lucy to go faster, Anne whispered in her ear. "Come on, Luce. Take us as far as you want." And they continued to ride without a backward glance into the woods as dark storm clouds began to emerge.

A few hours later a confused looking Anna was beginning to slump down on an equally tired looking Lucy.

"Lucy, where have you brought us? I've never seen this road before."

Anna dismounted carefully, walking side by side with her best friend. Lucy's relaxed ears twitched as the rain began to fall.

"Oh, perfect." Annie sighed. "Girl, we don't seem to be having much luck today."

The rain poured down harder as farmland came into view. "Well, I'll be damned... seems like you brought us a few towns over. Nice going, girl!" Anna smiled and kissed the side of Lucy's already soaked face.

Suddenly, with an expression of a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car, Lucy stopped. Her head shot up and she became perfectly still. Before Anna could even blink Lucy had dashed off through a field towards a farm in the distance.

"LUCY!" Anna screamed and began running after her. Trying desperately to keep up she threw off her hat and took off her constricting boots.

Keeping an eye on the horse as she ran, Anne tried to keep a look for where she might be heading. And seeing how they were both at a run through an empty field it wasn't too hard to do.

'Heading for that barn.' Anna thought to herself. 'Probably smelt the food. FAT HORSE!'

As the horse disappeared behind the barn Anna was just making her way around the crops, careful as not to hurt any of it.

Slowing down to a jog Annie studied the land she was currently trespassing on. The crops were well nourished, the earth looked healthy, the barns paint didn't chip, and the house looked as perfect as a dream.

"Beautiful.." She breathed out. "SO much better than my ramshackled excuse for farmland." She jogged around the barn, searching for Lucy and trying to steady her breathing. Turning a corner she expected to see the horse but she didn't see an animal of any kind.

"Lucy?" She hollered out. "Lucy, answer me girl!"

Hearing a neigh from inside the barn she searched for the door and ran inside.

"Lucy?" She whispered. Sneaking around the barn cautiously so she didn't step on anything unexpected.

"Lucy." Looking everywhere but right in front of her, she ran into a table. Affectively shaking every object on it and making a whole lot of noise. Wincing at the pain and the loud noise she turned to set off running, but found herself colliding with yet another solid object and flying backwards.

"Oh my goodness... Miss? Are you alright?" A soothing and concerned voice asked her from above.

She groaned in response from her position on the floor.

"Miss?" The voice held out it's hand. "Take me hand, I'll help you up."

Anna took the mysterious hand and was suddenly back on her feet. Raising her eyes she got a good look at the brick wall that had knocked her down.

Muscles. Smooth dark hair. Gorgeous eyes. Many geek like qualities. And tall. Very tall.

'Talls nice. I like tall.' She thought as she watched his facial features as he towered over her. 'Oh yes. Tall's good.' Her thoughts were stunned silent after the tall factor.

"Miss?" She made the noise of a complete idiot as she mentally kicked herself for being so braindead.

"Miss? Can you hear me?"

"Anna." She coughed. "My name is Anna."

"Clark." He smiled. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Anna began to fidget as an uncomfortable silence settled in.

"Umm..." They both started at once, then laughed nervously.

A neigh broke the silence and made Anna gasp.

"Oh! I can't believe I completely forgot! Clark, I am SO sorry for trespassing and interrupting your day, but you see my horse ran off and I chased her to here, so.." She took a breath in and looked around. "Mind if I go find her?"

"Yes, of course. Go ahead. It's n-no problem." He smiled warmly. "She might be over by the food. Come on, I'll show you."

Anna laughed. "Figures. Knowing Lucy it's probably all gone by now."

"Lucy? Interesting name for a horse."

"Yeah, I know it's a person name but... it's sort of an embarrassing story." Clark chuckled.

"Well, we all have embarrassing stories to tell. How you named a horse can't be that bad."

"True... When I was a kid my all time hero was Lucy from the Peanuts comics. You know, the one that would always rip the football away from Charlie Brown at the last minute? Well... since I had always wanted to be a superhero when I was growing up my father decided that I needed a tough sidekick, so he got me Lucy. And we've been best friends ever since." Anna let out a frustrated sigh. "Except for moments like this."

Clark laughed as he led the way to the food troughs. "I love that story, it's not embarrassing at all. It's really nice. Your father sounds like quite the guy." He pointed ahead of them. Two horses stood together. One of them was Lucy, looking awfully fond of the other horse. "I have a story like that myself."

"Oh, really?"

"Really." He stroked Lucy's mane gently. "Lucy. Anna. Meet Pegasus." Clark glanced back at a very amused looking Anna. "It looks like love at first sight."

Anna laughed and stroked Pegasus' mane. "Gee, if he's half as charming as his owner Lucy is never going to leave."

Out of the corner of her eye Anna watched Clark adjust his glasses and suddenly turn very shy.

A crash of thunder broke the easy silence and startled both the horses and their owners.

"Maybe you should go back to your home before the storm gets too out of hand." Anna looked outside a nearby window as it started to pour.

"Yeah, I... I suppose so." She mounted Lucy carefully as not to hurt her bare feet. "It was a real pleasure to meet you, MrClark." She stuck out her hand for him to shake. "Maybe I'll drop by sometime. Pegasus looks like he could use a friend to eat with."

"Maybe I'll see you around." He shook her outstretched hand before Lucy and Anna made their way out of the barn.

Watching as she left the barn Clark turned back to Pegasus. "Well that was interesting, wasn't it boy?" He stood there momentarily not making a move. "You do think she has a place to go, don't you? I mean, I just assumed since she has a horse and spoke about her father.." Pegasus let out a gust of air on Clarks hand. "What was I supposed to do? I'm only seventeen, and my parents aren't home. I've never had a girl over with them away. Goodness knows how they'd react!"

Pegasus reared his head up and down frantically as Clark heard a strange noise far off in the distance. An odd thud followed by a large splash and weak murmuring.

"Anna..." Clark whispered. "Stay here boy. No use you getting stuck out there, too."

And with that Clark ran off in the direction of the unsettling noises.