Recognition-chapter 6 by Arboreal Verdance. Or, alternatively, 4.58 minutes of Funk.

Look, if you want to hear about how I DON'T OWN NARUTO, then read the other chapter. Or, alternatively, read the upper case letters.

Poll results- CLOSED

NEW mini POLL: ShikaTemari or NaruTemari?

Order is as follows: Tenten (this chapter), Tsunade (+possible Shizune threesome), then Ino (she won the poll, but being the suspenseful writer that I am (joke), she's second last). Last will be Hinata for reasons I've already explained.

Also I may still throw in a ShikTem addition to a chapter, or possibly a LeeSaku when Naruto conscripts him to keep Sakura from seeing him for a while. Sasuke will NOT appear though, for no other reason than he's not around in the manga or anime ATM.

Crossed off- Anko, Sakura, Hinata (already last pairing).

On with the story.

New Jutsus- I've decided that Naruto will now acquire one or two new Jutsus that will improve his 'performance' as he progresses, some ideas I've had so far:

Anko (previous)-Long tongue Jutsu (lit. translation). Nagai Kouzetsu

From Might Guy- Dynamic Entry (lol innuendo). Douteki moushikomi.

Kakashi- ChiAkume (Think chidori)- (You'll see it in action next chapter)

Tsunade- Either: Fezarei (ghost feather) Or Kyou Kazou No Jutsu (Pleasure increase technique- submitted via review by Kitsune-Taishou"



"So besides spying on my…exploits" he responded, "what brings you here?"

"Well, my young apprentice. I have a new Jutsu to teach you".

"Really? That makes three today! Two from Anko and one from you!"

Kakashi paused, remembering stories of Anko's special Jutsu's. "No" he conceded, "this one is much greater indeed. Your tongue trick may be showy and allow for some interesting situations, but mine will literally drive the ladies crazy. Ready?"

Only if he doesn't mean as crazy as Anko back there winced Naruto, rubbing his bruises thoughtfully.


Excerpt from the Anime Bible, by Arboreal Verdance. (Fictional).

Rule number seven of anime: If it is a secret, there is always someone watching.

Rule number eight: In any sexual situation, there will a peeper.

Rule number nine: With any secret, the watcher will be a rival\companion\new enemy in relation to the watched.

Rule number ten: With any sexual intimacy, rule seven applies, though the peeper will likely be either an old man, who is a pervert, or a promiscuous lady with strange hair.

Rule number eleven: EVERYONE has strange hair.


In accordance with rules seven to ten of anime, someone was watching.

What they were watching was an unusual training session between an orange clad boy and a larger man who was decked out in a loose fitting green overcoat with a red swirl on its back and a mask covering his face.

This training session was different from normal. Judging by what the figure had seen from its vantage point high in the trees last night, the smaller persona was attempting to perform even better in the bedroom than with the purple haired lady of the night before with the help of a new technique being taught by the larger.

Actually, the figure could barely see what was happening below it, but it doubted Naruto could gain any more expertise from Kakashi, for the simple reason that his show last night had been flawless already.

Hopping from branch to branch, circling ever lower, the lone silhouette slunk across to a bough from which a good vantage point could be gained. Now it could see exactly what the small figures were trying to accomplish, and what exactly the newly mastered Jutsu was capable of.

"Chi-Akume!" Cried Naruto, holding his hands up to his face in a hand sign, and coincidentally causing something peculiar to happen to the figure in the tree.

High above the twin figures, the watcher began to drool, eyes glazing over, strange hair swaying slightly in the breeze…

Sometime later, the same stalker followed the two men; closely followed by a half unconscious purple haired woman, who walked through the gates of Kohona and progressed to the Hokage's offices.

There the grey haired one left while the remaining two filed a mission report, shook hands in an oddly formal way outside of the red building and duly left in separate directions, leaving the orange and black dot in the distance alone and unprotected. Perfect.

He wasn't alone for long, however. Before the sentinel-standing figure could take advantage of the situation, a plethora of other personas flowed around it, some outsiders, and some simply shadow clones Naruto cad subconsciously created to fight back against the onrushing group of four.

It was Kiba, Chouji and Lee, with Sai, secluded, bringing up the rear. They held a mixture of expressions on their faces, Kiba and Chouji seemed happy, ecstatic even, while Lee alternated between the same face and anger. Sai, well, who knew?

"!" Seemed to be the only thing tying their feelings together, communicated in stance and in the eyes rather than actual words.

"Hey guys!" Said Naruto briskly, "what brings you all round so quickly?" please not have found out, please not have found out…

"!" Came the 'reply'.

"Err…. Guys?"

"!!!" Came the infuriating silence that was so punctuated with meaning.

"OY!" he cried.

Shaken from their momentary stupor, the four began to talk at once, garbling sounds together in a cacophony of noise. Realising the ineffectuality of their continued gabbling, the three stopped, then Kiba spoke out.

"Hey there Naruto, got something you'd like to share with us?" He smiled slightly, canines showing out the corners of his upturned mouth.

"Err…. why? Should I have something to share with you?" He cringed, waiting for the answer.

"Oh, I don't know, how about getting it on with Sakura, Anko, Ayame and Tenten?"

"Whaa-? How do you know abou…wait, Tenten? I haven't even seen Tenten recently, wasn't she on that mission to the Seed country? Come to think of it, weren't you supposed to be on the mission too, Lee?"

Chouji risked a look back at his teammate, who still seemed to be in two minds about the whole thing; it was kind of freaking him out. "Yeah, him and Tenten brought back some message, but don't try and detract from the question", he pressed, "if you haven't been with Tenten, why, when she set out to find out what you and Anko were up to, did she not return? She's still gone, and that was a day and a half ago!"

"OK…I'm not going to ask why she was spying on me for you guys, that'd just be too weird, and I don't think I want to know the answer. On the other hand though, I was… busy last night, and I most certainly did not see her".

"What was it you were so busy doing last night?"


"AHA! But even still, that doesn't answer the question, where the hell is she?."

"Hi guys, hey Naruto!" said Tenten, pausing as she passed by.

"!!!" Was their greeting, it was occurring to Naruto that this might just be a regular thing.

"Where were you last night?" Managed Kiba, shouting at her rapidly disappearing figure.

"Where you told me to be, silly" She demurely replied, with a trace of inner flame.

Oh yeah, he mentally chided himself, we asked her to keep track of Naruto's every move, and she seems to have. She did seem to volunteer herself pretty quickly for it after Chouji blurted out something about Naruto's sexual stamina however. Oh Gods, what have we created?

"Hey Naruto, if you aren't doing anything tonight, meet me out front of my house at eight o clock" Tenten called over her shoulder, to the general amazement of the men present.

"Naruto!" waiting until Tenten was out of earshot, Chouji spoke out, hands clasped, "We want details, descriptions, and most of all facts. Now, is it true that you've been going around trying to sleep with a bunch of the girls in the village? No," he noticed Naruto's face twist into a 'no', "don't lie, because not only did I see you by accident with one of them, but you just confirmed Anko just then, that and you really are a terrible liar".

Defeated, Naruto could only nod in shame. Looking up at Sai, he wondered why he had even come, was he going to gloat, or make another hilarious joke at the expense of Naruto's masculinity?

"Wow" he said, "I guess you must actually possess a penis then. It's probably still tiny though".

A vein throbbed on the side of Naruto's head. He was about to reply when the still fluctuating Lee interrupted him.

"YOSH! THE YOUTHFUL SPIRIT OF FIRE IS ALOFT IN YOUR ACTIONS!" he then calmed down with a downward look, "But seriously, how could you sleep with Sakura-Chan? You know I like her!" then he went back to 'youth' mode, "THOUGH I DO APPLAUD YOUR YOUTHFUL INITIATIVE! Though it was quite underhanded to do it while I was on a mission, BUT THAT DOES SHOW YOUR CUNNING, PARTICUALLY IN REGARDS TO YOUTH!"

It was now Naruto's turn to stand, mouth slightly open, and say "!!!"

Everyone else seemed to be having the same reaction.

Not only had Naruto had completely forgotten about Sakura in the two days he had been gone, he had also completely forgotten about Lee's feelings for her as well. There seemed only one way that he could at the same time make things right with Lee and keep Sakura away while he went on his date…well, what he assumed was a date, with Tenten.

"Lee, I have a favour to ask of you, and I need your word that you will keep it".

At the mention of his word, Lee perked up, "YOSH!"

"Ok, and remember you told me you were going to go through with this. I want you to keep Sakura away from me for one night".

"YOSwhaa?" Cried the stunned Lee, "AWAY from you?"

"Yes, I have a date with Tenten and I don't exactly want any past experiences coming back to bite me, so keep her occupied by any means necessary, including seducing her", remembering Lee's strict moral code, he adjusted his speech, "in fact…and I am doing you a favour here Lee, even if you don't see it, now I have your oath, I command you to seduce the woman you've been pining over for the last six years!"

Lee looked almost downcast, "I did give you my word, huh…"

"Yep, now go get 'em, tiger!"

Lee was almost in tears, "…yosh…" he managed. It was almost like for some peculiar reason he wasn't happy about it. In Naruto's eyes, if she said no, then he was no worse off than normal, on the other hand, removing his ethics in regards to sex for even one meeting might give him the same self-confidence boost that Hinata's kiss had given him.

Hmm…he thought, I may as well check if she's back after tonight.


Shikamaru sped through the forest faster than he had ever dreamed possible in his entire life. They had ran into a couple of 'friends' half way through the mission (see chapter 4, now…do it), and while the Land of Seed was now free of turmoil, one person who he had not even anticipated was now lying wounded in his arms.

The other ninja stared at him as they saw him go with more haste at a speed they would have not thought possible for the lazy shinobi, knowing exactly why he was moving that fast. They would need to travel at this speed for the day if they wanted any chance at all of even salvaging the life of the white clad blob in the arms of the accelerating figure.

They were returning home at full strength with none even scratched, but they still had one wounded.


Yawning from the exploits of last night, Naruto decided to freshen himself up in the shower. He had hours to go before his date with Tenten, and the relaxing water, followed by a few hours sleep, would do him the world of goodness. Well, that and about two hours sleep would allow him to screw all night once again, god he loved having stamina.

He turned on his light and began to unpack his belongings from the other day. He came upon the last instructions from Kakashi about the new jutsu and decided to try and complete it before his date tonight.

Some time later Naruto lay down, and attempted to drift off, it was hard, however, when he kept anticipating what the day would bring, what would happen between Tenten and he, and why Tenten had seemed so eager to go out in the first place.

Suddenly, a noise behind him made him startle, turning, he adopted a classic fighting stance and faced the newcomer, who had crawled inside via his open window and wa now sitting cross legged on his windowsill. It was Tenten.

"Wha-? I thought you said eight!"

"I did, but I just couldn't wait after seeing you going down on that Anko chick night before last". She smiled, turning her head slightly to the left and looking at Naruto playfully.

"You saw that?"

"Oh, not just that", Naruto looked confused, "I saw that new jutsu Kakashi taught you, and I want some".

The orange ninja thought back to Kakashi's words the previous day. Your tongue trick may be showy and allow for some interesting situations, but mine will literally drive the ladies crazy, he had said. Knowing what the jutsu did, he was beginning to agree with the grey haired pervert.

Tenten suddenly lowered herself off the sill and walked slowly over to Naruto, placing a hand on his collar and pushing him roughly down onto his own bed. Fully clothed, she nevertheless straddled him, sitting on his upper legs and leaning down, planting her lips on his and drawing him into a long, drawn out kiss, throughout which she unbuttoned the dress shirt Naruto had changed into for their date, which he was thinking was cancelled for more homely activities.

Slipping her tongue in, the Kunoichi ran her hands over her partner's muscled chest, honed by countless hours training strenuously. Her questing hands found the clasp of his pants buckle, and grappled with the latch as Naruto ripped open her own shirt, fumbling for the bra clasp as he pulled out of her kiss and began working his way down to her neck and beyond.

Finally undoing the clasp, Naruto felt it fall to the floor as Tenten's large tits flopped out and into his lap, where he fondled them, wondering how she managed to get them to look so positively sexy. He suddenly felt haste like never before; he needed to be inside of her RIGHT NOW, if not sooner. He began to suck on her nipples, causing her to moan, but her hand stopped him.

"N-Naruto" she whispered, "Fuck foreplay, we can do that all we want later…I want you to show me that Jutsu right now!"

Skipping his regular attention focussed up the breasts, he went straight down to her pants, growling as he mischievously attempted to undo her skirt with his teeth, succeeding with her help, he took the leg of her panties in his mouth and pulled downward, down the leg, until they were completely off.

Then rolled, getting on top of her, and focussed his chakra into his hand,

"You ready? Kakashi did warn me that this would cause a loooot of pleasure for you…" he warned.

"Of course I'm ready…why do you think I'm here?"

Smirking, Naruto only made a motion with his hand.

"Wait! First, what does the Jutsu mean?"

"1000 wild horses. Chi-Akume, it's the sound it makes, rumbling like a thousand running horses. Of course, it's even more interesting if you know the other meaning of Akume".

Tenten did, and she was ready.

.(cliffhanger, I know).


Lee stood nervously outside the house of the Harunos, looking up at Sakura's room on the top floor. He couldn't go back on his word, Naruto, not to mention Gai-sensei, would have his head on a platter for breaking his own code, hell, he'd probably end up doing most of it himself if he let this slip. This was a real chance to break free of his constraints, given to him by his youthful companion, Naruto.

Ringing the doorbell, and waiting for around twenty seconds, he seemed relieved that nobody was going to answer. That is, until Sakura came out, draped in only a towel.

"Lee? What are you doing here? I only just got out the shower and I'm still soaking wet".

Lee tried to not let the sexual connotations influence his thoughts, he did this to no avail, as the combination of her feminine figure outlined by the wet towel, which was slightly see-through in some rapidly increasing areas from water, and the phrase 'soaking wet' had almost caused him to faint in ecstasy straight away.

"Well?" Said Sakura, expectantly.

"Errr…" Lee really should have thought this through more, "I needed to… tell you something?" raising his tone at the end, question-like.

"Oh…well then, come in!" she motioned inside.

Following the towel clad figure inside, she once again motioned him to travel upstairs, till they arrived at her room, where she told him to wait while she hopped into the ensuite bathroom to get changed.

Lee, left to himself in her room, began to look around. It was beautiful, pictures of all her teammates dotted across the walls, including, Lee blushed, some exclusively of her and Lee. One, taken just before his surgery, occupied the space on her ceiling where her head would look when she fell asleep at night.

"Oh, shit. Lee, could you pass me a pair of…" Sakura's muffled voice seemed highly embarrassed, "panties…from the drawer? I forgot some in my haste to get changed".

Both Lee and, even though he couldn't see it, Sakura, went red s tomatoes as the sentence registered. He…was, what? After standing there for a few seconds, a cough from Sakura prompted him to begin walking the enormous (or so it felt) journey to the large oaken drawer in the corner of the room.

Lee opened the door, noticing one prominent object in there. An accompanying exclamation from Sakura was heard as she too remembered the object she had hurriedly placed in there when she heard Lee knock. Maybe he won't notice? She prayed subconsciously, remembering his feelings for her, and her hesitant feelings that she had thought of a couple of times, particularly around the time Lee was incapacitated in hospital following the first Chuunin exams, where she had brought him a new flower every day.

Lee had, however, noticed the pink, ribbed vibrator snuggled between the folds of the drawer, and had fallen over in surprise. Rubbing himself as he got back up, he looked hesitantly over at the object one more time before once again falling.

Sakura bit her lip, she assumed that the noises coming from the room could mean only one thing. She began to think of a course of action; first she would play dumb, then…

"Well? Hurry up then!" she called.

Finally steeling himself for it, he reached up, grabbed a pair of frilly pink panties, and rammed the door shut. Sneaking over to the bathroom door, he asked permission to open it slightly and pass through the clothing.

The door opened. What Lee was not expecting however was the positioning of the mirror, which fell upon the womanly curves of Sakura's naked body. He could only stare as Sakura, who had not seen, reached in to take the pants.

Suddenly, however, she grabbed not only the clothing, but also the outstretched arm holding it, flinging open the door and pressing her against the green man.

"Hey, Lee. Why don't you get that thing you saw earlier?"



Serious, guys, over 8500 hits and just fewer than 60 comments? (Minus those brave, brave and legendary souls who commented) Pick up the game, mates. I do this for the feedback.


Double lemon next chapter guys! Hopefully I won't get flamed for the LeeSaku, but I love Rock Lee, and EVERYBODY gives him a hard time in fics, he's the fall guy for others so many times that for once I found it fair to give him all he wanted. Naruto and Tenten are still going at it, but so are the other two, Lee doing so on Naruto's command.

As always, reviews are appreciated, I don't know how many times I have to say this, but yeah, I need reviews to survive in writing, I'm a reviewevore.

I have a lot on with school, so until either this goes off the first page or to the extent where I'm getting hardly any pageviews, or unless there is a huge spike in views or reviews (85 reviews all together would be enough for this, anon counted) expect a few days before the next instalment, maybe Wednesday, possible before if everything goes to plan.

POLL: Naruto\Temari or Shikamaru\Temari? I forgot Temari in the polls, thanks to one reviewer for mentioning this.