Forbidden Memories: Mercy

This is based on after Blood Bound but before Iron Kiss. Also as a reminder this is my first short story I have written so please be gentle and yes I know I suck. Enjoy! P

Mercy's POV

'Cold and bitter, something dripped into my mouth. I would have spit it out but it was too much effort. Gentle fingers, chill as ice, touched my check and someone whispered words of love against my ears...'

Mercy quickly shook her head, hard, "ugh stop thinking about that!" she screamed in her head. But she couldn't no matter how hard she tried from the next image coming.

'He leaned over and kissed me full on the mouth, a quick gentle kiss that told me I hadn't imagined the passionate words he'd murmured as I'd drank his blood the night I'd kissed...'

Her face colored at the though of that quick kiss. No! I can't think these kind of things. I am the last walker and Stefan was a vampire. We were born enemies, I didn't even want to think about how dangerous that would be. I would be the cause of Stefan's death and the death of many vampire's and werewolves once Bran found out. It terrified her at the very thought of what Adam and Samuel would do if they lost control of there rage. She nodded quickly. No matter how much pain it caused her she would rather die then to see Stefan hurt because of her. It was forbidden.

"I love you Stefan..." she said softy for the first and the last time as tears trailed down her still bruised face...

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