Kagome stood there looking at her father's tombstone praying silently to herself. She kneeled before the marble tombstone smiling sadly at it

" Hello father,' she began' its me Kagome, came to say hi. It's your 5 anniversary you know, everyone misses you. But I guess I miss you more for showing up to pray. I turned 21 last week finally finished with school. I'm in a business major just like you. I told you I'd make my dream come true, to bad you weren't here to see it. I'm getting married next March, he's such a nice guy father, and I met him at the universities café. He actually sees me as me, not like that asshole Inuyasha was." She took a big breath

" He only saw me as kikyou, you remember sister right, the one you had with step mom? She's still a senior in high school, they have a name for that, they call them super seniors 'tis a funny name don't you agree?" She looked at the sky above noting the darkening clouds she sighed again.

" Anyways, my fiancé is very nice, though 7 years older than me, we really do love each other. He's my yin as I his yang, He lost his two previous wives and was very cold, he told me I was his sun that melted the ice away with a smile. He has two sons' inuyasha and sesshoumaru and yes I mean the same inuyasha. Stepmother calls me a whore because I'm marrying kikyous boyfriends father, but I don't care, we fit perfectly together. I may have not been able to give him my most precious thing but he says I'm more precious than anything I could give him. That brought tears to my eyes cause he said something like that, I knew I could never leave him. Oh he's also a business tycoon runs his own company Of the Inu No Taisho incorporation. He's thinking of giving me my own building under no contract or anything, but he's willing to start me out a bit before I can do it on my own. Just like you father. And yet he's so opposite of you. That's what makes me love him so much." Thunder roared in the background and soon after rain started to pour lightly wetting the lily's she put on the stoned alter.

She heard the sounds of approaching footsteps and turned around, to spot the black business suit and swaying silver hair. An umbrella covering his face.

" What are you doing out here in the rain? You're going to get a cold Kagome." He lifted the umbrella revealing a youkai who held markings of the west, his ears pointed and fangs showing through his tender smile.

" Touga kun. I just came to pray to father san." She said smiling also showing off her petite fangs

The proud Inu No Taisho bowed before the gravestone and walked towards his fiancé. He held out a gloved hand in which Kagome appreciatively took in her gloved hand as well, wiping off her clothes and picking up her black trench coat which was now dirty with mud.

" Come Kagome, sesshoumaru is waiting for you. He's having trouble in need of female assistance." He sighed

Kagome giggled slightly, which was like soft bells to his ears

" Well then lets go shall we?" she walked away only to be pulled back into her beloveds arms. She looked up into his molten eyes that burned darker than the sun itself but brighter than hell.

" You know what?" he asked

" What?" she questioned

" You look good in the rain." He brought his face down to her lips in a gentle kiss, in which she gave back, before both of them left to go back home.

It was the rain where the lovers met.

It was the rain where it washed away their pain and brough them joy in love.


I hope you enjoyed it

it was very sweet, thought of this as my dad worked on the internet for the computer in our room. I'm so happy.

Review please

Lady Luv out