Me: Hi!

Sheera and Hikaru: Welcome to Loda's 2nd Fiction

Me: Yeah….where did you come from?

Sheera: Good question.Hikaru?

Hikaru: Uhm….

Me: Well anyway, let's get on. And Sheera?

Sheera: Loda doesn't own Naruto

At the Time of the Kyubbi

''Yondaime!! No! You can't do this to your Son or Yourself! You'll die!'' A voice shouted. The Yondaime smiled but that soon faded away. ''I have one wish. Sarutobi?''

The man looked up. ''When you become Hokage make sure they see Naruto as what he should be: A Hero'' Sarutobi nodded. Suddenly two Figures appeared. An ANBU Squad rushed in. ''don't'' said the Yondaime. The smaller Figure took off her cape. It revealed a 10 Year old girl. The other did the same and showed a 13 Year old boy. Both had the Hiteis of Shadow on. The Moon. Sarutobi smiled. ''We're Anbu Captains'' the girl said stern. ''These are my Brothers Children. Last of the Kazama Clan'' Arashi said. Iruka stared. ''Uncle, why don't you let us take Naruto with us to Shadow? It would make his Life easier!'' And the same for you Hikaru'' Arashi said. ''I want him to be Here'' he said again.

''Well'' he said ''I must be off'' Arashi jumped out of the window with the Baby in his Arms. ''Naruto.. .'' Hikaru and Sheera thought.

Later shouts of Victory were heard as the Kyubbi vanished. Just after, shouts of Sorrow were heard. The Kyubbi was sealed.

10 Years later

''NARUTO, YOU IDIOT!!!'' Sakura screamed at him. ''Stop attacking Sasuke!!'' Neji sighed. Sakura isn't really bright , is she? He thought. Sasuke snarled at her. ''It's a Spar'' he said.

Suddenly a Huge Falcon flew over the group. Two people jumped off and walked towards the group. ''Uzumaki Naruto?'' the man asked. ''Yeah?'' Naruto asked stuttering. ''Is that really you?!'' The girl said and hugged him. ''Can't…breathe.. .'' Naruto said turning blue. The boy picked the woman up. ''Sorry 'bout that.'' He said friendly. ''I'm Hikaru and this is Sheera. We're your Cousins'' he said. Naruto and his friend stared. ''R.R.Really?'' he asked astounded.

''Do you know your real last name?'' Hikaru asked when they were eating Ramen. Surprisingly Sheera loved Raman just like Naruto. ''Of course. Uzumaki'' he replied.

Both Sheera and Hikaru's Faces turned bright red. 1st they were angry and 2nd Sheera was choking. ''Wait here'' Sheera said with a forced smile and disappeared in a wisp of Shadows.

Sarutobi stared open mouthed. ''SHEERA?!'' he almost shouted. Sheera quivered and slammed her fist on the desk. That made the Sarutobi cower. ''He doesn't even know he's a Kazama!'' she shouted. Sarutobi looked away. ''I know'' he whispered. Sheera gave him a disgusted look and saw Naruto's Files. Her eyes went big. They wanted to make Naruto a Missing Nin?! ''Transfer him to Shadow…NOW'' he said coldly. That voice could freeze Fire all over again.

Sheera walked outside and saw Naruto crying on a Bench. She walked over. ''Naruto? What happened Hikaru?'' she asked. ''Well that pink haired freak said that Naruto was Selfish and Jealous of Sasuke, that he's not a real Ninja because he doesn't have a Bloodline and that he doesn't deserve to live.'' Hikaru replied holding Naruto.

''We're going now'' Sheera said. Hikaru picked the unconscious body of Naruto up. In a whisper Sheera said ''Konoha…you're going down''