Summary: Naruto Uzumaki, age sixteen, lives with his brother Kyuubi Uzumaki, age eighteen, and mother Kyuubi Namekaze since his father Minato Namekaze his childern when he was five and seven. His mother remarries a man by the name of Fugaku Uchiha. Kushina went from Uzuamki, her maiden name, to Namekaze, Minato's name, and now Uchiha. Fugaku lost his wife when his two sons, Sasuke, now age sixteen, and Itachi, now age eighteen, were twleve and fourteen. Sasuke and Naruto had known each other since forever. Not the best of friends, but what happens when the most popular kids and the losers become brothers?
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Not now, but maybe someday... What? I girl can dream, right?
Couples: Main: SasukeNaruto. ItachiKyuubi. Hints Of: KyuubiHaku. SaiNaruto. GaaraNeji. More to come.

Chapter Two

First period Naruto had English with his old neighbor and uncle, Umino Iruka. Iruka and Minato were brothers. Kushina and Iruka called each other their brother and sister still. Kushina was an only child, and when she married Minato, she gained a brother-in-law. After divorcing Minato, her and Iruka became even closer.

"Good morning Naruto-kun." Iruka said as Naruto entered his class.

"Morning Iruka-san." Naruto said smiling at his teacher slash uncle. "How is your new life coming along?" Iruka asked. He knew about Naruto and Sasuke becoming brother even before Naruto did.

"Okay." Naruto anwsered. Naruto took a seat in the back next to Kiba. Infront of Kiba was Choji, and infront of Naruto was Shikamaru. "Where's Sai?" Naruto asked looking around noticing he wasn't be harrased by the boy.

"Maybe he's not coming in today..." Kiba said hoping he was correct.

"NARUTO!" The four looked to the front of the room to see Sai standing there with his arms up. He ran torwards Naruto, jumped on his desk, and hugged the boy.

"Nice to see you too Sai." Naruto said hugging the boy back. Sasuke was on the other side of the room with his friends. For some reason, he didn't like Sai all over his brother.

'Wait..' Sasuke said in his mind. 'Since when did I reconise him as my brother?' He asked himself. 'I guess he is my brother...' Sasuke sighed.

"How was your summer Naruto-kun?" Sai asked sitting onto of Naruto's lap. "Your mother got married, I heard." Naruto nodded. "How come we weren't invited?!" Sai wined.

"It was a small wedding." Naruto explained to his friends.

"Do we get to meet this new family?" Kiba asked.

"Someday..." Naruto said with his foxy grin.

"Well, Shikamaru's sweet sixteen in in two weeks. September 22! We have to throw this man a party!" Kiba said excitedly.

"Troublesome..." Shikamaru mummbled.

"Ouch..." Naruto mummbled. "Sorry for missing your sweet sixteen in July, Kiba..." Naruto whispered.

"It's okay, but you missed one heck of a party!" Kiba said to the blonde, who laughed. "I remember Choji's sweet sixteen!" Kiba said. "There was soo much food there."

"Didn't Naruto pass out from to much food or something?" Shikamaru asked.

"Yes he did, and I got to take care of him!" Sai said bragging. Naruto blushed.

"So Shika, the party's at your house on the 22?" Naruto asked his lazy friend who just nodded. "Sweet."

"What about you Naruto?" Sai asked. "You're sweet sixteen. It's coming up soon too."

"I'll have it somewhere." Naruto said.

"Why not your new place?!" Kiba asked. He really wanted to see the new house.

"Don't think you'd like it there... That place is really something with everyone there."

"So who arere your new siblings that you won' talk about?" Kiba asked rcocking and eyebrow.

The bell rang for class to begin. 'Oh Kami... SAVED BY THE BELL AGAIN!' Naruto yelled happily in his head. Next class Naruto had Science with Anko. "Oh joy... First day back and we have to deal with the devil!" Naruto cried. Sai hugged him. "It's okay Naruto-kun! I'll protect you from her!" He yelled. Naruto and Kiba were laughing.

"Listen up twirps." Was the first thing that came out of Anko's mouth. "Don't think because it's your first day of school you get no homework... I'm giving you a project. Groups of three. It'll be done by a week. If you don't turn it in by one week, you get zero points." The class wined. "Group one!" She shouted. "Gaara Sabaku, Neji Hyuuga, and Shikamaru Nara. Group two! Hinata Hyuuga, Sai Matsuki, and Tenten Mushi. Group three! Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka, and Temari Sabaku. Group four! Shino Aburame, Lee Rock, and Choji Akimichi. Lastly, group five! Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, and Kiba Inuzuka!"

"Why does God hate me?" Sasuke asked letting his head fall to his desk. Gaara and Neji were sitting no each side of him. Both starred at him for a bit.

"It won't be that bad working with Naruto and Kiba." Neji said.

"Not Kiba... Naruto..." Sasuke muttered into his desk.

"So?" Gaara said. "Unless!" He said smiling.

"Naruto and Kyuubi are your new step brothers?" Neji asked. Sasuke nodded. "Ouch..."

"Sucks for you." Gaara said smiling. "The boy who hates you and you love is now your brother." He laughed.

"Shut it Gaara." Sasuke snapped at him. Both Hyuuga and Sabaku were laughing. "Stupid friends..." Sasuke whispered.

"Great... Just great!" Naruto whispered to himself.

"So Naruto, can I come to your house or what?" Kiba asked. "For the project?" Kiba was now using the puppy dog eyes.

"NO!" Naruto said. "I invented those eyes Kiba! You can't use them on me." He crossed his arms.






"FINE!" Naruto said throwing his arms up in the air.

"Yes!" Kiba said smirking.

"Inuzuka! Uzumaki! DO YOU WANT DETENTION ON YOUR FIRST DAY?!" Anko yelled.

"No." Naruto said smiling.

"To bad. You do. Both of you after school." Anko said. Naruto and Kiba both growned.

So Naruto went through third period, lunch, fourth period, and fifth period. After school he and Kiba waited for Kyuubi to tell them that they had detention.

"Hey Kyuubi." Naruto yelled waving.

"Hey Naru, Kiba." Kyuubi said smiling. "Coming home?" Kyuubi asked his brother.

"Anko gave us detention." Naruto said in an annoyed voice. Kyuubi chuckled.

"That's Anko for ya. Either I'll pick you up or someone will. Kiba too?" Kyuubi asked. Both younger boys nodded. "Kay. See ya later bro." Kyuubi said walking away to his car. "HAKU!" He yelled waving to his boyfriend. Naruto only smirked.

"Maybe you're new father will come pick us up in a limo or something!" Kiba said excitedly.

"Don't get you hopes up... My mom's not impressed with Fugaku-san's money, but she actually loves him." Naruto said smiling.

"So his name is Fugaku, huh?" Kiba asked smirking. "What's his last name?"

"You wish." Naruto said walking off inside.

"Come on! I don't wanna call your mom 'Miss Uzumaki' anymore. Now what should I call her, hmmm?" Kiba asked his friend.

"Call her Kushina." Naruto said. Kiba pouted. Both walked into Anko's class.

"You're one minute late to my detention!" Anko yelled. Both flinched. "SIT DOWN AND DON'T TALK!"

After and hour of lecturing and yelling, Kiba and Naruto were let go. Once outside, Naruto and Kiba sat on the sidewalk, waiting for someone to pick them up.

Beep. Beep.

It was the sound of a horn. Naruto looked up and saw a black car. There were four cars in the driveway at his new home. A navy blue car that belonged to Fugaku, a fire red car that belonged to Kushina, a dark green car that belonged to Kyuubi, and a black car that belonged to Itachi. This ment Itachi was here to pick them up.

The car stopped infront of the two. The side windows were tinted, so Kiba didn't see the driver right away. Naruto stood up so Kiba did. He opened the car door and slid in, Kiba slid in after him.

"Hey Itachi." Naruto said waving at his step brother.

"Hey Naruto-kun." Itachi said smiling. "Kyuubi-kun said that you'd have a friend with you. Who's this?"

"Itachi, this is Kiba. Kiba this is-"

"You're Itachi Uchiha!" Kiba yelled. "One of the most popular guys in our school! You're brother is Sasuke Uchiha!"

"I have more than one brother." Itachi said smirking. Kiba looked at Naruto, then Itachi.

"Wait... Naruto, you're telling me that this Fugaku is the Fugaku Uchiha... Who owns millions of corporations? Father of Itachi Uchiha and Sasuke Uchiha?" Kiba asked.

"Yes Kiba..." Naruto sighed.

"That bastard is your brother?!" Kiba yelled in question form.

"Yes. Sasuke is my new step brother. Along with Itachi." Naruto said sighing. Itachi was still grinning like always.

"So to our house Kiba-kun, or yours?" Itachi asked.

"Well... Naruto, Sasuke, and I have a project so I guess your house." Kiba said.

"Anko's first day project? Due Friday?" Itachi asked. Both nodded. "I had to do that two years ago. She gets nicer later on in the year."

"That's not what Kyuubi told me..." Naruto whispered in an annoyed voice. "...I despise that woman." Itachi chuckled.

"Hopefully you'll grow on her good side." Itachi said still smirking. "I ended on her bad side... wasn't pretty." It was Naruto's turn to chuckle.

"You?" He asked. "On someone's bad side? Hah!" Naruto shouted. Itachi could never be on someone's bad side... He was like 'perfect'.

"I have to agree with Naruto. I can't see you on anyone's bad side... Not even Anko's." Kiba said looking out the window. The car ride back to the Uchiha-Uzumaki house was quite after that.

A/N: I know this stroy hasn't been updated in ages, and I don't know when it will be after this, lol. I was going through old stories and trying to update them. :)
Lot's of Love,