They gathered around the tower. The mood was anxious. Iruka made his way to a group of fellow jounin, all standing silently watching the tower.

Genma glanced at him and then made room for him in the group. Asuma touched his shoulder lightly, and Kurenai put her hand on his back and leaned against him. They drew comfort from each other; it was nerve-wracking, the wait.

Finally, the Hokage appeared on the balcony. Flanking him was the council, Jiraiya and Tsunade, with ANBU stationed around the walls. He looked out over the crowd.

"It's alright." He wasn't sure who breathed that. It could have been him.

"I am…incredibly delighted…to announce that a treaty has been signed between all the warring lands. As of today, the war is over!"

There was a stunned silence. And then a cry of joy that spread through the crowd, cresting in a wave of powerful release.

Kakashi watched Iruka. His heart pounded with joy, relief, excitement…but he watched Iruka. He watched Asuma grab Iruka and kiss him, soundly, followed by Anko and Kurenai simultaneously. They weren't alone-most of the crowd was engaged in similar activities. A blonde blur shot out of the crowd and collided with Iruka, sending them crashing to the ground. Naruto.

No one grabbed him. He stood alone, in the shadow of a building, and watched Iruka.

Later. Kakashi raised his head to the rain, feeling it wash over him like a blessing.

He was standing in front of the monument. The rain had started about an hour ago, but he hadn't left.

He wasn't sure why he was here. Everyone in the village was celebrating. Most of them were probably drunk by now. But he didn't feel like joining them.

"I wonder where Iruka is."


Kakashi blinked. He hadn't meant to say that out loud. But…

He turned and Iruka was standing there, the rain slicking his brown hair around his face. He was smiling gently, cradling a bottle of sake in one hand a pair of cups in the other.

"Had a feeling you'd be here, alone." Iruka held out the cups to Kakashi. Kakashi took one, feeling…oddly calm. Like a wound he'd not realized was there had finally scabbed.

Iruka poured some sake into Kakashi's glass, and then into his. Raising it, he saluted Kakashi and said softly, "to peace."

"To peace." Kakashi threw back the sake and gasped happily as the heat struck his stomach.


Kakashi held out his glass and Iruka filled it again.

After a few moments, Kakashi sighed. "We should get out of the rain."

Iruka smiled and bent down to set the cup and bottle on the ground. Straightening, he suddenly moved so he was standing in front of Kakashi. Reaching up, he pulled Kakashi's mask down. "Why?" he asked simply.

Staring into his eyes, Kakashi couldn't think of a reason.

Later. They lay together under the tree, watching the rain fall. There were no sounds but the patter of drops in the leaves and the soft, almost hypnotic sounds of their breaths.

"Iruka?" Kakashi tipped his head back to look up into Iruka's eyes. "I…"

Iruka smiled suddenly and kissed his nose. "I know, Kakashi."

Kakashi chuckled suddenly. "I'm an idiot."

Iruka laughed, shaking his head. "No. Not really. You're just…you've been alone for a long time."

Kakashi looked up at him. "But I'm not, anymore."

Iruka laughed, shaking his head. "And you'll never be alone again. I promise."