Our Unknown Love

Chapter 15 Part 2

Jude walked to the playroom to check in on Bailey who seemed to be having fun playing with his new found girl friends. She quietly stood behind the wall and slightly peeked her head at the side of the threshold to observer her son. At that moment as she watched him, she saw how happy her little boy was.

She couldn't believe at that moment that her precious little boy had cancer and still remained happy. Although he didn't really understand the full extent of everything, just that he was very sick. Even after the additional tests they ran, he still managed to remain positive, strong, brave and most of all happy. Jude wondered where he got such a positive outlook on life. The child like happiness Bailey obviously got from her, although he was still a child himself the happiness always seemed to be there.


She remembered one time when Bay was three years old; he was playing with his favorite toy car, a blue Viper that Tommy had given him. He loved it because it was exactly like Tommy's. One day Bailey had raced the little blue Viper against an orange Ferrari. He pushed the two cars very hard, of course putting more strength into the Viper so it would win. Well Bay had pushed that little Viper just a bit too hard and just as both cars were crossing his imaginary finish line; the Viper winning by a nose had crashed straight into the wall directly in front of it. Now even though the cars were made out of die cast metal you still had to be very careful with them. Unfortunately, Bailey wasn't careful enough and majority of the damage was on the Viper leaving the red Ferrari with minimal damage. As soon as Jude heard the crash, she stepped into the hallway where Bailey was racing the cars and saw the so called accident that had occurred. Jude asked her son what had happened and Bay told her the whole story.

She remembered the look on Bay's face that day. Some kids would have probably cried or ran to their parents to tell them what had happened. But in Bailey's case it was the total opposite. Jude was the one who rushed out of the kitchen to see what had happened. Instead of Bay crying or getting angry, he picked up the broken Viper and its scattered pieces and gave it to her.

Jude smiled as she looked at her now four year old little boy and replayed Bailey's comment about the Viper incident in her head.

"Here Mommy," Bay started off placing the broken toy in the palm of her hands. "It's time for my Viper to go to toy heaven," he finished off quietly and smiled. What's funny is that Jude didn't see him upset or angry about the loss of his favorite toy. She only saw acceptance in his face.

The only person who didn't seem to accepting about the Viper going to toy heaven was Tommy.

Jude thought it was so adorable when she saw Bailey comforting Tommy instead, "It's ok Tommy. It was the Viper's time to go," and Bay hugged Tommy and Jude just laughed quietly to herself. After the small comfort Bailey gave Tommy, he was off to his room smiling finding something new to do or a new favorite toy.

End Flashback

Jude finally smiled out of her memory and called her son.

"Bailey," she called out and he looked up at her smiling to acknowledge her.

"Are you hungry sweetie?" Jude asked in her motherly tone.

"No mommy, thank you," Bay replied sweetly as shook his head.

"Okay, but if you do get hungry I want you to come and find me. Alright?"

"Yes mommy," Bailey said lastly and resumed playing.

Jude smiled at her son then turned to walk out into the foyer. As she turned she came face to face with Gwen and Gerard. They too, were looking at their new found grandson playing with his cousins and admired him from a short distance. Jude suddenly reminded herself of her oh so recent attack and outburst on the patio when she had almost bumped into them and knew she needed to make things right.

"Uhh, Gwen, Gerard…can I talk to you both for a bit, over there?" Jude asked softly as she pointed towards the foyer.

The parental couple smiled at Jude and Gwen replied, "Sure," but instead led them back into the parlor where they previously were.

Jude politely requested that they sit on the chair for two they sat on earlier. As they did she nervously paced in front of them. Jude finally stopped and pulled the single that Tommy sat in just moments ago. She placed her hands on her lap, folding her hands together to control the nervous fidgeting of her fingers if she were to separate them, but it probably would not have helped since her left leg started to bounce nervously.

Gwen and Gerard looked at Jude noticing how fidgety she was. Gwen then took one of her hands and placed it on Jude's knee to cease the bouncing. Jude made eye contact with Gwen smiling at her to thank her for the gesture of understanding she was showing towards her nervousness. As Jude smiled, she then began to speak.

"I would like to apologize to the both of you for my childish and aggressive behavior towards Gwendolyn earlier." Jude cleared her throat to continue, "I was very angry and hurt about what she had called my son. I'm sure you understand my feelings being a mother yourself and would do or say anything to protect your child."

Gwen nodded to concur with the statement and Jude continued, "But it's no excuse for my sudden outburst or to attack on Do. I should have just walked away, but I didn't." Jude looked down at her hands and took a deep breath to continue.

"How I acted is something that you should have never seen, especially since this is the first time we've met. I really wanted to make a very good first impression to you, but that obviously didn't turn out as I had planned. I just ended up embarrassing myself and Tommy."

"Jude dear," Gwen tried to interrupt but Jude cut her off quickly to finish.

"I am truly sorry for the negative actions that I've shown you and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me and give me another chance." Jude finally finished and displayed a shy smile to Tommy's parents.

Gerard looked at his wife speaking to her with his eyes, he said, 'This one is definitely a keeper,' and he smiled. Gwen then replied mirroring his thoughts, 'She definitely is and she is perfect one for Thomas.'

Gwen turned her head to look back at Jude and smiled before she spoke. "Jude, to be honest with you, I was quite shocked with your behavior earlier. I never thought you would be disrespectful to us in our own home. I also never really expected that kind of action from you, at least from the way Thomas has always spoken so highly of you to me."

Jude's eyes saddened as she listened to the words of dissatisfaction from Gwen. She knew that she had just disappointed Tommy's parents and possibly him as well since he did not want her company earlier.

"Jude," Gwen softly called out noting Jude's change in her manner. "Although what you had done to Gwendolyn was appropriate and as I said disrespectful…I don't blame you." Jude's head immediately shot up as she thought she may have misheard Gwen. She looked at Gwen with furrowed brows showing a bit of confusion. Gwen noticed and explained.

"Dear, like you, I am also a mother. I'd do anything and everything to protect my family especially my children from harms way whether it's physically or verbally." Jude continued to listen intently.

"I don't agree with what my daughter had said to you. She went way too far and was very disrespectful to you and Thomas, especially since she doesn't know you. Jude, if I were in your shoes and as young as you; I would have done the exact same thing." Jude looked up at Gwen feeling relieved that Gwen wasn't as mad as she thought she would be.

"Thank you Gwen," Jude smiled. "I promise you that I will try to control my temper and outbursts should another situation like that ever happen again," Jude told her honestly, "but I think your daughters and I will get along just fine now."

"Well I'm glad dear. But I do plan on talking to my two darling daughters and their so called attitudes," Gerard added after keeping quiet during the entire conversation between the two women.

"Jude, do you mind if I talk to you about something?" Gwen asked and Gerard politely excused himself from the next conversation that was about to occur.

Jude nodded, "Sure."

Gwen gently took one of Jude's hands in hers before she spoke, "Jude, I wanted to know…If you really love Thomas?"

Jude jerked her head back a bit surprised about the question. She never thought she would be asked that question from anyone, well may except from Sadie, but from Tommy's mother was a total shock to her.

Jude swallowed up some courage before she answered Gwen.

"In all honesty Gwen…" Jude began then inhaled and exhaled deeply to answer, "Yes, I do love Tommy…more than anything in this world," Jude pause a bit because Gwen has looked at her strangely when she answered, "but never before Bailey of course. My son always comes first." Jude then saw a smile on Gwen's face once she corrected herself.

Then Gwen continued on, "Jude, what will you do once you meet Bailey's biological father?"

Jude suddenly wondered to herself why Gwen was asking all these questions. She really didn't mind because it showed that she cared about Bailey, but it was rather odd considering they had just met.

"Well, I really don't know to be honest. I only know the man on paper." Gwen nodded understanding the situation.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was the man like on paper?" Gwen asked.

Jude smiled remembering the characteristics of the donor. "He seemed very passionate," Jude answered.

"How so?" Gwen continued. "Well, one of the main reasons I chose him was because he has the same passion in music as I do. He integrated his passion for music in his life. In a way it kind of reminded me of Tommy," Jude explained.

"What would you do if this man wanted to become part of Bailey's life? Would you take your son away from his natural father?"

Surprised by her questions Jude answered, "I would never take a child away from their parent because I know I wouldn't want Bailey ever taken away from me. As long as I see he's decent, a good role model for Bailey and if Bailey wants to spend time with him, then I'm all for it."

"And what will Thomas' role be in Bailey's life if there's this other man?" Jude started to get very suspicious of Gwen's questions, but did not want to further delve into it.

"Well, Tommy's always had the father role in Bailey's life since he was born and even before that, so I really don't think his role will change. If anything it will make Bay, Tommy and I much closer now that Tommy and I are actually together," Jude said simply to Gwen.

"I'm sorry Gwen, I don't mean any disrespect but why are you asking all these questions?" Jude finally asked after feeling a bit bothered of the current situation.

"Jude dear, I'm going to be honest with you as I have done with all my children and I don't want you to think that I am interfering in your life or Thomas' for that matter. As mother, all I want is for my children to be completely happy." As Gwen spoke to Jude she began to tear but continued. "To find someone they love and someone who will love them, unconditionally, just as Gerard and I had found each other long ago. I see that unconditional love between you and my son and with the love you both have for Bailey it also makes your love indefinite. I don't want to see my son unhappy. I don't want that love taken from him." Gwen finally finished wiping the tears that trailed down her cheeks.

Jude too, had tears in her eyes and quickly wiped before she could respond to Gwen's speech. She clearly knew now where Tommy had gotten his love and passion for life from, his mother. Not that his father didn't have it. Jude could feel that connection with Gwen just like she felt with Tommy when he spoke to her about love and their so called relationship before they were they were actually in one.

Jude got up from her seat and sat where Gerard had sat next to his wife. She hugged Gwen and reassured her.

"Gwen, I want to thank you for sharing your concerns with me." As Jude pulled away she then placed her hands on top of Gwen's, "I want you to know that you have nothing to worry about. I love Tommy, unconditionally. I think I've always loved him, but I was concerned about my mom leaving us, focused on my career and then Bailey that I never really focused on finding love, not realizing that it was right in front of me. You don't have to worry." Jude finished then looked at Gwen and they both smiled at each other.

"Thank you," was all Gwen could reply.

Both women stood up and then hugged one more time to end their discussion. They both felt very satisfied, Jude with her apology and Gwen hearing that her son was loved by the one woman he also loved. Jude left the parlor and Gwen knew where she was headed next.

The only thing now left was for Tommy to tell Jude the news. Gwen only hoped that Tommy would tell soon and that Jude's feelings would remain true just as she had told her.

In the gardens Tommy was sitting under one the hundred year old trees with his back leaning against the trunk for support. He had been sitting there for the past ten minutes or so, just thinking and talking to himself.

"You know if a stranger were walking back here they'd think you were crazy for talking to yourself," Tommy heard above his head. He looked up to see the owner's voice and smiled faintly.

"Hey Dette! What are you doing here?" Tommy asked his female twin.

Claudette smiled, "I should be asking you that. Are you ok?"

"Yea, I'm fine," Tommy replied quickly. His sister glared at him knowing he was lying. Being a twin had some advantages in their case.

You know how they say that when you're a twin you can easily communicate with the other. You know what they're feeling, or what their thinking. Well in Tommy and Claudette's case they did know. They knew when there was something wrong, when sad or upset and they both tried very hard to hide it from each other and failed miserably.

"You know you can't lie to me," Claudette told him.

"Yes I can and I told you, I'm fine. I just wanted to be alone and now you're here," Tommy spat.

"C'mon To-To. Tell you your big sis what's bothering you," she said in a childish tone. Tommy laughed as he listened to Claudette.

"First of all we're twins. Faternal, but we're still the same. And second your only older by 2 minutes."

"Yea, whatever! C'mon Tom, tell me what wrong," she demanded as she sat herself next to Tommy.

Tommy inhaled, let his breath out and sighed. He knew he could trust to tell Claudette just about anything. She was really the only one who knew about Jude and what had gone on between them. Tommy always valued Dette's advice because she was the only other person, other than his parents and Jude that he could count on because she would never judge him.

"Ok. I'll tell you, but you can't say anything to Tam, Do and Jude," Tommy ordered.

"C'mon Tom you know me better than that. Why would I want to tell them? And why not tell Jude?"

"Fine, but you can't tell Jude because I have to tell her myself. Other than Mom and Dad, you're the only one who knows. Promise?"

Dette held her right had up showing Tommy, "Yes, I promise. Now spill!"

"I just found out that I'm Bailey's father," Tommy started. Claudette sat there with her jaw dropped and speechless.

After quickly recovering from the shock she asked, "But how is that possible?" Tommy then told Claudette the entire story that he told his parents and about the recent phone call which led to the good news.

"That's why you're out here by yourself, to think," Claudette confirmed and Tommy nodded.

"Yea. I'm trying to figure out the best way to tell Jude. Wondering how she'll take all of this."

"Tommy, I don't know what to say really. I mean I just met Jude today, but from what you've told me about her, she's smart, understanding and loving. And from what I've seen today I can see that she does truly love you."

"You're right Dette, she is all those things and then more and that's why I love her."

"Then why are you worried. The worst thing you could do is lie to her. Your best bet is telling her the truth."

"You think I don't know that!" Tommy responded.

"Look, if she loves you as much as I think she does, then she will be happy and accept the fact that you are really Bailey's father, but it's not like you haven't been acting like a dad to him already. Tom you been playing the role of "Daddy" to Bailey for over 4 years now. The only difference is that you just found out that it's true. So in reality it's not going to make any difference, it will only make things better."

Tommy smiled at Claudette knowing what she said is true. His dreams of becoming a father someday have now come true. They've always been true he just never knew it. "Thanks Dette!" Tommy said as he hugged his sister.

"Anytime," she said back.

Just as they finished their conversation they heard the crunching of the grass behind them. Tommy and Claudette turned around to look at the unexpected visitor.

"Am I interrupting?" Jude asked with a smile as she caught sight of Tommy rubbing the back of his neck. Claudette looked between the two knowing she had to leave.

"No," Claudette spoke up as she was getting up from sitting on the grass, "I was just leaving. I'm gonna go hang out with the kiddies in the house," she said. Claudette walked in Jude's direction, stopped in front of her and gave her a quick hug, smiled then walked off towards the house. Jude looked at her strangely but thought nothing of it.

Jude sat next to Tommy where Claudette previously sat.

"Hi," she softly spoke then Tommy rubbed his temple.

"Hey," Tommy replied the same with a sad smile and Jude kissed his softly.

"Are you ok? I know something's bothering you," Jude simply told him.

Tommy smiled again, "And how do you know something's bothering me?" he asked.

"Tommy as long as you and I have known each other, we've talked about everything and anything and we've always accepted each other's company when asked."

Tommy nodded to agree because they never declined going with the other when asked.

"The times we wanted to be alone to think you know we'd hide from each other until we were found. And you just rubbed the back of your neck and you temple earlier which means you're stressed. And when you're stressed it's either work or your angry or sad about something," Jude finished.

Tommy shook his head knowing what Jude said was true. He finally accepted it and he just had to tell her.

"You're right, there is something bothering me and we have to talk about it," Tommy said bravely knowing she had to be told.

"But first this," Tommy said turning to face Jude and he took her face in the palm of his hands to capture her lips. He kissed her lovingly and held her hands in his then finally spoke.

"Jude, baby, you know I love you more than anything, and I would never do anything to hurt you intentionally."

Jude nodded to agree, "I know baby. I love you too."

"And you know I love Bailey as much as I love you."

"Of course I know that Tommy. You've loved him since the day you found out he was conceived. Sweetie, just tell me what's wrong already."

Tommy breathed deeply so he could begin to explain.

"Jude, remember how you told me that the fertility clinic was going to call the anonymous sperm donor so you can speak to him?"

"Yea, I remember. Why?"

"What was the name of the lady you spoke to at the clinic?"

"Her name was Aileen. Why?"

Jude looked at Tommy strangely as he took his cell phone, started pressing a few numbers and then handed her the phone and told her to press number one and then listen.

"Tommy, what's this all about?" Jude asked.

"Jude, just press number one and listen," he ordered and she obeyed.

You have two new messages. First message, Tuesday, two, fifteen, p.m. (beeeep)

"Hello this is Aileen from the Toronto Fertility Clinic. This message is for a Mr. Thomas Gerard Du Tois. I am calling in regards to the anonymous sperm donation you made approximately 9 years ago. If you could please return my call as soon as possible I would greatly appreciate it," Aileen explained briefly on the machine and left her number.

As soon as Aileen's voice ended, the phone dropped from Jude's hand onto the grass beside her and her jaw dropped. Jude looked at Tommy in wordless disbelief. She slightly backed away from her seated position and scrambled to get up and Tommy followed.

"Tommy, is this some kind of sick joke?" Jude asked.

"Jude, do you think I would joke about something this serious?"

She shook her head, "No, I know you wouldn't…but what does that message exactly mean Tommy?"

He stepped forward towards her and she stepped back. Tommy stopped where he stood understanding she needed the distance.

"Jude, I called the clinic earlier and spoke with Aileen," Tommy explained.

"And what did Aileen have to say?" Jude asked feeling nervous to hear her boyfriend's answer.

Tommy was feeling terrified. He was debating with himself as to whether or not he should continue, but he knew he had to.

"She told me that my sperm which I donated was received by someone. I needed to contact her because her child was ill."

"Did she say anything else?"

"No, except to contact the person who received my sperm and she gave me the name."

"And what name did she give you?" Jude asked.

She knew that it was probably ridiculous for her to ask that because she of course knew the answer. But she felt it was better for her to hear it for herself directly from him his lips. Tommy answered knowing she wanted to hear it herself.

"Aileen told me…"Jude Harrison."

As soon Jude heard her name and her name left his lips there was nothing between them except for utter silence. Finally she spoke, "So you're Bailey's biological father?"

"Yes," was the only thing he could say for now.

"So, you being in the role of Bailey's father, was never a role, but maybe a natural instinct?" Jude stated in the form of a question.

"Possibly yes," Tommy replied.

"How long have you known Tommy?" she asked with slight bitterness in her voice.

"You heard the message yourself Jude. I just found out today."

"But the message was from Tuesday Tommy!" Jude said, her voice becoming louder.

"I know Jude, but I hadn't been home for the past several days if you recall. Since Monday if I'm not mistaken when we found out our son was sick," he reminded her firmly.

It was true; he hadn't been home since that day. They both had been busy with work, worrying about Bailey, doctor's appointments and medical testing, and getting use to being an actual couple. Although that would not have made any difference because they had always acted like a couple. If anything they were just more public with their affections and now knew that they loved each other.

"Don't call him that!" Jude shouted.

"Call who what Jude?" Tommy asked.

The bitterness he heard in her voice was starting to confuse him, thinking she would be happy, but he was wrong.

"Do not call Bailey your son!" Jude shouted louder than before. Tommy was hurt from her outburst but spoke up anyway.

"But he is Jude! Bailey is my son! I'll even get a DNA test if you want." Tommy cried back with tears starting to form. He couldn't believe that Jude was contradicting the fact that Bailey was his. Bailey was actually their son. His and Jude's.

"Jude believe me, I was just as shocked as you when I found out earlier. Just ask my mom."

"Your mom, Tommy? You told your mother before you even spoke to me." Tommy clearly heard the anger in Jude's tone and explained quickly.

"No, I didn't tell her before you. You know I would never do that to you."

"Then how did she find out?"

"She pieced things together on her own. She received a call from Aileen on the same day as I did."

"Why would they call your mom Tommy?"

"Well you know about the whole "Boyz Attack donation" that Chaz told you about."

"Yea I remember and now I know how I got inseminated with your sperm."

"Well all of my old numbers were no longer working and I had listed my parents as emergency and nearest relative contact. So the clinic contacted them and Aileen apparently spoke to my mother to get my updated numbers. But my mother knew nothing beyond that point because the clinic cannot disclose any information except to me."

Tommy explained as best as he could, in hopes Jude would calm down. Jude stood silent for a bit grasping all the information she just received.

"I still don't get how your mom found out?"

"Earlier when you told them about the fertility clinic and being inseminated she pulled me aside to talk to me. My mom told me about her call, giving my information to the clinic so they could contact me. Obviously I hadn't been home and my mom asked if I had checked my messages, which I hadn't until today which is the same message you just heard."

Jude couldn't believe that all of this was happening to her. She knew she wanted kids with Tommy someday since they became a couple. Yes it may seem odd for her to feel like that so soon, but after all they've known each other for years and being together with Tommy always felt natural for her.

Jude suddenly felt herself turn away from Tommy so she could walk to the other side of the garden. Tommy grabbed her arm before she walked away any further and pulled her back to the front of his chest where he stood.

"Tommy…please let me go," she told him.

He released her, "Jude we really need to talk about this. Please don't walk away. I love you Jude. I love Bailey. Please don't take my son away from me," Tommy pleaded.

Jude turned around looking into his deep blue eyes and was taken back at his last sentence, 'Please don't take my son away from me.' She then remembered her conversation with Gwen not too long ago…

"What would you do if this man wanted to become part of Bailey's life? Would you take your son away from his natural father?" "I would never take a child away from their parent because I know I wouldn't want Bailey ever taken away from me. As long as I see he's decent, a good role model for Bailey and if Bailey wants to spend time with him, then I'm all for it." "And what will Thomas' role be in Bailey's life if there's this other man?" "Well, Tommy's always had the father role in Bailey's life since he was born and even before that, so I really don't think his role will change. If anything it will make Bay, Tommy and I much closer now that Tommy and I are actually together."

Jude smiled sadly taking a few steps away from Tommy and turned to look at him again.

"Tommy, I love you too. I'm not walking away. I just need time to think and take this all in. You had your time to yourself, now please just give me mine," Jude requested. He nodded to comply and she walked off in her original direction, never looking back.

When Jude was no longer in view as she walked away Tommy decided to walk back to the house. Since a small weight had been lifted off his shoulders he was feeling slightly better. Now he only hoped that things would get better once he and Jude talked about things. And there would definitely be a lot of things for them to talk about.

Tommy walked in towards the playroom where the kids were all in and probably Claudette too. She had always loved kids and that's why she became a teacher for the younger ages. Dette always knew what to do with kids and had the patience too. She would always be the one to be with all the kids in one big group when she became tired with the adults.

As Tommy stood at the opening of the door and saw Claudette playing with the girls. He looked around then grinned as he saw his parents sitting at the window seat and Gerard was reading a book to Bailey who was seated in between them. Gwen saw Tommy and got up from her seat to join her son. Claudette noticed the woe in her brother's eyes just as Gwen did and decided to join them.

The three stood at the end of the hallway out of view from the children.

"So how'd it go?" Claudette first asked. Gwen looked at Tommy oddly.

He noticed and said, "I told her Mom, earlier," and Gwen nodded knowing the closeness of her twins.

Tommy looked back at his sister, "Well, she's definitely shocked to say the least. She wanted to be left alone so she could think."

Claudette laughed. "What's so funny?" Tommy asked.

"You two are so much alike it's funny. Earlier you wanted to be left alone after hearing the news. And now she wanted to be left alone after hearing it. You and Jude are really meant to be."

Tommy smiled at his sister's observation knowing it was very true. He and Jude were so much alike that they would butt heads when they would disagree on things.

"So what do you think she's doing right now?"

"She's probably walking around the garden, thinking or talking to herself. And knowing her she most likely called Mason or Sadie her sister to talk."

"Are you okay Thomas?" Gwen asked her son.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that Jude seemed so bitter earlier."

"Son, I think she was just shocked. Think about the situation. Why did she want to be inseminated instead being with someone she loves the normal way at that time."

"Well, I did ask her that and I did actually offer her to be the father."

"You did?!" Claudette quietly shouted. She was surprised that her brother would make such a bold offer.

"Yea, but she didn't want it and I even told her that I love her."

"So what happened?"

"When Jude was inseminated she was 18. She made the decision before she turned 18. No one really agreed to it, but she was determined so all we could do was support her. She didn't want to have sex with anyone unless there was unconditional love between them or us."

"So she didn't believe you when you told her you loved her?" His sister asked more intrigued and wanting to find out more.

"She did believe me, but she said it wasn't that kind of love. And stupid me at the time I was scared. You know I've never truly loved anyone before. But that all changed when I met her."

Gwen and Claudette continued to listen to Tommy as he explained.

"At that time I was 22 and Jude was 17 when we had the discussion. She knew that she was young, but she was ready for it. Jude's career was set and going strong, she had plans already to buy the house she wanted and already looked into the artificial insemination process. She didn't want me to be a part of it physically, mentally and emotionally because she didn't want me to be responsible for something that I was not ready for. I hate to say it, but she was right. I don't think I was ready at that time, but Jude definitely was. But even though I was not involved physically with Jude, emotionally and mentally I was."

Gwen jumped in to get a better understanding. "So even though you were not involved sexually or physically in the creation of Bailey, you were still part of the whole process?"

Tommy nodded, "Yes. I was there during the procedure. I was always with her during her entire pregnancy, even when she didn't want me to be. I was still there, until the day Bailey was born to now. I chose to be there for Jude and Bailey because I wanted to be."

"So you were always his father and didn't even know it." Claudette told Tommy and he nodded again.

"Me finding out today that I am really Bay's father is just bonus in my life, along with Jude and I being together. I'm gonna go find Jude so we can talk. But do me favor and don't tell anyone else yet until I talk to Jude first."

They all agreed and Tommy slowly walked down the hallway. He stopped and looked at his son who was now playing with his soon-to-cousins and smiled feeling so proud as any parent would of their child.

Jude sat in the gazebo by herself thinking about the news she received. 'Tommy is really Bailey's father. How is it possible? Well I know what happened. But still, of all people, I just happened to pick Tommy.' Jude remembered the day she was reviewing donor applications. It was only on paper, but this one person had won her heart.

Flashback to February over 4 years ago…

Vancouver Fertility Clinic

Donor no. 204242

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 150 lbs.

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue-Gray


Education: Business degree

Occupation: Music industry

Talent(s): Plays piano, guitar & sings occasionally, write music

Hobbies: Making music

Sports: Whatever I feel like playing at the moment


Food: Italian & Chinese

Color: Blue

Music: Any, mostly rock

Other: My sports car

About yourself: About me…One word to describe me is "Music." I live, sleep and breathe music. Music is my life. I see music in every aspect of my life, in the things I do, the people I see and in the things that happen to me. Music is the best way that I express myself. I see it as a way to communicate to the world and to the people in my life. Music is what keeps me grounded no matter what I'm feeling, whether it's happy, angry, hurt, and sad or even confused. Music is part of my heart, my mind, my soul. Music is my life line.

End flashback…

Different things began to float around in Jude's mind. 'God, even on paper we have a connection. How is that possible? And out of all times to find out that Tommy is Bailey's father is when my son. No, our son is possibly dying.' Jude felt tears beginning to develop and slowly drop onto her cheek.

To make matters worse, she was questioning her feelings all of a sudden. 'Why should it make any difference now that I find out Tommy is Bay's father? It should actually just be easier to accept, not difficult. I love Tommy. Bailey loves Tommy. Tommy loves us. But why am I having a hard time accepting it then?'

Jude felt so lost and confused that she needed to talk to someone other than her own mind.. Jude stood up and started walking around the garden as he made her call.

"Jude?" "Yea it's me."

"Why are you calling? Is everything ok? Is Bailey ok?"

"Yes he's fine, but I'm not."

"What's wrong? You know you can talk to me about anything."

"I know I can, but I want another set of ears. Can you call this number for me?"


"Hi Jude!" "Hi Mase!" "What's up?! Is everything ok?"

"Yes, everything is fine. I have Sadie on the line too. I had her 3-way you."

"Hey Sadie!" "Hey Mason!"

"So Jude, what's going on?" Sadie asked her little sister.

"Well I have some news for you guys, but you can't tell anyone yet, not even Dad or Kwest. And Mason you can't say anything to Chaz either."

"Fine," the other two replied together.

"So what is it Jude?" asked Mason.

"Oh, I know. Tommy proposed!" Sadie said excitedly.

"No Sadie. I wish it was that. It would probably be so much easier to deal with."

"Then what is it, Jude?" she asked. Jude let out a deep breath and said quickly somewhat mumbling hoping they didn't catch it, "Tommy is Bailey's father."

"What Jude? I thought you said, "Tommy is Bailey's father," Mason responded but repeated Jude's words much slower.

"Jude, did we hear that correctly. Bailey is Tommy's son," Sadie confirmed.

"Yes, that's what I said."

"How is that possible?" Mason asked and Jude told her sister and best friend the whole entire story and what had gone on that day so far. From when she met Tommy's parents, to the wrath of Tommy's sisters, 20 questions with Tommy's mom and finally receiving the news from Tommy.

"Guys, what do I do?" Jude asked the duo over the phone.

"The reason I did this was so I wouldn't have permanent ties with the biological father. I would never have to worry about him being responsible, hurting me or Bailey or leaving."

"And what difference does it make now Jude," Mason began.

"Tommy's always been a part of your life since you met him. He's been a part of Bailey's life since the day you had the insemination procedure done. He was there when Bailey was born and is still in your lives till this very day."

"Jude, why are you making this so difficult for yourself? This should be the happiest day of your life. To find out that the man you love is actually the father of your son," Sadie told Jude in a genuine happy tone. She didn't want her sister to be sad a moment like this when it was clearly a moment to celebrate.

"Jude honey, I think you know what to do. You're just scared," Mason explained.

"Jude, do you love Bailey?" Sadie asked.

"Yes, of course I do."

"Do you love Tommy?" she asked next.

"Yes. I always have," Jude replied.

"And don't you think Tommy has every right to have the role and title and Bailey's father? Especially since he's always been there for the both of you? He didn't even have to be there at the time since he wasn't Bay's father, but he was Jude. He was always there for in good times and in bad." Mason finished hoping Jude would no longer be confused.

Jude sat there listening to every word Sadie and Mason had to say.

"Jude," Sadie called out. "Yea." "Are you okay? Do you think you know what to do now?" the concerned sister asked.

"Yea, I think I do," Jude replied sounding still a bit hesitant.

"You think you know or you do know," Mason stated wanting Jude to make a decision and not doubt her own self.

"No, I know what to do Mase," she told him.

"Jude, the best answer would be to follow your heart, and you know what that is," Sadie said lastly hoping Jude would finally have her answer.

"Thanks for the talk guys. I really needed it," Jude told her sister and best friend.

"Anytime sis!" "No problem sweetie, you know we're always here for you," Mason reminded her.

"I know. Bye guys!"

"Bye Jude!" the other two said and the calls ended.

Jude walked around the garden and ended up at the pool. She walked around and sat at the end by the rock waterfall. The sound of the trickling water was relaxing and allowed her to clear her mind. She sat on the ground so her back was leaning against the pool and closed her eyes to enjoy the mock sound of a waterfall in paradise.

Tommy stood out on the patio looking around to see if he could find Jude. He caught site of her by the pool at his favorite spot, the waterfall. His own little paradise. He walked down in the direction to where Jude was at and just watched her. His eyes fixated on the beauty of his girlfriend. The closer Tommy got, the more nervous he became, not knowing what he should say or what she was going to say to him.

Jude heard the faint footsteps coming closer and becoming a bit louder. There was a slight breeze and she could smell his cologne in the air and knew he was near. As soon as the footsteps stopped she slowly opened her eyes and there was Tommy standing directly in front of her.

"Hey," he called out looking down at her.

"Hey," she replied. Tommy held his right hand out for her to take so she could stand up.

"Are you okay? Or did you need more time? Cuz if you do I could come back later."

"No Tommy. I'm fine. I think I've had enough time to think," Jude softly replied.

Jude looked at their hands perfectly entwined and tugged at him to walk with her back towards the gazebo. The reached the gazebo and sat down quietly facing each other leaving their hands attached.

"Jude, I wan…" Tommy started but was immediately cut off by Jude.

"Tommy don't, I want to apologize for how I reacted earlier."

"It's okay, I understand."

"Wait, let me finish." Tommy nodded his head for her to proceed.

"Finding out that you are actually Bailey's father is a big shock to me. You know I turned down your offer and did the insemination because I didn't want you to take responsibility at such a young age when I decided to have Bailey. But throughout the whole entire time, you decided to take responsibility anyway without even being asked. You have always been Bailey's father and now it's just reality kicking in that you are his father even by blood. Thank you for everything if I've never said it to you before."

Tommy smiled as Jude finished her little speech and from that he knew things would be okay.

"Jude, when I found out Bailey was actually mine; I was shocked just like I told you earlier. But at the same time I was so happy, ecstatic even. To be honest with you, you were right in the beginning that I wasn't ready to take responsibility for a child at that time. But the only reason I felt like that was because I was just scared."

"Why were you scared?" Jude wondered.

"I was scared because at that time when I said I loved you, I really meant it, and I have never truly loved anyone before until I met you. But you decided that our love was not true unconditional love. Well in reality it was, but I was too scared and stupid to admit it and correct you before. I took responsibility for you and Bay because I love you both and I wanted to. I was ready to be a father from the very beginning. What I wasn't ready for was to admit that I truly loved you."

"So are you truly ready now to love me and Bailey, unconditionally, Tommy?" Jude asked.

"You're not going to keep Bailey from me?" Tommy asked. Jude was surprised that he brought it up earlier thinking that she'd actually do that.

She immediately shook her head, "No Tommy! I would never do that to you. And even if someone else were the father I would not keep them from getting to know their son if they really wanted to be a part of his life. But in all honesty and I should have said this before, I'm so happy that you're Bailey's father and I wouldn't want it any other way."

Tommy smiled and leaned into Jude's face and kissed her sweetly. Jude smiled back after they pulled apart and wrapped her arms around Tommy's neck and hugged him tightly.

"I love you Tommy," Jude whispered in his hear. "I love you too Jude."

"So what do we do now?" Jude asked.

"Well, my parents and Dette know and you told Mason and Sadie. I figured we could tell Bailey tonight and everyone else here tomorrow and tell everyone else once we get back home. And as soon as we get back I'll also get a DNA test."

"Tommy you don't have to do that."

"Jude, I'm not saying that I don't believe I'm Bay's father, because in my heart I know he's my son, I can feel it. And no matter what happens true or not he'll always be my son. Our son."

Jude smiled at Tommy as he proudly called Bailey his son.

"But just as a precautionary measure, I want to get tested and they might need Bay too," Tommy explained.

Jude kissed Tommy and replied, "Sounds like a plan to me. I think we should have a party on Saturday. Let's invite you family over to the house so everyone can get to know each other," Jude suggested.

"That's a great idea. Especially since Bay's first chemo treatment will be that Thursday he could use the cheering up."

After Tommy's last comment Jude began to tear realizing that the other part of their reality was their son had cancer.

"Oh, baby, don't cry. I'm sorry I mentioned it. I just wanted to agree with your idea," Tommy comforted as he pulled her into his arms.

Jude wiped her tears, "it's okay. It's just another part of our reality that we have to live through."

"Baby let's not talk about it until tomorrow once we tell everyone here because we may need them to get tested for a bone marrow match if needed. But for tonight, let's enjoy each being together as a family. Okay." Jude smiled and nodded to agree.

Tommy moved Jude back a bit from the hug to look into her eyes.

"So who did you call?" He asked to change the sad subject.

"What do you mean?" Jude asked innocently.

"Don't play dumb Harrison. I know you called someone to talk. So who did you call?"

Jude smiled, "Sadie and I had her 3-way Mason."

Tommy smiled knowing he was right. "I knew you call one of them."

"How did you know?"

"I know because if you can't talk to me when there's something bothering you, you either talk to Sadie, Mason or Kwest."

"So who do you talk to when something's bothering you if you don't talk to me?"

Tommy smiled because she knew him so well. "I usually call Kwest, Dette, or Chaz."

Jude and Tommy continued talking about the news. They both knew there was still a lot to discuss, such as living arrangements, changing Bailey's name, the media if and once they find out. All in all, everything was looking up. But there was one last important thing they had to take care of.

From a distance Jude and Tommy hear footsteps coming near followed by, "Mommy, Daddy where are you?!"

Claudette suddenly appeared with Bailey by her side. "This little one here was looking for his "parents," she said.

Jude and Tommy looked at their son and smiled, and thanked Claudette for bringing him as she walked back towards the house. Tommy picked up his son and placed him on his lap. Jude pushed Bailey's hair back away from his eyes.

"Bailey honey." "Yes Mommy."

"Um Tommy and I have something very important to tell you. Remember when I asked you about Tommy and how you call him "Daddy?"

"Yes Mommy I remember. You said Tommy wasn't my real Daddy because he's not the one who made me."

"Yes that's right. Well I have something to tell you about Tommy."

"What about Tommy, Mommy?" Bay asked looking up at his father.

"Bay honey, Tommy is your….."