A Double Trouble Sleepover


Bella POV

I sighed restlessly, turning over on my side, it was pointless. I couldn't sleep without my angel. He really did make my life complete. He gave me peace. I could imagine him when he came home from his hunting trip. He wasn't supposed to comeback until the morning. He would look perfect as always, and then we would go to our meadow, it was Sunday, and so we would have the whole time to ourselves, not a care in the world. An inspirational idea hit me; I got up and went over to my cd player. I put in the collection of songs Edward made me. Finally, that was relaxing; maybe I wouldn't be dead tired. It was hot, so I pulled off my shorts, my shirt so big that it was like a nightgown anyway. Drowsily, I drifted off and on in consciousness. From the farthest corner of my mind, I heard someone slid through the window. Then, they crawled into the bed with me, warm hands wrapped around my stomach, holding me. I snuggled closer to Edward. Wait, warm hands?!?

I sat up in a jerk and turned to face him. "Jacob?"

He sat up to and then a breeze blew into the room.

"Edward," I sighed in relief. However, the relief was short lived as his expression was murderous.

He thought that I was betraying him with Jacob.

"Edward," my voice cracked, "it's not what it looks like."

His voice was deadly calm, "Alice saw this, well, she saw your future disappearing, so I assumed that something had happened, I came home as soon as I could. I guess I was right."

"No, you don't understand," I choked, "I didn't know."

But Edward wasn't listening to me; he was staring at Jacob intently.

Hope built up in me as I looked at Jacob's guilty expression, and realize Edward could read his mind, and knew what he did. Yes, this was good.

Finally, he turned and looked at me with sadness and remorse in his eyes. "Oh Bella, I'm so sorry, I just assumed . . . but even if you had wanted, it wouldn't be my place to. . ." he trailed off, ashamed.

"No Edward," I jumped up and hugged onto him, his arms wrapped around me in response, he leaned down breathing in the scent of my hair, "it's always your place, I love you, I'll never leave you, I promise."

"What in heaven name is going on in here Bella?"

Suddenly, the door burst open.


Horrified, I turned around.

"BELLA? What . . . who. . ." he looked like he was choking, he was getting so upset, "why . . . YOU!" He finished, pointing at Edward accusingly. "What are you doing in here?"

"Wait a second," I interrupted, "what about Jacob?"

"Jacob? What about him?" He turned around. "What the-JACOB!"

He shook, literally. "You . . . I . . . can't even . . ." he drew off again. "I will be back, don't even think about leaving." He finished with a death glare and stalked out of my room, slamming the door.

"Oh no," I murmured, before everything went black.