A/N: Just to let y'all know that i have no ownership over ANY of the Sonic characters:( even though i wish! and please no harsh flames or i will...do something unspeakable! (smiles menacingly)


Centuries ago…Our planet was ravaged by war and destruction by an evil robotic race called the Obanoids…They are commonly

described as ferocious half-lizard, and half-robotic creatures that some say their only sole purpose is to destroy.

At first when they arrived at our peaceful home we thought it would be a peaceful greeting, but when they nearly destroyed our capital

city we knew then that the peace and harmony was about to end. Years of war and fighting have left us tired and longing for the way our

lives used to be, and the Obanoids left us no where to run or hide. They murdered millions and burned the twisted corpses in their reactors

for energy for their ships and factories.

We gathered a few stragglers of our planet from the many battles we had around the world and created an army of freedom fighters.

We had almost 100,000 fighters on our side ready to fight to a bloody death if we had to…and we did. More than two-thirds of our army

was wiped out on one battle alone. We had to destroy the main factory, which was the main producer of the creatures. A small fire team

managed to sneak inside unnoticed and shut down one of the many generators, but one of the thousands of sentries that were guarding the

generator saw us and raised an alarm…we never stood a chance.

Mechas poured out of the duct work, and every crack in the steel coated walls was crawling with flesh ripping Nano-Spiders. The

team was hopelessly out numbered and they got cornered on one of the many tall steel coated walls. Then totally out of the blue a dark

figure in ebony armor and a red cape materialized in front of the team and unbelievingly managed to push back the robots and lead the

team to safety. Then just as he appeared he disappeared into the hoards of robo-lizards that were pursuing them…he was never seen

again, and some say he only came out into the darkness to help innocent people…we called him Ebony Force.

A/N: Yay! the prologue is done! Well? Please give me answers! - Shadow will be in the first chappy!

A/N: Oh! and by the way...if your not sure on what a Nano-Spider is...its a robotic spider made out of free thinking nano-bots (Ferocious little boogers!) and most things can't hurt them! (But i won't ruin anything) Super-Nerd!:Aka ShadowXHedgehog574