
Rated so for I just can't picture someone younger than me reading this...I may use certain references to certain...things


You guys know I suck at titles ::rolleyes::

The idea for this ficcie was born right after I spent three(or was it four?) days non-stop, youtubing (just like the Death Note one…yup)

It took some sleepless nights as well

Heh…Sleepless…get it?

...damn…it sounds funny when you haven't slept in days, nevermind…

Oh-kay, as stated by the summary this will be another AU ficlet((...and won't be angsty (not much at least)))

::groan : 'does she ever give up?' ::

I eventually will succumb to the lack of sleep and get a nervous breakdown…until then, I'm typing my stress out

And that means Tsusoka…I'm so darn predictable

Ugh….I wonder if I will ever move to something that's not Tsusoka…It's my OTP and uh…apart from my LMxJU…the only pairing I write about

Woe is me and my narrowmindedness


Disclaimer: I don't own Yami no Matsuei or Loveless or anything, I just own my computer…and hands and…brain…

((Before you feel like murdering me…you should know that I don't believe in 'seme' and 'uke'))

((Another note: my concept of AU may be different to yours))

"System initiate"

We were taken aback by the abrupt inversion of the colors in the background

It was suddenly so cold…

He wasn't much startled by this

But I could see the way he tried to avoid eye contact with the other group

"With this spell, I proclaim a battle!"

He shivered

I could do nothing but to hold his hand, hoping it would give him some courage, you know?

His gaze fell to the midnight blue grass

"We accept"

My clutch on his wrist tightened

It wouldn't end like this


It had been a normal day

I knew I hadn't studied for the Biology test, and didn't regret it

The teacher hated me with a passion

And I tried to make obvious the fact that I hated him back

I smiled softly as I took a pre-test snack out of my backpack…apple pie…yummy

Someone catcalled, others laughed, I heard several 'ew's and why not? a couple of insults were thrown around

But I had only been focused on my damn apple pie

My teacher came in, started yelling around, yadda yadda. Whatever

The he announced the arrival of a new student


My gaze left my unfinished slice of apple pie

A boy my age was standing next to Mr. Sela

And he had no ears


Dad's going to Japan this Thursday and I can't bring myself to ask him to buy the YnM manga for me…GUHHH…::headdesk: I hate living in a relatively conservative society

Hmms…I shouldave written more

I just wanted to think what you thought about this fic idea
