Hello everyone! So, these are poems that are almost haiku, only not...as in, they have the same qualities, but they aren't in 5-7-5 format. Some of them aren't even 3 lines long! There are some people who still consider them haiku, though, so I decided to post them. I'm not great at haiku, but I don't think I'm too terrible...so please tell me what you think!

Special Announcement: New Baten Kaitos challenge! Let's get 200 BK stories up before December! We need less than ten, we can do it!


Shocking blue hair

Rustles in the breeze

Making her blush


Watching it melt

In her warm, pink hands

She mourned the snowflake


He held her mask

Cursing it for hiding

Her perfection


'Stone-carvers blood,' he said

Confirming my suspicions

I bow my head and mourn my mother


As the blood ran down her hands

She realized that she could never stop


The boat rocked mercilessly

Water, he thought,

Is a very interesting thing


A leaf caught in the wind

Flying through the air

Reminding him of what he didn't have


The clouds parted

Sunshine fell upon all but her

See Authors Note 1...

The picture developed

She cried as she saw

That Lyude was still frowning

Xelha (See Authors Note 2...)

A tear fell down her face

At the thought

Of another unanswered letter

Authors Note 1: This one was inspired by Legacy Now's story Pieces

Authors Note 2: This one was inspired by Fan Fan Girl's story Sincerely Yours

Like them? Hate them? Let me know! I can't improve if nobody gives me criticism!

It took me forever to actually write all these out. I had to keep re-doing them because they were more of a summary than a moment, as a haiku should be (See? Criticism helps! Thank you Fan Fan Girl!). I think I got them at least somewhat right, but I'm not sure.

Oh, and as for the one about Lyude, I don't know if Almarde was his mother, so don't take my word for it. I would like it if she was, though. It also seems to be hinted at during the game...

Again, there is a Baten Kaitos section-wide challenge going on. Let's try to get to 200 Baten Kaitos stories before 2008! If we try hard, we could probably do it by December!