A/N: Okae! Here again ^_^ Many thanks to those who wished me Happy Birthday, I'm very happy! MElly thinks I'm weird for writing notes upon myself? Hehe, I don't blame you though. I am an odd, insecure person who seeks help from her fans from fan fiction. nonetheless it keeps me sane- somewhat. Anyways.words about the story? Hmm.well I'd like to thank Li Blossom for volunteering to help me with the Chinese mess ups because I don't know the difference between mandarin, Cantonese, etc.^_^ and I'm sure there was another person but I don't have time to check that over right now --; since you all want me to finish this story to fast, I will.best I can ^_^ (Oh, Japanfan, about the hamster story, I'll have to contact my brother upon that one because he's super busy right now due to his IB program school, he says he has to write some TOK paper which determines if he graduates with a "nice" diploma or not ::shrug::)

Sheng Xin: Chapter 23: Iron Chef Card Captor Sakura Style Part II! Cook like you like you've never cooked before!

Where we left of before: Unexpected stuff happened and it turns out that Syaoran will have to battle against his fiancées and discover who can cook the best! Oh dear, what will become of this battle? Find out in today's Chapter!!

~~~And so it was decided. Syaoran will battle.~~~

Syaoran barely flinched as he raised an eyebrow. "I.I.I am going to cook? "

Meiling giggled, "Ooh, he doesn't stutter too often."

Eriol nodded, "that's right. And now for the challenge. You see, we would like to test everyone's cooking skills but first, we would like to see what you would do with a basic dish. So Kinomoto, cute descendant, and Ming Li, show everyone your skills. "

Syaoran twitched. 'Why did he call me that again-especially right now?' he thought.

Eriol lifted his hands and gestured to the audience. " For this special episode.we have some special limited rules.it's based upon a theme to show your skills as a house cook. ^_^ Everyone, for your first dish, you must be able to make fried rice. No, stop staring at me that way. I said fried rice and I meant it. As for your second dish, you must make miso soup unlike any other miso soup. How? I don't know, I'm just hosting this show. Lastly, you must make a desert dish ^^! Of course there is a catch. You must USE the main ingredient in these two dishes. You must also portray the main ingredient the most within your dish best you can." Eriol began to walk up to the post to unveil the main ingredient.

"As for the main ingredient, it's."

Eriol whisked away the cloth to reveal the ingredient.

Eriol stared at what appeared to be the "ingredient". "It's umm.what is this.?"

Meiling interrupted. "I believe they're bars of Chocolate."

Chocolate? A/N: Don't ask, got bored..

Ming arched a brow, "You expect us to make fried rice and miso soup with chocolate?"

Eriol shrugged, "I didn't expect you to make anything with chocolate."

Meiling sweat dropped, "Chocolate fried rice and miso soup.nasty."

Yelan handed Eriol a note card. "Read this." Winks at Syaoran.

"Hmm? It says.you must be able to play with your ingredients if you wish to have children.especially with chocolate."

Syaoran fell over.

"What's that supposed to mean? --;"

Meiling giggled. "Dunno Syaoran, what does that mean?" then smirked.

Eriol sighed, "Okae people, let's get this CHOCOLATE battle over with. We've barely got any more time for this. Introductions should have only lasted 5 minutes or so. We've wasted 15 minutes. "

Eriol stood center stage, "LET THE CHOCOLATE BATTLE BEGIN!!"

Sakura and Ming dashed for the Chocolate ingredients upon the table and collected a fair amount to begin with. Syaoran slowly sauntered to the chocolate and delicately chose his chocolate ingredients.

"Hmm.Hershey's chocolate, that'll do.and ooh.this English stuff, Cadbury.. per-fect.'", Syaoran said to himself with a delighted grin. He rushed back to his battle station and laid the chocolate upon the counter. He chopped the pound of Hershey's chocolate into a fine flaky powder.

Meiling came onto the scene with Tomoyo doing video tape close ups. "Nee, Syaoran, we see that you've chopped up a pound chocolate into a flaky powder, (A/N: redundant I know, just think of what Ohta would do anyways =P) what do you plan to do with this chocolate powder?" Syaoran smirked and said, "Himitsu desu. "

Meiling arched a brow, "'It's a Secret!' he says lady and gentlemen. That's expected from Syaoran I suppose, well then let's see what Ming and Sakura are up to!"

Tomoyo and Meiling sprint to Sakura's vicinity. "Ooh, it looks like Sakura- chan is melting her chocolate after chopping them rather roughly. What do you suppose she's making?" Dr. Hattori asked to the weird Fortune Teller lady, Hosogi Kazuko. Kazuko-san shrugged. Fukui-San noted that Sakura was working quite fast and seemed vexed. Japanese actress Maya Namura giggled, "I think she's trying to make chocolate milk soup perhaps?" Fukui shook his head, "Isn't that much too simple?" Kazuko-san nodded, "Much too simple, indeed."

Sakura sweat dropped at their comments and thought "Hello..I'm RIGHT HERE, and I can HEAR you." Despite their comments, she worked on her little chocolate creation. Meiling shoved the microphone in front of Sakura's face. "Sakura-chan, what exactly is it that you are making? Is it really chocolate soup just as the judges think?"

Sakura smiled genuinely. "Actually.."

"Actually what?" Meiling asked.

"Actually, I have no idea what I'm doing." Sakura admitted cutely.

Meiling face faulted. "Think girl! THINK!!" She then moved over to Ming's area.

"And what are you up too? Looks like you're grinding your chocolate?"

Ming arched a brow." What does it look like I'm doing? "

"I meant what you going to do with your chocolate when you're finished grinding it?" Meiling rephrased.

"Turn it into soup or rice because that was the requirements right?"

"Well.I suppose so."

"Good, now leave."

Meiling sweat dropped. "That's cold."
A/N: meh..can't think! Hahahaha loss of inspiration.I'm sorry, its' like spring break now and I've been busy and getting involved with my life..yeah ^^; I noticed I still receive emails from u people and I'm truly sorry. I should finish, you guys like this story that much? If u really do, I will finish for the fans ^_^ cuz' u guys deserve a happy ending.